the culture

Culture, customs and traditions of the Buryat people

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Culture, customs and traditions of the Buryat people
Culture, customs and traditions of the Buryat people

Video: Buryatia: one of Russia's most distinctive republics - focus 2024, July

Video: Buryatia: one of Russia's most distinctive republics - focus 2024, July

Buryats from time immemorial lived near the legendary Lake Baikal. The culture of this people is a vivid interweaving of the traditions of Asia and Europe in combination with their unique, distinctive embodiment. What traditions of the Buryat people are considered the most interesting, and what should a tourist traveling to Buryatia know?


Attitude to the world

Buryats spiritualize the world around them. Any grove, valley or reservoir, in the opinion of representatives of this people, has its own spirit. Do not neglect any tree or stone. Spit on the ground or in the lakes is prohibited in these parts. It is also not permissible to break trees, pick grass or kill animals without emergency. The traditions of the Buryat people also include the worship of special sacred places. It is forbidden to make fire in them, to commit unclean acts and even think badly. Even today, in many regions of Buryatia, sacrifices to spirits living around people are widespread. Fire and smoke are considered sacred; they are often used in various shamanistic rituals and rites.


Family values

It is considered normal to ask an unfamiliar Buryat what kind of family he belongs to. This people greatly values ​​blood ties, and each of its representatives without hesitation will name the names of all their ancestors along the paternal side, up to the 7-8th generation. The greatest happiness is considered to be the birth of a boy in the family. From the earliest years, children learn the traditions and customs of the Buryat people. Boys are taught how to handle horses, to ride confidently in the saddle and shoot arrows, and girls to help with housework and folk crafts. Children of both sexes also learn the traditions of communication with the world of spirits, are brought up with a deep sense of respect for the wisdom of elders. Buryats are famous as a hospitable people. Since time immemorial, the principle of mutual assistance and mutual assistance has been one of the most important for these people. Each Buryat considers it his duty to share what he has with a less affluent neighbor. In this country, everyone who knocks on the door is first treated to tea, and only after that they ask what happened.


Traditions of the Buryat people: photos of national and family holidays

One of the most interesting local holidays is Surkharban, a day for honoring the spirits of the Earth. The celebration began with rituals of sacrifice and prayers, after which there were mass festivities with games, competitions and general refreshments. The traditions of the Buryat people are inextricably linked with the most important holiday of the year - Sagaalgan (Beginning of the White Month). This date is marked on the lunar calendar on the first day of the first spring month. They begin to celebrate the beginning of the new year on the eve, the Dugzhub rite is held, during which the Sor is burned. On this magical night, special prayers are read, and from the first day of the new month another 15 days are praised to the miracles of Buddha. There is also a Santa Claus in Buryatia - his name is Sagaan Ubgen (White Elder). But family holidays in this country are not always celebrated on a large scale. The wedding and birth of children in the Buryats are associated with rituals, receiving blessings from spirits and protection from evil entities.
