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Who owns the most beautiful face in the world?

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Who owns the most beautiful face in the world?
Who owns the most beautiful face in the world?

Video: Science Says This Woman Has The Most Beautiful Face In The World 2024, July

Video: Science Says This Woman Has The Most Beautiful Face In The World 2024, July

The most beautiful face, what is it? And who decided that it was she who deserved such a high rank? The concepts of beauty are so subjective that there is hardly a consensus on this. For a young man in love, the face of his girlfriend will seem most beautiful, for any mother - the look of her child.

The most beautiful face of the world is from Russia

And yet, every year there are numerous contests dedicated to female beauty. These vivid spectacles and their results are widely covered in the media. Wearing the crown of Miss World, Miss Russia and the like is not only prestigious, but also quite profitable. In addition to the sparkling tiara, the winning girl receives an impressive cash prize and the opportunity to build a stunning career in show business.


In October of the last year, 2016, in Mongolia, the results of the next international contest Face of Beauty International were summed up. Among 60 participants from all over the world, our compatriot became the winner. The owner of the most beautiful face lives in Krasnoyarsk and works as a journalist in a local television company. The girl's name is Alena Raeva, and this is the fourth such project in her life.

Golden ratio

The most beautiful face haunts not only representatives of show business, but also scientists. Many years ago, they came to the conclusion that the more symmetrical the features, the more attractive the person seems to others.

Specialist in plastic surgery Julian de Silva (London Center for Plastic Surgery) and her colleagues tried using computer mapping to show the world a perfect face.


The study was based on the rule of the golden ratio, the proportions of which are perfection. The ancient Greeks used it in the construction of their monumental structures, not to mention Leonardo da Vinci, for whom these mysterious numbers became just a stumbling block.

Dr. de Silva became the “experimental” of the most famous women of our time. A special program evaluated the location of the lips, nose, chin, eyes, cheekbones and the correctness of the oval of the face at 12 points. Among thousands of women's faces, 10 were selected whose facial features are closest to the ideal. They became:

  • Amber Heard;

  • Kim Kardashian;

  • Kate Moss

  • Emily Ratakovsky;

  • Kendall Jenner

  • Helen Mirren;

  • Scarlett Johansson;

  • Selena Gomez;

  • Marilyn Monroe;

  • Jennifer Lawrence.

But this was not enough for researchers. They tried to combine the individual features of the above beauties and create an absolutely correct and perfect face.


It turned out or not - everyone decides for himself. Although, probably, most will agree that it is better than Mother Nature can’t do it.

The most beautiful faces of people: the opinion of critics

On New Year's Eve, hundreds of the most beautiful faces were unveiled as part of the popular TC Candler entertainment portal. The rating was compiled based on the opinions of famous critics.

Among men, the championship went to Michel Heisman, known to millions of viewers for his brilliant role as Dario Naharis in the television series Game of Thrones. The 35-year-old actor is from the Netherlands, but his popularity came to him from his work in American film projects.


According to experts, the most beautiful face among the fairer sex belongs to the British model Jordan Dunn.

Dating site: Russian men ugly

The well-known Internet resource “Club of beautiful people” published data on the preferences of women registered on it. To join this community, you need to not only fill out a detailed questionnaire, but also get approval from the ladies present in it.

For some reason, the female half of this dating site does not favor Russian men. They are in the company of the British and Poles are considered the most unsightly for further relations.

The most attractive for the club members are representatives of Brazil, Danes and Swedes. It seems that the brutality of the harsh descendants of the Vikings is more to the taste of modern beauties.