
Konstantin Vybornov: biography, career, professional activity

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Konstantin Vybornov: biography, career, professional activity
Konstantin Vybornov: biography, career, professional activity

Konstantin Vybornov is a sports commentator. A native of Moscow. Accounted for by the son of the famous correspondent Yuri Vybornov. Konstantin’s mom is Elena Smirnova, philologist. Konstantin has been working on television since the beginning of his professional career. In addition, she is engaged in journalism. He comments on football and ice hockey matches, biathlon races, international sports competitions. Participated in various entertainment television shows. He worked as a sports news commentator on Channel One programs. Konstantin Vybornov has two children. Married.



Konstantin Vybornov was born on September 29, 1973 in the capital of the USSR - the city of Moscow. His father, Yuri Vybornov, worked almost all his life on Central Television. In the second half of the 1980s, Yuri Vybornov regularly made business trips to Western European countries as his own correspondent for the Central Television.

The future commentator was trained at the 20th school of the city of Moscow, out of the walls of which he left a silver medalist. A little later he became a student at MGIMO. He graduated from this university with honors in the mid-1990s.

Employment on TV

At the age of 19, Konstantin Vybornov, whose photos are displayed on sports Internet resources, takes a job on television. In 2009, he received the position of freelance employee. In parallel with training at MGIMO, the future sports functionary, whose labor activity was connected with Channel One for a long period of time, had an internship at the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

In the mid-1990s, he got a job in the TV programs “Goal” and “SportUikEnd”. He takes part in the preparation and editing of sports blocks of various television programs.


Professional Development

Since 1995, he has become a TV presenter of sports news that came out as informational components of the Good Morning, News, and Time programs. Konstantin Vybornov worked in this position until 2005.

Since 2000, for nine years he worked in the Directorate of Sports Broadcasting of Channel One as a commentator. During that period of his professional career, he regularly led live broadcasts from football and hockey arenas for the Vremya and Novosti news programs, covering events prior to the matches.


Work at international competitions

Commented on the Olympic Games from 1996 to 2008. He made his debut in this field during the 1996 Olympics, which was held in the United States at the sports arenas in Atlanta.

He spoke for the first time as a commentator on the World Cup in 1998 and has since regularly commented on international football competitions. In 2016, commentator Konstantin Vybornov, whose photo is on the page with information about him and his professional activities on Wikipedia, covered the final game of the European Football Championship. In 2017, he commented on several games of the 2017 Confederation Cup.

Regularly covers ice hockey tournaments: Olympic hockey competitions, European tours and others.

For several years he specialized as a commentator on biathlon competitions. He covered the races held as part of the world championships.

During the 2004 Olympics, held in the month of August, he kept television diaries about this tournament.

At the end of 2009, he was expelled from Channel One staff and has since been a freelance employee. In this status, he is further engaged in commenting on various sports broadcasts on this Russian television channel.