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Beautiful statements about the nature of great people. Aphorisms about nature

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Beautiful statements about the nature of great people. Aphorisms about nature
Beautiful statements about the nature of great people. Aphorisms about nature

Video: Nature Quotes 2024, June

Video: Nature Quotes 2024, June

Nature has always been an inspiration for man. People lived in the forest and lived thanks to the forest. They found everything they needed in the dark thickets and in sunny meadows. Today man has become much further from nature. But nobody wants to lose touch with her completely. Statements about nature help to understand what is important in life and what is secondary.

Human and nature

Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and not reckon with its laws. V.I. Vernadsky.

Today this statement about nature is relevant. Scientists, engineers, politicians are building a new world in which nature sometimes does not have a place. Gradually, a person takes life from the environment, erecting huge concrete boxes on the site of the forest. But nature does not always put up with this alignment.


Cataclysms in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes or floods sometimes wash away entire cities and destroy the entire population. All this happens because people do not want to take nature into their calculations. But how was it before? Before building a castle or a manor, before setting up a village, people waited and watched. They carefully watched how nature behaves in the chosen place and only on the basis of the conclusions made made a decision on development.

Such a statement about nature for children should be a warning. After all, the younger generation should learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, and not repeat them.

About revenge

Let's not … too deceive ourselves with our victories over nature. For every such victory she takes revenge on us. F. Engels.

This statement about nature is somewhat similar to the previous one. Man must live in peace with nature, and not try to fight with it. After all, how can one enter into a confrontation with an adversary who is obviously stronger? Such a rash act always comes around inexperienced war. But few people think about it. Man imagines himself the ruler of the world, and nature takes revenge on him for this.


Ozone holes, polluted water bodies, endangered animals - all this shortens the life of a person, as it reduces the life of the planet. Of course, we can assume that “after me at least a flood”, but with such an attitude to the matter, it is not worthwhile to start something at all. If we take into account the fact that every person comes to this planet by chance, it becomes clear that nature is experiencing humanity. She wants to see what people are capable of.

Do not fight with nature. Live in peace and harmony with her, because only in this way can a person provide his children and grandchildren with a happy life.

About second childhood

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we unwittingly become children. M. Yu. Lermontov.

How is an adult different from a child? Manners, etiquette, intelligence. But over the years, a person's true life guides go astray, and he begins the race for a ghostly mirage of success. A statement about nature demonstrates that each person can always return to his beginning. When traveling to nature, a person sees the true beauty that has surrounded his ancestors since ancient times. In such an environment, one involuntarily recalls childhood, running around, hiking with parents in the forest.


And will it be the next generation? Many modern children have never picked mushrooms or berries. They are far from nature, considering it to be something foreign. But only being in the fresh air you can relax and unwind. The quiet waving of grass and the rustle of foliage tune a person to calmness and pacification. A walk through the forest is akin to meditation.

Do not lose touch with your past. Get out into the forest at least once a month. Such trips will help you relax, gain peace of mind and briefly return to youth.

About love

Love for one’s homeland begins with love for nature. K. Paustovsky.

What is love? This is a reverent attitude to the object of adoration, the desire to protect and protect it. It is these feelings that every person should have for Russian nature. The uniqueness of our landscapes is amazing. Russia is rich in plains, mountains and caves. Forests, swamps, rivers, lakes - all this can be found on the expanses of Russian land.


In order to be imbued with love for your own country, you need to travel. Considering the incredible beauty, a person realizes that life is truly beautiful. You can not love the government, condemn officials, but traveling around the country and looking at landscapes, it is impossible not to fall in love. Magnificent views, amazing phenomena, fresh thoughts and exciting emotions - all this can be found not only abroad, but also in the vastness of Russia.

If you have already managed to fly to Turkey and Egypt, go to the Eurotour and see many foreign sights, this does not mean that you have known the true beauty. Nature is true inspiration, and there is no such stunning nature as in Russia anywhere in the world.

About stupidity

Nature is never wrong; if she begets a fool, then she wants it. Henry Shaw.

Sometimes, considering this or that person, finding out his biography, it becomes unclear why this person was born. One must learn to accept that simple thought that nothing is happening for nothing. A statement about nature and man confirms this. Yes, not all people are smart, and not everyone knows how to properly manage their mental abilities. But even fools play their part.


Due to the fact that not all people value nature, understand its beauty and significance, involuntarily thoughts arise in my head about true and false values. Life is a series of contrasts. Due to the fact that there is an alternation of something good and something bad, a person can realize his importance and importance. Nature needs every person. She accepts even those who destroy and destroy her. But you always need to remember a simple truth: nature without man can exist, but man without nature cannot.

About bugs

Nature is always right. Mistakes and errors come from people. Johann Goethe.

The statements of great people about nature are not only witty, but also true. How many people make mistakes? If each of the residents begins to count their oversights daily, then an impressive list will turn out by the end of the week. Are there errors in nature? A man sincerely believes that there are. After all, it is nature that gives rise to freaks, diseases and all kinds of parasites.

But nothing is done just like that. If a person is sick, then only he is to blame for his problems. Nature has nothing to do with it. After all, all diseases are given to a person as a punishment for bad thoughts or actions. It is much simpler to accept the simple fact that there are no perpetrators in this world. There are reasons that will necessarily lead to a denouement and will have consequences. And whether they will be, positive or negative, everyone decides for himself.

About study

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci.

Statements about the nature of great people are full of kindness. Each person tried to find something good in the space surrounding him. Leonardo da Vinci believed that nature needed to be learned. Yes and indeed, why not? Considering the existence of various manifestations of life in the forest, one sometimes wonders how they get along so well.


Even some native people cannot exist in the same family without conflict. And mushrooms grow quietly under the trees, ants always work for a common cause, and the woodpecker heals the trees, while finding food for himself. Such mutual respect, support and assistance to people is rarely available. In wildlife, all components are in balance, that’s what a person needs to learn.