the culture

Who are the rastamans, and what is the feature of this subculture

Who are the rastamans, and what is the feature of this subculture
Who are the rastamans, and what is the feature of this subculture

Video: Lecture no: 14 How to create query wizard in access 2024, July

Video: Lecture no: 14 How to create query wizard in access 2024, July

The “rastamans” subculture in most people is associated with drugs (mainly hemp) and reggae music. In fact, this current, which appeared at the beginning of the last century in the Caribbean, is more than hemp and music. But those who associate the rastamans with drugs and reggae are partly right.


Representatives of this culture, as a rule, stand out from the crowd with simple but bright robes. Their main symbolism is a cannabis leaf, dreadlocks (according to legend, when the end of the world comes, all rastamans on the planet will be recognized and saved by them), sometimes knitted hats in 3 colors: red, yellow, green.


The subculture as a whole is considered harmless, but still the world community treats its adherents with a certain fear because of their drug use. That is, in essence, a rastaman is a person who cultivates and uses hemp, listens (and promotes among the masses) reggae, tries to comprehend the meaning of life, without causing harm to others. In other words, this people is peace-loving, spiteless, but very peculiar.

Having asked the layman the question of who the rastamans are, it is difficult to get an unambiguous (and even more so - the right) answer. Most people perceive them as idlers and drug addicts who are wasting their lives in vain.

In general, this ideology initially appeared in Africa as a protest against American democratization. But over time, it has changed so much that only symbolism remained from the previous rastamans. Modern representatives of this trend mainly, in addition to philosophizing, smoking marijuana and playing the drums, are not busy with anything.

To those who do not know who the rastamans are and sees them for the first time, they may seem rather aggressive (perhaps because of the bright colors in their clothes and hairstyles that cause them), but this is a mistake. In addition to the indicated features, this culture, like any other, has its own prohibitions. In particular, its representatives are forbidden to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol (they are limited to marijuana). In addition, real Rastamans do not wear other people's things and do not eat food prepared by others. They do not drink cow's milk, do not eat pork and salt, as well as peeled fish and any shellfish.


In post-Soviet society, relatively recently, they learned who the Rastamans are. Many youth representatives immediately tried to join this movement, but due to a rather superficial understanding of the values ​​of the movement and its philosophy, the majority is limited only to dreadlocks, bright hats and hemp smoking.

A true prophet for any Rastafarian is Bob Marley, not only because of his music, but also because of his position in life. The texts of his songs are often quoted by representatives of culture, translated into various languages, paraphrased, etc.

In general, if we consider this trend as religious (there is even a corresponding religion - Rastafarianism), then it goes back to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. For true rastamans, this is really not just a way of life or pastime, but a real religion.

In addition to drugs, reggae, bright clothes and dreadlocks, representatives of Rastafarianism have a lot of positives: faith in a better future, getting the most out of life today (rather than putting off all the good things for tomorrow, as many do). So for those who do not know who the rastamans are, the answer may be this: they are happy, cheerful people with a kind of philosophy, a cult of marijuana, reggae and Bob Marley.