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A ray is one of the geometric concepts. The etymology and origin of the word

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A ray is one of the geometric concepts. The etymology and origin of the word
A ray is one of the geometric concepts. The etymology and origin of the word

Video: Geometry - Basic Definitions - Part 1 | Origin of Geometry | Don't Memorise 2024, June

Video: Geometry - Basic Definitions - Part 1 | Origin of Geometry | Don't Memorise 2024, June

The words that we use seem familiar to us, familiar from childhood and understandable. It seems to us that we always know what we are talking about and what we mean. But if you try to find out from any passerby on the street, for example, the meaning of the word "ray", you can hardly count on a quick and correct answer. Indeed, what is it?


Etymology of the word

Let us begin with the origin of this word. According to the dictionary of the Russian language, a ray is a stream of light that emanates from some source, or a narrow strip of light emanating from a luminous object. For example, the rays of the setting or rising sun.


The exact origin of the term is unknown, but, presumably, it originates from the Latin word "light". In Slavic languages, this word is found everywhere. In Russian, it hit their Old Slavonic.

Value and applications

The word “ray” is primarily associated with sunlight. How many times did everyone hear the expression: “sun rays” or “ray of light”. But in fact, this word is directly related to geometry. A ray is a part of a line that is limited on one side by a point and infinite on the other.

Any ray has an extreme point. This is the beginning of the ray. Since it has no end, it is usually indicated by a single letter. In addition, a ray is one of the simplest geometric shapes, such as a line segment or a broken line.

The concept of the beam is also used in physics, but only in acoustics and geometric optics. Here a ray is a line along which light energy moves.


The main feature of the geometric and light beam is their straightforwardness. But for light this is true only if it is distributed in a uniform transparent medium. Otherwise, it becomes curved.