
Crimean juniper: useful properties, types and interesting facts

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Crimean juniper: useful properties, types and interesting facts
Crimean juniper: useful properties, types and interesting facts

Video: Know Your Trees - Conifer Identification 2024, June

Video: Know Your Trees - Conifer Identification 2024, June

In total there are 71 species of juniper. It grows in several countries, including Russia. Today we will talk about those types of juniper that grow on the territory of Crimea. He was nicknamed "Crimean." Few people know that juniper has many useful properties. There are also some contraindications.

What is Crimean juniper? The healing properties of the tree and its contraindications will be described in this article.


Juniper Features

Juniper grows in deciduous forests, in which sunlight penetrates well. Low creeping species prefer rocks and slopes. Plants love the sun.

A large number of juniper species does not allow us to say exactly how resistant they are to frost. Some species grow well in the harsh climate of the Arctic. Others can only survive in subtropical conditions.

Juniper vulgaris propagates by seed. A creeping species is propagated by bends, and rare curative species are vaccinated with a vaccine to a species close to them.

The buds of this plant are completely bare. Scales are completely absent. They are surrounded by leaves. The leaves of young plants look like needles. In mature ones, they become like scales.

Juniper berries are flakes that fit tightly together. As a result, a bump is formed. They are called cone berries. Their maturation occurs the next year after planting.

Those varieties that grow in the territory of Crimea are called Crimean juniper. These relict type plants are incredibly popular among tourists. It has long been known about their truly unique healing properties.


Juniper History

In Spain, lamb was fried at the stake using a special blend of gorse and juniper. As a result, the meat acquired a subtle aroma. In France, only the hams that were smoked in juniper smoke were considered the best.

Juniper was also used in folk medicine, as well as sanitation. In order to expel a foul smell from a house, people specially fumigated the huts, using juniper for this. If the family was sick, the floors must be wiped with needles of this tree.

In order to have a healthy mind in the hut, the housewives raked the ash with special brooms all from the same juniper. At the same time, mosquitoes and flies survived successfully.

In Crimea, pieces of juniper wood were put in chests with things. This made it possible to save fur clothes from moths.

The ancestors were well aware that with the help of juniper it is possible to successfully disinfect dishes. Women steamed milk cups with juniper. As a result, the product remained fresh for a long time. This tree was also used to clean the tubs for mushrooms, cucumbers and cabbage. These techniques have been preserved to this day.


Junipers of Crimea

In Crimea, the following species grow: red, tall, smelly, hemispherical, Cossack.

Treelike or high juniper - a tree with a wide pyramidal or ovoid roof. His needles are greenish-gray. Fruits in ripe condition - purple-black. The trees are magnificent and slender. They are completely different from the northern relatives, who traditionally grow stlanet.

The smelly juniper looks like a tall one. Its cones are larger, brown-black. The smell of the plant is unpleasant.

Juniper Cossack - creeping plant. Shrub of decorative type. His scaly needles are spiny.

Crimean juniper prefers light. He is not afraid of drought and low temperatures. Very unpretentious to the soil. Blooms almost in the fall. Male flowers - spikelets of yellow color. Females resemble green buds. In their place, then cone berries will appear.

Prickly Juniper

Red Juniper - Red Cedar. This tree is 6-8 meters tall. Its branches are open. The plant is covered with needles that prick strongly. Its other name is Crimean prickly juniper.

Crohn cone-shaped. The bark is smooth. Its color is light brown. The leaves are dense. Two white longitudinal strips are pronounced on them. The wood is dense and durable, does not rot. Various crafts are made from it.

The Crimean juniper is an excellent decorative tree for the southern garden. Dry distillation of wood produces juniper oil. It is an excellent remedy against worms, it helps with skin diseases. It is also actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics.


The benefits of juniper

What benefit does Crimean juniper bring? The healing properties and contraindications have been studied for a long time. Now is the time to talk about it. The berries and needles of these trees contain healing essential oils. Their aroma is tart. It is well known that these substances have a harmful effect on microorganisms of a pathogenic nature. Just imagine: only one hectare of juniper is able to produce as much as 30 kg of phytoncides that are harmful to many bacteria per day. When phytoncides penetrate the lungs and bronchi, they remove all existing inflammations. The benefits of such forests for asthmatics and people suffering from chronic bronchitis are undoubted.

Juniper forests contribute to effective air purification. When a person inhales the aroma of trees, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized. It is possible to remove stressful stimulation. The mood improves significantly, the headache goes away, blood pressure returns to normal. Shortness of breath becomes smaller, sleep improves, immunity strengthens. If you walk along the juniper grove, your appetite will improve significantly. For excellent digestion, you need to drink tea with the berries of this plant. Also, this drink helps the kidneys work better.


Juniper application

Juniper berries have been used for a long time. So, in ancient Rome they were added to wine. Such a drink was an effective diuretic.

Crimean juniper is used in cooking, vodka production and brewing. Everyone knows such an alcoholic drink as gin. This is vodka that insists on the fruits of juniper. Thanks to these fruits, the drink acquires a special taste.

Jelly, syrups and jelly are made from juniper berries. They are also added to alcoholic tinctures. Juniper is also used in the canning industry. Thanks to him, the fish acquires a special aroma and unique taste. Also, the fruits of this tree are added to the dough for gingerbread and cakes. They are needed for smell. Chefs use them as a seasoning for game, meat and fish.

Juniper Beads

Today, beads are made from juniper. Used for this hemispherical or ordinary juniper. The height of this creeping shrub is 60 cm. The bush looks like a circle of regular shape. Beads are made of it in the Crimea.

The aroma of these wonderful wood products is truly fabulous. I immediately recall the sea landscapes, the noise of the Black Sea, the air of the mountains. You miraculously distance yourself from the big city and its bustle.

Crimean juniper beads become the basis for various products. They are used for Christmas tree decorations, rosary, children's toys, slingobus, bedding for car seats and hot stands. Traditionally, juniper beads are used for baby rodents. They are made of natural wood, paint and varnish are absent.

You can find beads from 7 mm to 26 mm. You can choose your preferred shape - a cube, an oval, a ringlet, a button.


Skin and hair care

Crimean juniper is often used to care for hair and skin. The essential oils of this plant have a profound effect on the hair follicles and the epidermis (its deep layers). If you steam the branches and root with boiling water, then such a natural hair conditioner will be most effective.

It is enough to grind the juniper berries with a blender and add it to the mask to achieve perfect skin condition. This active component contributes to the nutrition of the epidermis, and also provides an optimal lifting effect. After the first application, you can see the result.
