the culture

Who is a starter? Value, photos, examples

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Who is a starter? Value, photos, examples
Who is a starter? Value, photos, examples

Today we’ll talk about who the starter is. Of course, the word is in use today. This is the name of people who behave in a certain way. The fog of the language will dissipate when we get down to it.



“Starper” is a compound word, such as, for example, “head physician”. If you expand it completely, then, excuse me, you get the phrase - "old fart". In general, the so-called harmful old people. But not always. For example, this can be said of older people who, in the opinion of others, are too active in a social or sexual sense. Who is a starter? This is one who does not want to conform to the ideas of the so-called society of old age. For example, a person aged marries a young and beautiful woman; he is likely to receive 99% of the portion of criticism from people in the form of a comprehensive definition, which we are considering.

The most interesting thing is that the social activity of people older than, say, sixty is also hostile to society. Needless to say, even people over 45 can already consider themselves to be in circulation, because all job ads say: "Not older than 45." If a person is not lucky, and he was on the street at 46, and he has nothing to do with the creative intelligentsia, then his destiny is either informal work or living on unemployment benefits. But what about those who spent even more time on earth, about 15 years ago? Can all these people consider themselves waste material? Based on the foregoing, we can answer the question of who the starter is, as follows: "This is the one who is over 45." You want to laugh, but you want to cry, but if you read the ads, it turns out that this is not a joke, at least in Russia.

Starpering is a state of mind

Further, what else should be said. Society, or rather, the people living in it, has special ideas not only about old age, but also about youth. And young people who behave differently from what is customary at their age are considered elders. For example, a young man, say, 20 years old condemns peers who drink, smoke and are morally decomposed, with a probability of 99% he will be called an old man.

But there is a subtlety. If the position of the “old man” is hypocrisy, then, of course, the nickname is fair, but usually the environment of the road does not make out, that is, everyone is called the same way, according to what the person says, especially not plunging into his inner motivation. Simply put, they do not ask why he thinks so, and not otherwise. Now it’s clear that the question of who the starter is is not so simple as it seemed at the beginning. Age in this case is a deeply secondary parameter. The main thing is to meet the expectations of others.