
The legendary actress and unhappy woman Lyudmila Davydova

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The legendary actress and unhappy woman Lyudmila Davydova
The legendary actress and unhappy woman Lyudmila Davydova

In the frame, Lyudmila Davydova became a model of an actress of secondary roles, most of her heroines were not given much time on the plot. But, despite this, a graduate of the Institute of Cinematography became the darling of millions of viewers at the screens and in the theater.

Biography of Davydova


The first years of childhood of the future actress Lyudmila Davydova fell in wartime, she was born in 1939. Her dad served in the army and with the advent of peace, after 1945, the family moved to Moscow. In the capital, Lyudmila went to first grade and even then the first inclinations of the actress appeared in her. From early childhood in school activities, the girl was distinguished by her giftedness. Teachers and parents could already predict her success in her future acting career.

At the age of 18, Lyudmila Davydova entered the Institute of Cinematography, in which she successfully received an acting education. As a student, she accepted an invitation to shoot a movie. The debut on the screen took place when she was only 21 years old. And since then she has taken part in dozens of films, including masterpieces of Russian cinema. The best Soviet directors trusted her to play the roles, and the legendary actors became partners on the set. Davydova also played on the stage.

A graduate of VGIK appeared in the frame very often, 28 years of cinematic experience - this is a considerable period. Moreover, all this time she remained one of the most sought after actresses.

Favorite directors

Directors and colleagues appreciated Lyudmila Davydova for her three main professional qualities:

  • giftedness;
  • good cinematic education;
  • boundless love for his work.

The woman, without whims, agreed to secondary roles and for one or two short scenes managed not only to be remembered, but also to fall in love with the audience. In the legendary serial film "The meeting place cannot be changed, " she glorified the character Verka the modist in just a few remarks. In her performance, a single mother, spinning in a gangster environment, was remembered by millions of fans of this tape.


When selecting the cast, the directors always knew that Lyudmila Davydova (an actress with an excellent cinematic education) will master any characteristic role of complexity. She graduated from the course of G. M. Kozintsev at VGIK. The girl at one time was prepared to play roles in the frame, but later also provided the opportunity to play on the stage. Any director wanted to see an actress with excellent preparation on the set.

Her giftedness was also undeniable, the future movie star was seen in her in her early childhood.

Later, on a student’s bench, even without a diploma, she was entrusted in advance to act in films, so Davydova first appeared on the screen.

Merits of Lyudmila in the frame


The mass audience, the actress Lyudmila Davydova is better known for the films "Shadows disappear at noon" and "The meeting place cannot be changed." These films not only glorified her, but also made it possible to prove themselves in cinematic classics. But a big mistake will be to reduce her merits only to these two works on the screen. In fact, her track record of 33 paintings contains many more worthy roles. Full list of films:

  1. The First Date (1960).
  2. "Game without rules" (1965).
  3. "What do you call now?" (1965).
  4. “People remain people” (1965).
  5. “Beware of the car” (1966).
  6. “The investigation continues” (1966).
  7. “No and Yes” (1966).
  8. “War and Peace” (1967).
  9. Major "Whirlwind" (1967).
  10. “The Amber Fugitive” (1968).
  11. “Unconvicted” (1969).
  12. "The Crown of the Russian Empire, or the Elusive Again" (1971).
  13. “Shadows disappear at noon” (1971).
  14. "Conscience" (1974).
  15. “Appointed as a Granddaughter” (1975).
  16. Sky Swallows (1976).
  17. “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Arapa Married” (1976).
  18. “The meeting place cannot be changed” (1979).
  19. "Children's World" (1982).
  20. “Vacation by Wound” (1983).
  21. Dead Souls (1984).
  22. “Through All Years” (1984).
  23. European History (1984).
  24. “Legal marriage” (1985).
  25. “Moscow Says” (1985).
  26. Beauty Salon (1985).
  27. "Zina-Zinulya" (1986).
  28. The Scarlet Stone (1986).
  29. “Remember Me That” (1987).
  30. Cold March (1987).
  31. The Kreutzer Sonata (1987).
  32. "After the war" (1988).
  33. “Spray of Champagne” (1988).

Many of these tapes will be reviewed by many more generations of viewers.