
Xavier Hollander: author and heroine of erotic novels

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Xavier Hollander: author and heroine of erotic novels
Xavier Hollander: author and heroine of erotic novels

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Video: Adore Red Band Clip Naked (HD) Naomi Watts, Robin Wright 2024, June

The notorious writer and journalist, a former representative of the "oldest profession" Xavier Hollander revealed to her readers many professional secrets of the "priestesses of love." Despite public opinion about prostitution, her books completely on the other hand reveal the intimate world of a woman who perfectly knows the art of seducing men.

Young years

Xavier Hollander was born on June 15, 1943 in the territory of present-day Indonesia in the town of Surabaya. She was a charming child. Perhaps the “beauty of mixed blood” contributed to this: on her mother she had German and French roots, and on her father - Jewish and Dutch.


The first couple of years of her life passed in a Japanese internment camp. Then Xavier had to live in Amsterdam, later in Johannesburg with her half-sister. During her stay in South Africa, she met with the American economist Carl Gordon and took lessons from him. After that, the girl moved to New York and soon worked in Manhattan as secretary of the Dutch consulate. But this did not last long.

The representative of the "oldest profession"

Already in 1968, Xavier Hollander refused the life of an office worker. Now she is becoming a highly paid call girl. A year later, Hollander began managing her own brothel with the interesting name of The Vertical Whorehouse. In a short period of time, a new Xavier Hollander appears in New York - Madame, whose business is booming every day.

However, in 1971, everything changes. For prostitution, the girl is arrested, after which she is forced to leave the United States of America.

Themes of books

Nevertheless, Xavier Hollander gained world fame thanks to her other hobby - writing books for adults.


Both in America and in Western Europe, her books diverged in large print runs, numbering millions of copies. Each new creation of the author became an occasion for all kinds of discussions and disputes. Subjects of books often sounded in discussions of writers, publishers, journalists, sexologists, politicians, and ordinary readers. Everyone was interested in the question of the significance of this porno-literature with a deep and ambiguous meaning. Some leading Russian and American sexologists have come to the conclusion that such works not only do no harm, but also have a charity effect on the reader.

Famous novels

What is Xavier Hollander talking about in his work? Books written by this author are for adults only. Indeed, in each of them the theme of sex is clearly revealed: how to diversify an intimate life, find mutual understanding in bed, increase the interest of a partner, arouse a passion in yourself and much more.

One of Xavier’s first works is The Happy Prostitute: My Story, published in 1971. These memoirs amaze the reader with the frankness with which the writer talks about her erotic experience.


World bestsellers Hollander became the novels “Paris Tango”, “Madame”, “Kiss of the Snake”, “Supersex”, “Madame the Ambassador”.

Among all the other books of the writer, Osiris stands apart. If in other works the author described her life, then the basis of this novel was the ancient Egyptian legend of a powerful god who was killed and dissected by his enemies. All parts of Osiris's body were buried in different parts of the world. Further events unfold in one of the African countries around the “golden phallus” of the god, found by a Swedish archaeologist during excavations.

One of the last was published the book "No longer a child." In it, Hollander told her sincere story about the loss of her mother.