
Quota - what is it and what is it for?

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Quota - what is it and what is it for?
Quota - what is it and what is it for?

Video: What is a Quota? 2024, June

Video: What is a Quota? 2024, June

Quota - what is it? This concept has several meanings. Get acquainted with them.

Meaning of the concept


In one of the values, a quota is defined as a share in a joint business (production) and marketing. Also, this concept denotes the value of share investments (one of the types of investments with the aim of increasing capital, which is gaining more and more popularity).

There is also such a thing as a tax quota. It’s not difficult to guess what it is - this is the name of the tax amount levied on a clearly expressed taxation unit. However, many have heard this concept thanks to the phrase "quota for treatment." Indeed, there are such "assistants" in the medical field. If a person needs expensive treatment, then he can get it for free thanks to these very "helpers". So medical quota - what is it? And this is the very money that the state allocates to treat an individual. But before that you need to go through a procedure such as issuing a quota, and besides, it is not a fact that you will receive it. It's no secret that many people need expensive treatment, and what is the quota? This is a thing that exists in a rather limited amount. So, before you demand it, to begin with, ask if they exist at all and how many are left. You can find out about this at the Department of Health, as well as at the hospital where you plan to be treated. And for the provision of such information in hospitals (at least in the majority), so-called quota departments must be present.

How to get a quota?


To do this, you need to go through three stages - three special commissions. First, primary care physicians should familiarize themselves with your case, then a regional health authority, and then doctors from a federal hospital. At the last level, it is already determined whether the applicant has medical indications for the provision of highly qualified medical care (VMP) and whether appropriate specialists are ready to accept it. In addition, the regional health authority draws up a special electronic coupon called "VMP Provider Coupon". By his number a person can observe the "fate" of his quota.