
London Bus - overview, history, routes and reviews

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London Bus - overview, history, routes and reviews
London Bus - overview, history, routes and reviews

Video: You Can Still Ride Routemaster Buses in London 2024, July

Video: You Can Still Ride Routemaster Buses in London 2024, July

The London bus is the second most popular public mode of transport in the British capital. He gives the first place to the subway, because the subway does not know the word "traffic jam". For a hundred years of its existence, a doubledecker, in addition to a means of transportation, has become for London one of the indispensable business cards.

London Buses

This division of the Transport for London Public Law Corporation is responsible for the public transport services provided to Londoners and residents of nearby counties. London Buses company manages the existing routes and the creation of new ones, bus stations, stops, and also monitors the quality of service. Every year, about two billion people use buses, metro and other means of transport in London.

Production history

Surely many people know the name of the London bus. The modern English term "double decker" in translation means "two-story". In 1911, the first LGOC B-type bus was designed. Its body and chassis were wooden, and the second floor was open. After 10 years, he was replaced by the NS-Type. The second floor of the new bus was also open, like the previous model.

In 1925, a ban on public transport without roofs was introduced, in connection with which almost two thousand previously issued copies were subject to modification. Before World War II, single-decker LT class buses ran around London, carrying the same number of passengers as double-decker buses.


Routmaster, the symbol of London, worked on the lines from 1956 to 2005 inclusive. The external and internal appearance of the bus changed over time, it was constantly improved to meet the needs of passengers. A low floor routmaster was created for the elderly and disabled. Later, London double-decker buses were redone under the control of one person - the driver.

In 2005, the work of routemasters on routes was discontinued. Society perceived this event as an act of vandalism, since this type of transport has become an integral part of the culture of England.

Routmaster today

At the time of termination of the work of this model of buses of these machines, there were more than 500 pieces. The discarded routemasters are still sold to everyone. The price of the bus is about 10 thousand British pounds. Five cars are in the London Museum of Public Transport. Many routemasters carry guests of the capital during excursions.


In London, there is a club Routemaster Association, which includes the owners of this brand of buses. The purpose of the organization is to educate about this technique, as well as liaising with suppliers of spare parts.

The symbol of the British capital - doubledecker

Today, 8 thousand red buses run in London. The double decker has a hybrid circuit and a 4.5 liter diesel engine. Two rear wheels rotate due to an electric motor with lithium-ion batteries. An interesting fact is that outwardly a double-decker is practically no different from its predecessor. However, the modern bus has an additional door and stairs to the second floor.


To travel on a double decker, you must pre-purchase a ticket or use the Oyster card, since the services of the conductor are not provided in the cabin. Between the floors of the bus there is a board on which the direction of movement and the number of the bus are written in yellow. In the capital there are specially equipped stops (markings on the road with the inscription "Bus stop"). In addition, the driver at the request of passengers can drop them off in a place convenient for them.

Travel Reviews

Both residents of London and city guests speak well of this type of transport. Most people note the predominant ride comfort on the second floor of the bus. According to passengers, there is a lot of daylight and fresh air. On the first floor of the double decker, the ceiling is lower than on the second. This creates a feeling of tightness. The chairs are very comfortable. They are covered in fabric and resemble office chairs. Each passenger seat has a handrail with a button to exit at a stop on demand. The distance between the seats is quite wide. Double-decker drivers are polite, neatly dressed people. Many salons are equipped with CCTV cameras.


Double-decker buses have a low speed. This is due to the impressive size of the car and the abundance of other vehicles on the roads. Therefore, if you are in a hurry, use the subway, otherwise the London red bus is ideal, as traveling on it will still be faster than walking.

Double Decker Tours by Big Bus Company

Travel organized by this company is an excellent solution for exploring the British capital in 48 hours. By purchasing a ticket online, you save 10 pounds. The cost of the trip is about 30 British pounds. At the same time, a day and night tour includes a boat trip on the Thames and hiking. A friendly character will meet you on the bus. In the two-story double decker on the blue route there is an audio guide for Russian-speaking guests. During the trip you will learn many fascinating stories with historical details. From the windows of the bus offers a beautiful view of majestic London.

Learning routes of London buses

Flight number 15 from Trafalgar Square, traveling through Strand and Oldwich to Tower Bridge, and route number 9 from Albert Hall are operated on a routemaster that is popular with all Londoners. The fare is the same amount as a trip on a modern double decker, so the townspeople often use it as everyday trips to work.

Route 74 leaves from Putney Bridge Subway Station at Fulham Palace. The bus passes Kensington's museums and mansions, the Dorchester Hotel and Harrods Department Store. Next, head along Hyde Park to the final stop next to Madame Tussauds and Sherlock Holmes’s apartment on Baker Street.


Route 24 of the route begins in an unusually vibrant area of ​​London called Camden Town, on the territory of which there are restaurants, bars and an ethnic market. The London bus ride takes you through Trafalgar Square, the West End, the Royal Guard Building, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Route 24 is located at Scotland Yard.