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The League for the Protection of Animals has launched an unusual program to help prisoners - they are invited to care for cats

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The League for the Protection of Animals has launched an unusual program to help prisoners - they are invited to care for cats
The League for the Protection of Animals has launched an unusual program to help prisoners - they are invited to care for cats

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Pets since ancient times have played a huge and important role in the lives of their owners. They brought comfort, warmth and affection into the house. And some animals, such as cats, according to some, even possessed healing properties. Cats can help people with depression, anxiety and can even lower blood pressure. The Indiana Animal Welfare League decided to combine two acute problems: the lack of volunteers to care for cats and efforts to reduce stress, as well as helping to choose the corrective path for prisoners. The criminals got a great opportunity to look after cats and spend time with them.


Program History

An important event took place in Indiana in 2015. The animal welfare organization has created an unusual program at Pendleton Prison, which is called FORWARD. The essence of the program is to free cats from the cattery and place them in correctional facilities so that prisoners can take care of them. The program was useful to everyone and showed excellent results.


Why do cats need help?

Many cats that ended up in the shelter went through a history of abuse, as a result of which they cannot calmly contact people. Animals are afraid of people and perceive them as the main threat. Such pets are less suitable for new owners to take. The goal of the organization is to give cats a warm home, proper treatment and food. And most importantly - to socialize animals so that it is easier for them to find a new home.

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We often can’t even imagine what conditions and treatment cats had to come across that roam the streets of our cities. Volunteers and organizations for the protection and protection of animals are doing everything possible to socialize and cure such cats. This is often difficult and almost impossible.


Mutual help

How can prisoners help cats in this case? Due to the large amount of free time, people in custody can spend a lot of time with animals, which will help animals get used to people and their attention faster. The prisoners feed the cats, clean up after them, pet and give a huge dose of such necessary attention. Animals, in turn, help people become softer and kinder. Purrs easily cope with the task of relieving stress and reducing the level of depression.

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“I had acquaintances in prison who told me that when they had an animal, it was for the first time that it reminded them of what love and affection are, ” says Malea Stringer, director of APL. He also mentions that animals teach prisoners responsibility, show them the possibility of non-conflict resolution of problems, and also instill a sense of love for a living being. In a gray chamber, in a state of complete loneliness, it is almost impossible to develop any kind of qualities in oneself. Cats can help prisoners, distract them, help fill up a huge amount of free time.
