
Who was born on September 17 - celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts

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Who was born on September 17 - celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts
Who was born on September 17 - celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts

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Who will be especially interested to know who was born on September 17 from famous people? Surely those who were born on the same day under the sign of the Virgin. It is always curious to reflect on your own possible destiny. It is curious that out of 473 celebrities, 37 people are world famous in completely different fields: from politics to religious activities. Among them are poets and writers, scientists and athletes, actors and singers. Let us dwell on the most significant personalities.

Outstanding doctor Sergey Botkin

Even people far from medicine know that there is a Botkin hospital in the capital and St. Petersburg, and hepatitis A is quite officially called Botkin's disease. What is known about the outstanding person whose name they are named?


Sergei Petrovich, who was born in 1832, came from a merchant family and from childhood dreamed of becoming a mathematician. But at the time of his admission to the university, an imperial decree was issued prohibiting people from obscene classes to study at any faculty other than medical. This is what predetermined the fate of the scientist. Having the opportunity to pursue a career only in military medicine, after graduating with honors Botkin participated in the Crimean campaign, serving under the leadership of N.I. Pirogov.

People born 17 september have unrivaled analytical abilities. Even then, S.P. Botkin formed a conceptual approach to military medicine and the requirements for proper nutrition of soldiers.

And the main focus of his activity was the fight against infectious diseases. The scientist is directly related to the creation of an epidemiological society in the country (1865). He not only described such a common disease as hepatitis A, but also organized the activities of health care coaches. Botkin can be safely attributed to the founders of the ambulance system.

Theorist of Aviation and Cosmonautics

September 17, K. Tsiolkovsky was born. He is a native of Polish noblemen, a native of Ryazan province. The year of birth of the outstanding scientist is 1857. It is known that the future astronautics theorist was a talented self-taught. At the age of 10, Tsiolkovsky almost completely lost his hearing. This did not affect his ability to invent, so his father sent his son to Moscow at the age of 16, where he mastered the basics of physics, mathematics and astronomy for 3 years. The young man was engaged independently on the basis of the library at the Rumyantsev Museum.


Zeal allowed him in Ryazan gymnasium to pass the exam for the title of teacher and get a direction in Borovsk. For 12 years, he taught mathematics and science, devoting himself to aeronautics.

After transferring to the Kaluga district school, he began to publish his work. The first saw the light of day in 1892, immediately attracting the attention of the scientific community. Until 1921, Tsiolkovsky did not leave teaching, combining it with research. In the Soviet years, the scientist was very popular, was elected a member of the Socialist Academy.

George Menglet

Many interested in actors born on September 17. We will talk about three of them belonging to completely different generations. The most famous is the actor of the Satire Theater Georgy Menglet, People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

A native of Voronezh, he was born in 1912. He was educated at CETETIS (today the university is known as GITIS). Menglet’s acting talent and personality revealed in the studio of Alexei Dikogo (1932-1934), where he began his artistic career. From 1945 until the end of his days (2001), the creative activity of Georgy Pavlovich was associated with the Satire Theater, where he played about 30 roles.


Better known as a theater actor with great improvisational talent, George Menglet also starred in films. He took part in ten projects, creating an unforgettable image of Pishta ("Wake up and Sing"). Cinema fans also know Georgy Pavlovich as the father of the cult Soviet actress Maya Menglet.

Vladimir Menshov

Among those born on September 17 is the director of a film that won an Oscar in 1981. The best foreign film was his film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears."

Vladimir Menshov was born in Azerbaijan in 1939. Today it is difficult to imagine, but he entered the Moscow Art Theater four years after the first failure. First he graduated from the acting department, and then directing (VGIK).


The first professional success of Menshov was the role of the chairman of the collective farm in "Man in his Place" (1972), after which he had no end to offers to withdraw. And the first directorial picture, which revealed his talent, is "The Draw", which became the leader of the rental in 1977. The films Love and Pigeons, Shirley-Myrli, and Envy of the Gods are the visiting card of 78-year-old Menshov.

All his life, the actor and director lived with one woman - actress Vera Alentova, who successfully starred in his best works. Their only daughter, Julia Menshova, is a sought-after actress and TV presenter.

Fedor Stukov

He is known today as a creative producer of the STS channel, but Muscovite Fyodor Stukov began acting in childhood. Born in 1972, he was a member of the children's radio and television choir.


The red-haired boy conquered the audience with the roles of Andryusha Oblomov and Tom Sawyer, and in the movie N. Mikhalkov's "Relatives" he did play a girl named Irishka. Then Stukov was the host of a number of television projects, directed and produced them. The most successful was the first and second seasons of Fizruk.

Fedor Stukov is among those born on September 17, but his finest hour has not yet struck. This man is 45 years old today, and he is full of new ideas.

Writers and Poets

Among those born on September 17, celebrities also include writers and poets. In 1912, Maxim Tank, one of the most famous writers of Belarus, was born. In the 30s he was arrested for his civil position.


His first poetry collection was published in 1936, during the war, Maxim worked as a correspondent for Vileika Pravda and continued his writing career. After World War II, the Tank was the editor-in-chief of the magazine Polymya. His collections are best known: "A sip of water", "Trail of lightning", "Ave Maria".

The American writer Ken Kesey is known for his most famous work - the novel "Above the Cuckoo's Nest."


Born in 1935, he became a singer of hippies and beat culture. His novel was filmed by Milos Forman (1975) and brought the film crew five Oscars. In total, the cult film has 28 prizes and 11 nominations. The great American died in 2001. In recent years, he has been seriously ill for a long time.


Who was born on September 17 from celebrity athletes? In 1960, Damon Hill was born in London, whose fate was predetermined from birth. His father was a Formula 1 champion. Graham Hill took the family to all competitions, and the boy at the age of five was already driving a motorcycle. As a schoolboy, a teenager already took part in races. The first successes came to him in the 80s, when Damon after graduating from racing school began to participate in competitions in cars.


He early lost his father, who died in a plane crash, and remained the backbone of the family, where two more girls grew up besides him. To achieve results, money was needed. Damon was supported by his father's friends, among whom was George Harrison. The 90s became starry for him. The rider spent eight seasons in the “Formula 1 ″, having won the title of champion (1996).

Who was born on September 17 from domestic athletes? In 1985, Alexander Ovechkin was born into a large Moscow family. The star hockey player made an excellent career in the NHL, becoming the champion in the number of goals scored among Russian players.


Three-time world champion in the Russian national team, Alexander became the youngest player in the national team, wearing the national team uniform at 17. Three times he performed at the Olympics and 12 times at the world hockey championships.

Musician Keith Flint

Famous people born on September 17 are not only scientists, writers and athletes, but also musicians. The face of The Prodigi is 48-year-old Flint. The British singer was born in 1969. A fan of national rock culture, he has the image of a contemporary of Pink Floyd: a leather jacket, long hair, a motorcycle. The latter is Flint's real passion, which has traveled a huge number of places on it.


Keith is fond of rave culture and on stage looks like a psychopath. Warming up the crowd, he is able to douse the audience with water or even spit on them. The whole body of the musician in tattoos and piercings.

It is curious that the soloist began as a dancer, and at the moment most of the tracks are recorded with his vocals.