
Konovalova Galina: biography, creative activity

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Konovalova Galina: biography, creative activity
Konovalova Galina: biography, creative activity

Tens of millions of people consider cinema an integral part of every person’s life. Someone can argue with this, while others simply agree, as this is the true truth. A variety of films and TV shows are a unique way to cope with stress, relax from the outside world and just have a great time at the screen of your own TV.

Have you already thought about what is the success of any cinematographic work? What is more important, storyline or acting? Most people are sure that it is the plot that makes the film interesting, but this is not so, because acting is something without which no film will become interesting and exciting. Today we’ll talk about one actress.


Konovalova Galina is a world-famous woman who was a magnificent cinema actress and an excellent theater artist. In 1993, this woman became the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in this short article we will discuss her biography, learn about the filmography and much more. Let's get started now!


Galina Konovalova, who is a popular artist of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russia, was born on July 19 according to the Julian calendar, or on August 1 in a modern way, in 1916 in the city of Baku, the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic. When the girl was only 7 years old, her parents moved to the modern capital of the Russian Federation, where Galina was admitted to the first grade of the school, which was located on Myasnitskaya Street. Then her sister went to the third grade of the same school.

The year 1934 was marked for our actress by entering the theater school. After 4 years, Galina was accepted into the troupe, so that her career in the chosen field of activity began to develop rapidly. After that, the girl began to appear in small theatrical productions, and a little later she was noticed and invited to other more famous theaters.


It should be noted that Galina Konovalova was married to theater actor Vladimir Ivanovich Osenev, who died on April 1, 1977 at the age of 68 in the capital of modern Russia. From the marriage with this man, the actress has a daughter, Elena, born in 1940.

Rewards and death

Over the course of her rather long life, this actress received a huge number of awards, among which the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” is definitely worth highlighting. In addition, in 1986, the artist received the Order of the Badge of Honor, and her next award dates back to 1993, when she became the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

It is also worth highlighting the Order of Friendship, which the woman received in 2011. In addition, in 2012, the actress received the Crystal Turandot Award, having the longest career in the theater. By the way, in the same year, Konovalova Galina, whose biography was already discussed in this material a little earlier, received an award called "Theater Star", performing the best female role in the popular play "Marina".

A woman died on September 21, 2014 in the capital of Russia at the age of 98. A great artist was buried next to her husband in the territory of the Vagankovsky cemetery, located in Moscow and founded in 1771.


By the way, the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Galina Lvovna, which began at 18:00 on October 25, was attended by such personalities as Lyudmila Maksakova, Rimas Tuminas, Sergey Makovetsky, Elena Sotnikova, Alexey Kuznetsov, Yuri Kraskov, Maxim Sukhanov and many others.


Galina Konovalova is an actress whose biography has already been discussed in this material, but speech has not yet been talked about filmography. During her very long career, the artist performed a huge number of roles in theatrical productions, but in the cinematographic works she played only 7 roles.

In this case, it is worth highlighting such works of cinema as “The Kremlin Courier”, “Konarmia”, “Great Magic”, “Dock”, “Long Farewell”, “The Bumblebee Buzz”, as well as “To Remember”. And now let's discuss in more detail some of the presented works of cinema in more detail!

“To remember”

This cinematic work is a popular documentary series, which was produced between 1993 and 2003, that is, for 10 years. In short, the project “To Remember” is a unique cycle of the rather famous actor of cinema and theater Leonid Filatov, dedicated to the actors of Russian and Soviet cinema, who, unfortunately, passed away.

It should be noted that the approximate duration of one episode of this project is 45 minutes, and in all over 100 episodes have been released over the entire period, the total duration of which varies within 5 thousand minutes. As you know, for the entire period of the existence of this program, the presenter managed to discuss a huge number of actors, their life and career in cinema.


Reviews about this TV show are quite positive. People are pleased that they have the opportunity to learn something new about the long-forgotten personalities of cinema. It should be noted that Galina appeared in new issues of the program quite often.

“Kremlin Courier”

This interesting film appeared on the screens in 1967, and Boris Nirenburg became its director. The storyline of this project takes us to the fall of 1919, when engineer Peter Ivanovich, who is actually a Bolshevik Marvin, brings a kind of letter to the United States of America sent to the workers of this state by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself.

After some time, the main character gets to his destination, and after he manages to publish this letter in a newspaper in the United States. I wonder what comes of this?


Reviews about this work are also quite positive. People like the interesting plot and the opportunity to plunge into those events that took place many years ago. All in all, this movie is recommended!