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Beautiful Adyghe names for women and men: meaning, characteristics and features

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Beautiful Adyghe names for women and men: meaning, characteristics and features
Beautiful Adyghe names for women and men: meaning, characteristics and features

Video: Felix Nakov on the Circassian sword (shashka) (Rus, Eng subs) 2024, July

Video: Felix Nakov on the Circassian sword (shashka) (Rus, Eng subs) 2024, July

A name is a person’s fate, his mission and his luck. That's the problem for potential parents! After all, you need to choose a name with a mind and imagination. But there is a certain category of names that are already boring and therefore not enthusiastic. And what about Adyghe names? They are atypical for the Russian, original and even extreme. However, a child with that name will definitely be an individual. Listen to how the name sounds and find out what it means.


About the people

Adygeans inhabit the autonomous region in the center and in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. Their land goes along the left bank of the Kuban and Laba rivers. And in the former USSR lived more than a hundred thousand Adyghe people. The native language for them is Adyghe. It belongs to the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Adyghe names are very beautiful, both primordial and borrowed. They are a close interweaving of Arabic and Russian languages ​​with the addition of notes of Mongolian, Turkic and Persian sounds. Arabic names entered the Adyghe language much earlier than Russian and therefore have already mastered the national language, adapted to it phonetically and grammatically.


The original Adyghe names are considered the oldest national anthroponyms. They make up approximately 40% of the total number of anthroponyms. Their structure is variable. Simple names come from adjectives or nouns. For example, the female name Dah means “beautiful, ” and Daegu means “good.” A very ambiguous interpretation of the names Fyzh and Shutse. They denote "white" and "black", respectively. Popular names obtained through the addition of words. They are mainly two-component, that is, they are a combination of a noun and an adjective, or vice versa. Most often they contain a certain rating or characteristic. An example is Khachmaf, which translates as “happy guest.” The name was formed on the basis of "hace" and "maf." By analogy, Psiymaf is the "happy leader", and Schumath is the "happy horseman." Of course, these are male names.


For the beautiful half

Adyghe female names often contain such a productive element as "gouache". Translated, it means "mistress of the family, the ancestor." He later received the meaning of "princess." For a lady, such a name is a symbol of respect and reverence. If you call a girl in the family, you can be sure of her prudence, honesty and loyalty to family traditions. But the sound is still very unusual for a Russian person. For example, Gouachefied is the "white mistress of the house." How to catch our ear the charm of such a name ?! And how do you like Guashnagu? Translated, this is "brown-eyed princess." Beautiful, interesting, but very specific. Very gently translated Guashlap - "dear mistress of the house." There are names that seem offensive at all. For example, Guashygak is a “short-nosed princess”. Suppose long noses do not adorn anyone, but having a nose characteristic in a name is not a very pleasant prospect.



There are also Adyghe names that are formed with the particle "gouache" and the borrowed word "khan". This, for example, Gouashhan, Hanguash, Hanfyzh or Hanziku. As well as two-component personal names with the name of the birthplace at the base. This, for example, Kaelashau - "city guy", Kodzhesau - "aul guy." Also in many personal names there is a component “hee”, which often has a negative color and translates as “dog”. The inclusion of such a component is associated with superstitions about the protective and protective function of the name. Because of this, boys and girls were called Hienashyu - "blind" and Hyeghur - "dry, skinny." And even today, most girls dream of being skinny, but giving them such a name is still too harsh.


In the animal world

We often call our children diminutive nicknames, we associate them with kittens, chicks and rabbits, but would it be normal to name a child in honor of a representative of the animal world ?! This, perhaps, can be argued. But there are such Adyghe names, and their meaning is laconic. For example, a boy can be called Tuguz, which means “wolf”. And if a guy responds to Blyagoz, then in his heart he is a "dragon". Against this background, Thjarko will be embarrassing, because he is just a "dove". Yes, this bird symbolizes the world, but it is not endowed with greatness. Will the little boy who was so named appreciate this approach?

Best wishes

How to understand that your parents love you very much? Not only according to their actions, but also according to their thoughts. For example, decipher the meaning of your own name - and you will understand what you wanted on your life path. Guchips was predicted "courage and firmness of soul, " and Guchesau was called the "son of a blacksmith." In Gucchetla they saw a hereditary “iron man”. Adyghe names for girls also have a connection with blacksmithing. Why? Yes, everything is simple, the so-called first-born children or those in whose families the first-born died. Parents carried the newborn to the forge, and there the blacksmith, as they say, "tempered" the baby by pouring water on him. Accordingly, the blacksmith also called the child.

