
Who is a pacifist? What does he do?

Who is a pacifist? What does he do?
Who is a pacifist? What does he do?

Video: Underpants - True Ending (SPOILERS) 2024, June

Video: Underpants - True Ending (SPOILERS) 2024, June

The concept of "pacifism" comes from the Latin word pacificus (pacification, peacemaking). Representatives of this movement condemn various military conflicts and oppose all types of class or political struggles. It is believed that any strife both at the country level and in relations between people should be resolved peacefully, through constructive dialogue.

Who is a pacifist? Each representative of this movement is a person who promotes peaceful life in society. But at the dawn of the twentieth century, during the active promotion of the ideas of communism among the masses, pacifism was condemned by the leaders of the revolution. It is precisely because of his peaceful attitude and liberal attitude towards people of any class, since the idea of ​​communism propagated the military struggle of the workers against the rich sections of the population (the bourgeoisie). After the seizure of power in Russia by revolutionaries, every pacifist was persecuted. The meaning of the word - peacekeeping - fundamentally did not suit the established political system.


The first to come up with a question about who such a pacifist were, were the inhabitants of Great Britain. It was in this country at the end of the 19th century that this movement formed and began to spread. Almost immediately, pacifist organizations appeared in the United States. Then came the distribution of European countries.

In the XX century, activists of the movement repeatedly held speeches with the proposal to ban all kinds of wars and arrange for the complete disarmament of nuclear powers. Instead, it was proposed to organize international arbitration courts and with their help resolve all disputes at the state level.

Today, the question of who such a pacifist is, few people arise. Because the propaganda activities of the organization have already established themselves throughout the world. Pacifists often staged mass rallies calling for a peaceful resolution of military conflicts. In addition, they are conducting endless disputes with politicians, trying to prove their point of view.


But to limit or completely eliminate the military method as an opportunity to resolve political conflicts is a very difficult task. Most world politicians ironically look at pacifists and do not consider their views on life reasonable. One way or another, the movement has so far failed to achieve any serious results with its activities.

In the religious sphere, it is also known who a pacifist is. While Catholics and Orthodox Christians approve of certain types of armed struggle, such as protecting the state from invasion, for example, Protestants are categorically against wars.


This religion rejects the use of weapons in any situation. Every Protestant is a pacifist. In the United States, Protestantism is most developed as a religion. Consequently, pacifist speeches and demonstrations take place there more often. But there are many of them in Europe. In the CIS, the movement has its followers, but is poorly developed, since Orthodox Christianity and Islam prevail.

As for the question of pacifism in religion, its ideals profess exclusively branches of Protestantism. These are Baptism, Methodism, Anglicanism, Calvinism and others. They differ from each other in their interpretation of the scriptures, in the ways of worship, but they are brought together by a common core - pacifism.