
The face of the legendary voice: biography of the announcer of the All-Union Radio Olga Vysotskaya

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The face of the legendary voice: biography of the announcer of the All-Union Radio Olga Vysotskaya
The face of the legendary voice: biography of the announcer of the All-Union Radio Olga Vysotskaya

Olga Vysotskaya is a woman whose voice was known throughout the Soviet Union. She was an announcer of All-Union Radio, the voice of the exact Moscow time and a moment of silence, a professional teacher and a living legend of national radio. From this article you can find a biography of Olga Vysotskaya.

early years

Olga Sergeevna Vysotskaya was born on June 11, 1906 in Moscow, in the family of a railway electrician. Little Olga was a creative and agile child - from the age of eight she was fond of dancing and singing, loved to read and recite poetry. From the second grade, she attended the children's creative group "Zarnitsa", and from the fifth she studied at the youthful theater studio "Blue Bird". In 1921, after graduating from eight classes, Olga Vysotskaya went to work at a textile factory, where she was engaged in sorting silk.

Career on the radio

At the factory, the girl regularly visited the gym, making progress in athletics. Thanks to this, Olga Sergeevna for some time even taught physical education in kindergartens and elementary schools. As a result, this led the future announcer to the radio: someone noticed that the physical education teacher has an excellent voice timbre and excellent diction. In 1929, Olga Vysotskaya was recommended on the All-Union Radio for the morning gymnastics broadcast - she did an excellent job in listening and became a full-time employee of the main radio station of the USSR.


Already in 1932, the young announcer was entrusted with conducting news programs and radio conversations - her voice became one of the most recognizable and beloved among listeners, and the purity of speech, intimate intonations and ease of reading, combined with impeccable diction, very soon made Olga Vysokaya the leading announcer of the USSR.

Since 1935, Olga Sergeyevna earned the right to conduct the most important programs, such as broadcasting meetings in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and events from Red Square. In addition, Vysotskaya was the best host of live broadcasts from the main performances and concerts held in the Bolshoi Theater, the Column Hall of the House of Unions, the Moscow Art Theater and other places.


War years

The legendary and universally recognizable voice of Olga Sergeyevna became during the war. In the presentation of the Soviet listener, radio news, front-line reports and programs of the Soviet Information Bureau were primarily associated with the voices of Yuri Levitan and Olga Vysotskaya. Also, together with Levitan, Vysotskaya reported the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 9, 1945, and on June 24 broadcasted from the first Victory Parade. Since 1986, for three years, on Victory Day, the voice of Olga Sergeyevna declared "A Minute of Silence." In the photo below, Vysotskaya and Levitan.