Adyghe people are very kind to names, but they also have moments when the name expresses a negative attitude towards the child. For example, Amyd is “unwanted, ” Femy is “the one they do not want, ” Ramypez is “unexpected.” So they called the illegitimate.


Own quirks

Separately, one can distinguish beautiful Adyghe names that were given in pre-revolutionary times. Then, according to the customs of Adyghe families, the daughter-in-law could not name her husband by name, as well as his relatives. In the end, she gave them additional nicknames, common in everyday life. The mother-in-law became Guasche, that is, the "princess", the mother-in-law was now Peach, that is, the "prince". The brother-in-law was called Dahakash, which means "one who married a beautiful woman." You must admit that such an attitude flattered the husband’s relatives very much, and the wife looked meek and respectful. If it is customary in your family to come up with nicknames, then take this custom into service. It seems not burdensome, but so nice to feel like a "princess"!

By the way, historians believe that such names refer to patriarchy. They are still found in the villages of Adygea.


Historical facts

Adyghe male names regularly undergo changes, as more and more anthroponymic borrowings appear. They no longer give the boys such names that they can break their tongue. From about the second century BC, the ancient Adyghe-Meots looked closely at the Greek names from the slave owners. Then the names Agathon, Parnassius, Lettin, Timon, Dionosodor became widespread. Among women, Eutaxia became very popular. And already from the 15-16th century, oriental anthroponyms have been used with might and main in language. After the transition to Islam, they firmly entrenched in the national name. Names became shorter, hard and soft signs gradually disappeared from them. However, pronunciation standards have been preserved to this day. That is, the Adygs adopted the borrowings, but the names were presented in their own way.

Today's realities

Now more than 40% of Adyghe anthroponymy consists of names of eastern origin. These are Arab, Iranian, Turkic and other borrowings. More often than others there are such names as Aslan, Asker, Murat, Mahmud, Ibrahim, Yusuf and others. Among the female names in use are Mariet, Fatimet and others. Partially adopted Adygs and fashion in Russian names. More specifically, the Byzantine. This happened en masse after the victory of the Great October Revolution. Female names penetrate the language faster. This is probably due to their softness and euphony. Nowadays, such names as Svetlana, Tamara, Galina are popular in Adygea. There are also owners of short names - Paradise, Clara, Nina, Zara. Do not be surprised at the abundance of Yuriev, Vyacheslav, Oleg and Eduard. When anthroponyms penetrate from the Russian language, they very little change Adygs. In the Soviet era, anthroponymy began to consist of three components, that is, it included a surname, name and patronymic. All because the paperwork in the country was in Russian and in official documents the name included three key names. But in an informal setting, everything remained the same. Adygs do not recognize their middle name and, regardless of age, social status and other tinsel, turn to each other in their own way, exclusively by name. The logic is simple - at the tea party we are all friends and relatives.


Purely in the case

If you suddenly want to use Adyghe names for boys and choose the right one for your baby, then you should pay attention to the simplest and most concise. They have a distinct meaning, and because of the strong influence on the culture of the Russian language, it also has a pleasant sound. By the way, today for business communication the Circassians nevertheless began to use the appeal by name and patronymic. Influenced by the Russian language. In written speech and fiction, a personal name is supplemented by a surname, and it comes first. There are not many common and widely used names now. According to the directory, there are only 236 men and 74 women. Similar calculations were also carried out in Russia, and 970 male names turned out against 1040 female names. In addition, there are more than 1300 Adyghe surnames. In a word, there is plenty to choose from!

It is strange that even today among the Circassians, children are called not by parents, but by relatives in the family. For lack of these, neighbors take responsibility. The views, of course, are not the most progressive, and it is good that this situation is not observed in all homes and families. A rare Russian would wish his child a similar qualification, but it’s very worthwhile to use the Adyghe name list. Here you can find very interesting names. For example, Anzor or Anzaur. Very sonorous. Moreover, it translates as "prince". Baby Anzor will be strong and strong-willed, but also moody. Still, he is a prince, and this obliges. But Aslan (the “lion") will strictly guard his territory. He will take his toll in any situation and will not get lost in the crowd. If a child seems cunning from childhood, then he can be called Bazhene, which means "fox eyes." A very gentle and affectionate baby serves the name of Nanu ("child"). By the way, this name has no gender differences. For a little beauty, you can also pick up a lot of good names. For example, Aslanguash ("lioness"). Or Dana ("silk"). Or maybe Daha ("beautiful") or just Dag ("good")? Do not be afraid to experiment and surprise others. Today you can allow yourself to think outside the box and give children an amazing fate through an unusual name.