
Lydia Shtykan: biography and creativity

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Lydia Shtykan: biography and creativity
Lydia Shtykan: biography and creativity

Lydia Shtykan is a talented character actress who became famous for her roles in the Alexandrinsky Theater. Also played in the movies. From this article you can find out the biography of Lydia Shtykan, information about her personal life and the details of theatrical and cinematic work.

early years

Lidia Petrovna Shtykan was born on June 26, 1922 in St. Petersburg (then called Petrograd). Since childhood, Lydia was fond of the theater, since ten years old attending serious performances with her parents. The girl collected postcards with theatrical actresses, sticking them over her bed.

In 1940, eighteen-year-old Lydia Shtykan entered the Ostrovsky Leningrad Theater Institute, but with the outbreak of World War II, the girl dropped out of school, going to the front as volunteers, where she was a nurse.

In 1943 she received the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". In the fall of 1945, Lydia recovered at the institute, returning to her second year. In her first year, she studied in the studio of the director and theater teacher Nikolai Serebryakov, and after recovering from a break, she fell on the course of actor Vasily Merkuryev.



Starting from the third year, the future actress Lydia Shtykan combined her studies with small roles at the Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theater (now the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Theater). After graduation, she was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Academic Drama Theater named after Pushkin (now the Alexandria Theater), where she served all her acting life.

Lydia's debut on the LATD stage was the performance of Louise Miller in the play "Cunning and Love." The role of the actress failed, since she could not feel her heroine. But the failure of the debut role did not become an occasion to give up - on the contrary, Lydia worked on the next heroine so hard that she even aroused the dissatisfaction of the author of the play. It was the image of Lucy Vedernikova from the play Years of Wandering. The actress did a great job on the image, making her Lucy one of the most interesting heroines of the play - during the performance the viewer clearly saw how the frivolous, “empty” girl turned into a serious woman, tempered by life's difficulties.

After the premiere, playwright Aleksey Arbuzov argued long and hot with Lydia about his heroine - in his play, she remained a "funny empty man", despite all the years of testing. But the director of the performance remained on the side of the actress - especially given the progress of skill from the inexpressive Louise to the bright, characteristic Luce.


Subsequently, it became clear that the dramatic temperament of the actress is almost unique - so purely she showed the mood and nuances of the images. Among other well-known roles of Lydia Shtykan Olivia from "Twelfth Night", Marina Mnishek from "Boris Godunov", Lady Tizl from "School of Slander" and many others. For acting services, Lidia Petrovna in 1958 received the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", and in 1967 became a national.


In the movie, Lydia Shtykan made her debut even before returning to college - having performed a small role in the 1944 film "Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl." The next time Shtykan appeared on the screen only ten years later, in an episodic role. In total, her film career has about forty films, but in most of them the roles are secondary or episodic.