
Kostyuk Andrey Alexandrovich: biography, career, family and photos

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Kostyuk Andrey Alexandrovich: biography, career, family and photos
Kostyuk Andrey Alexandrovich: biography, career, family and photos

“Young - everywhere we have a road. Old people are always honored with us, ”peppy words from a once popular song are relevant now. Especially when it comes to personnel shifts in organizations at the federal level, affecting the life of the whole country. Young and successful officials (such as the director of Rosavtodor Kostyuk Andrey Alexandrovich) are called upon to improve the lives of Russians.

Russia has two troubles …

Bad roads in Russia are a byword. On one of the direct lines in 2016, the president of the country admitted that, despite high costs, the condition of roads remains deplorable. If you look at the numbers, it turns out that a total of 675.7 billion rubles were allocated for the road sector in 2017, 684.5 billion rubles in 2018, and 680.4 billion rubles are planned to be allocated in 2019.


According to some reports, a kilometer of a new road in Russia is considered the most expensive in comparison with other countries. But here everything is not so simple. Huge territories of Russia are forced to carry building materials for the construction of the road sometimes for 300 kilometers, which naturally leads to a rise in price. But besides huge territories, there are other important components.


This company has many complaints and discontent from the government of the Russian Federation. An audit of the Accounts Chamber of the State Duma revealed a number of serious violations, which will be discussed later. From 2012 to 2018, this company was led by Roman Starovoit, and Andrei Kostyuk was his deputy all this time. According to the logic of things, these officials should, at least, be relieved of their posts. But it happens exactly the opposite.


On September 28, 2018, Kostyuk was appointed director of Rosavtodor, and Roman Starovoit was promoted to the position of Deputy Minister of Transport. At the same time, Transport Minister Yevgeny Dietrich thanks the former director for his good work, and presented Andrei Kostyuk as a hope for the future of Russian roads. The new director should raise the industry to a new level. Problem, yes, who pays attention to this?

The tribe is young, unfamiliar

The new director of the company at the federal level is only 39 years old, but the biography of Andrei Alexandrovich Kostyuk is more than remarkable. He was born on June 2, 1979 in the Amur Region in the city of Tynda. In 2001, received a diploma from the Military Transport University of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation. At the age of 23 he entered the service of the “Directorate of Transport Construction” under the Committee on Improvement and Road Facilities of the Administration of St. Petersburg, where he made a stunning career. Over four years of work, a young man from a specialist in the second category grows to the deputy head of the department of transport facilities.

In 2006, when Andrei Kostyuk was 26 years old, he was appointed to the post of deputy head of the Federal Highway Administration, and after a short time the young man moved to the chair of the director of the same institution. At 33, a talented official moved to Moscow to the post of deputy director of Rosavtodor, and after another six years - already director.

There is no war, but the hero is

Among other things, the director of Rosavtodor Andrey Kostyuk by his 39 years received 11 government awards, including six medals and one order. Here are some of the awards: the badge "For Distinction in the Traffic Police Service" II degree (2011), the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (2014), the medal "For excellent work and distinction" III degree (2015), Order of Honor (2017).


Given that, according to the Head of State, the roads are still in a deplorable state, the awards of the young official, at least, are bewildering and provoke questions.

Clean facade

Andrey Kostyuk has a respectable appearance, 2 higher educations, an excellent track record and an award list. He is an excellent family man, married, has a daughter. One can only be glad: what wonderful managerial personnel are present in government agencies, if not for one “but” … Even in St. Petersburg, two odious figures take under their protection. Former vice-governor of the northern capital, Alexander Polukeev and criminal authority Vladimir Golubev, aka Barmaley, aka Pigeon, aka Sizy.

Polukeyev and Golubev have long been fruitfully cooperating, but their reputation, to put it mildly, was nowhere lower. Therefore, a person with a clean track record and a crystal biography was needed. Andrei Kostyuk, a budding young man, was the best fit for the role of a clean facade. He was raised, fostered and brought into the "people." And they were not mistaken, the young man turned out to be in addition a very grateful personality.

