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Does anyone know what a ghost looks like?

Does anyone know what a ghost looks like?
Does anyone know what a ghost looks like?

Video: Ghosts: Is It Real? | National Geographic 2024, July

Video: Ghosts: Is It Real? | National Geographic 2024, July

Turns out Casper is an evil ghost?

Contrary to our idea of ​​ghosts, not all of them are alike. The translucent figure of a man or woman soaring in the dark is not their only image.


By the way, a good cartoonish cast of Casper is a real fiction of the writer! Remember, there are no good ghosts! All of them harm a person. That's why they are evil spirits! There are a lot of ghosts. However, the most common type is a ghost. Now we will tell you what a ghost of one kind or another looks like.


These are the ghosts of real people who once lived on Earth. These people could be well-known people, and not so. The habitats of such ghosts are old houses and castles. It used to be fashionable to have a family ghost in your castle or old house. The honor of being a ghost was not for everyone. They were killed and not avenged people. Their destiny is to wander in search of justice for all eternity, complaining to everyone about their offenders, demonstrating their bloody mutilations and lacerations …


The ghosts themselves also become ghosts. In this case, they, tormented by their fear of retribution for their deed, which bound them, strive to show everyone their bloodied hands and murder weapon. The ghost of a man who died in captivity or imprisonment has a great opportunity, rattling his fetters and rusty chains, to wake up all the inhabitants of the castle at night. All ordinary ghosts do not pose a real threat to humans. They scare you, of course, scare you, but not to death!

What does the ghost of a mourner look like

A pale, thin female ghost. Her hair is loose, gray. This ghost is constantly crying, wailing and groaning. It is found in Scotland, Great Britain, on the coasts of France, as well as in the Scandinavian countries. Meeting with him is highly undesirable! A crying woman appears only in front of those people who will have to die from day to day … Horror!


What does a ghost called Anku look like, you better find out only from our article, nothing more! This is a Frenchman. It is found in the north and west of France. This is a cloaked skeleton with long white hair. A hood was thrown over his head, and a sharply sharpened braid lay on his shoulder. His constant companion is a booming wagon driven by a skeleton of a horse. This dead man is walking slowly. He is blind. And indeed, where did the skeleton have eyes! He wanders in search of living people. The French are very afraid of him.


The ghost of Anku is Death. A person who has met this ghost, some power throws a few meters back, while he falls necessarily head down. The victim’s mouth is instantly filled with earth … It is this land that will soon be thrown onto the coffin of the poor fellow, because now he will have no more than two years to live … They say that this is the ghost of Cain, the first person to commit murder. Since then, he is doomed to eternal wanderings …

You will see yourself - die!

The foretelling of death is to see your own double. It looks like you are looking in a mirror, only your reflection is translucent and dumb. Double ghosts are widespread throughout Europe and in Russia, in India, China and Japan. This topic has been covered by more than one writer in his books. The double ghost gave rise to superstition - for this reason many people still hang mirrors in the house of a deceased person. This is a measure of protecting living mirror doubles from the already dead, because the reflection of the deceased, while still in the mirror, can lead away the reflection of a living person.

So, now you have at least some idea of ​​what a ghost looks like. We will repeat that they are very diverse: some are called to scare us, and others - to portend death … Horror! By the way, so far no one can capture a ghost! The photo in which he is present is either a special fake or the result of any glare and other technical overlays.