For reference: Alexander Polukeev

From 2006 to 2009, Alexander Polukeev was vice-governor and oversaw the housing and utilities sector and the road transport sector of the northern capital. He became famous for creating a system of kickbacks and preferences in the field of road construction in St. Petersburg. In other words, the vice-governor provided benefits to those organizations that did not skimp on bribes. Among other things, Polukeyeva was ruined by a craving for luxurious life and its impudent demonstration. The trial of the fence on the shores of the Gulf of Finland is one of the scandalous cases involving the former vice-governor. By court decision, Polukeyev had to move the fence of his summer house 6 meters from the coast, as required by law.

For reference: Vladimir Golubev

Vladimir Golubev is better known as the crime boss of Barmaley. He served three times in prison for theft, fraud and robbery, was close to the Tambov organized crime group. His figure is so colorful that writer Andrei Konstantinov included Barmaley in the characters of his novel Gangster Petersburg. He is referred to as a person who makes a good impression. For Vladimir Golubev, image is not an empty phrase, so he tried to make acquaintances with famous people.


An affair with Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova also went to the treasury of a positive image. Trying to make people forget his past, Barmaley organized various meetings, picnics for important people, where the future director of Rosavtodor Andrey Kostyuk was also present. Photo Kostyuk with Barmaley confirm this.

Always come in handy

Another patron of Andrei Kostyuk was Oleg Belozerov. They were familiar from their work in St. Petersburg. At various times, Oleg Belozerov was the head of Rosavtodor, then Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, then First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Since 2015, he has been the head of Russian Railways. According to sources from Rosavtodor, Belozerov wanted to remove the director of Starovoit and replace Kostyuk in his place. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the arrival of Andrei Kostyuk in Avtodor, the team began to fever in the place of deputy director.


It was a thoughtful tactic. Gradually, the regional leaders were replaced by the right people, familiar from St. Petersburg. And in the head office, endless personnel shifts began. Heads of departments changed three times a year. The man did not have time to get into the course of things, as he was replaced by another. As a result, the entire industry suffered from the incompetence of the new leaders.


The apotheosis of personnel disturbances was the audit of the State Duma Accounts Chamber and its disappointing report. As it turned out, Rosavtodor did not finance the regions on time, and the road workers had to disburse funds during the period not foreseen for the construction and repair of roads. In simple words, in order to spend money on time, we had to put asphalt on the snow. Naturally, such a road the next year required repair or replacement. In addition, according to reports, the length of the constructed roads for the year exceeded the volume of actually commissioned facilities. The difference reached almost a hundred kilometers.

Rosavtodor is constantly blamed for overpriced construction, repair and maintenance of roads. The Accounts Chamber gives some figures according to the standards, road workers object that the standards do not take into account many components, therefore they do not fit into the budget. Here, as they say, everyone has their own truth. But it’s no secret that there is a tremendous saving on the purchase of materials for construction. The cheapest products are bought, and according to the documents, the material passes according to GOST, which is more expensive. Well, the difference goes away … Quality suffers from this, and the service life of road surfaces is reduced.

Last straw

On June 28, 2018, police and the FSB Investigative Committee searched the offices of Rosavtodor in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The reason was the criminal case of abuse of authority by management. Timofei Meshcheryakov, deputy head of land and property relations, was detained and charged with bribery. But this is the tip of the iceberg, in fact, investigators have a different purpose. Promote a case in which larger officials are involved.


If you do not go into details and simplify, then a brilliant scheme was developed at Rosavtodor on how to make money from the air. There is a plan for laying new highways and, accordingly, redemption of land, if they are privately owned. Entrepreneurial bosses bought these lands for nothing on the dummies, and then they sold them to the state at an inflated price, because commercial organizations evaluated them. The difference went into the pocket of officials. It is a coincidence or not, but after three months the director of Rosavtodor leaves with honor with a promotion, and the deputy takes his place. Here, as they say, no comment.