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The best museums in St. Petersburg: rating, description

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The best museums in St. Petersburg: rating, description
The best museums in St. Petersburg: rating, description

Video: St. Petersburg Guide - Russian Museum 2024, June

Video: St. Petersburg Guide - Russian Museum 2024, June

St. Petersburg is a cultural capital whose center is filled with memorable sights. Tourists flock here from all corners of the world in search of historical facts, traditions and life features of Northern Palmyra and Russia as a whole. The article further presents the rating of the best museums of St. Petersburg, which are worth visiting any resident of the planet who is not indifferent to history and culture.

State Hermitage Museum


The rating of the best museums in St. Petersburg opens with the State Hermitage Museum, one of the most popular and significant monuments of the Northern capital. This museum was founded in 1764 by Empress Catherine II. For the first time she posted a collection of 220 paintings here, today anyone can satisfy their aesthetic needs by viewing more than three million exhibits, among which there are such world masterpieces as the early painting by Leonardo da Vinci "Madonna with a Flower" and "The Holy Family" by Rafael Santi.

Those who have already visited this museum are advised to buy a ticket with a sightseeing tour in reviews, they write that this is more interesting, and the information is stored longer. Many say that no words are enough to describe the atmosphere and exhibits of the Hermitage. The rating based on reviews and the number of visits was set at 5.0 out of 5. The Great Museum is located in the Winter Palace complex on Palace Square.



Rating of the best museums in St. Petersburg. continues one of the most popular places not only in Russia, but in the whole world - the palace and park ensemble, located in the city of Peterhof of the same name. The architectural structures of the garden work of art have been part of the summer residence of each emperor for 200 years. Nowadays, this grand triumphal monument, emphasizing the greatness of the state, is the most visited museum in Russia. Many Petersburgers do not get tired of admiring the Web and emphasizing the frequency of their visits to this picturesque place. Peterhof, according to tourists, is a place because of which one wants to return to the cultural capital again and again. Internet rating is 5.0 out of 5.

Peter-Pavel's Fortress


The list of museum complexes in St. Petersburg continues - the "heart" of the Northern capital, the place where the history of the city originates. Initially, to this day, the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress contains the most famous historical monuments, such as the Mint, the bastions, and the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Guests and residents of the city write reviews about the visit to the complex, in which they are proud that they literally felt the presence of Peter the Great himself, since such a strong atmosphere reigns inside the fortress. Tourists declare that this museum should be the first item on the route map of each guest in the city. Rating - 4.9 out of 5.

State Russian Museum


The State Russian Museum is one of the best museums in St. Petersburg. Here anyone can enjoy the works of Russian fine art presented in one of the largest repositories of art treasures in the country. The collection of the Russian Museum has more than 400, 000 exhibits that are representatives of all historical periods, trends and currents of Russian art. The building stores works of art of all the main types and genres created over the past thousand years.

Judging by the reviews, the Russian Museum is the best place in the world for exploring Russian fine art. They say that for visiting exhibitions in this place it is worth freeing several days at once.

The rating of an important cultural center is 4.9 out of 5. Address: 4 Engineering Street.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral


St. Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the city, which is a cultural and architectural heritage. In addition to the overview of the majestic interior, complemented by a large number of icons, murals and murals, visitors are invited to admire the stunning views of the whole city, climbing the colonnade. On the Web, many locals write that they feel a certain level of happiness when they visit this place again. As is the case with other historical architectural structures, knowledgeable visitors argue that it is better to see once than to read or write a hundred times.

Rating - 4.8 out of 5. You can find out the history of the construction of St. Isaac of Dalmatia's church, as well as evaluate the scale of the structure on the eponymous square, which is located near the Admiralteyskaya metro station.

All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin


One of the best museum apartments in St. Petersburg is located on the ground floor of the former mansion of Princess Volkonskaya. Since 1836, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin lived here with his wife and children. In this house, he met death after being injured in a duel. The exhibition includes some of the poet’s personal belongings, the sofa on which he died, a death mask, jewelry of the wife of the great writer, children's portraits and other important items from Pushkin’s life. Also, the museum presents other materials on the life of the writer in the city and the circumstances of the fateful duel. In the visitor’s reviews, they share unforgettable impressions and note the quality work of the guides, whose stories about the great poet touch to the core.

The rating of the cultural monument is 4.8 out of 5. Addresses of the house: embankment of the Moika River, 12.

Cruiser Aurora"

The most recognizable in Russia and one of the best museums in St. Petersburg is a branch of the Naval Museum on the deck of the famous cruiser Aurora. The exposition tells the story of Russian shipbuilding. Currently, after adding new exhibits, new information materials have appeared that tell about the participation of the ship in the Russo-Japanese and World War I. Visitors' reviews state the importance of this museum, the fascination of exhibition facilities and quality excursion work. Some say that seeing the ship itself is already a great pleasure.

The rating on the Web is 4.7 out of 5. The location of the cruiser Aurora is indicated on the map below.


"Grand Model Russia"

One of the best museums in St. Petersburg covers an area equal to 800 square meters. A kind of interactive project "Grand Layout Russia" is presented in the form of a unique exhibition-presentation of miniature regions of Russia and collective images of large cities. The creators planned to recreate a holistic picture of the state and, according to many visitors, they did it. Most of the details and elements of the exhibit move, glow and make sounds.


Figures of people moving, trains make flights, traffic lights switch, and around the weather and time of day change. And the most exciting thing is that visitors themselves can press special buttons that regulate the processes of this show exhibition. Those who have already managed to see this grandiose large-scale project write in reviews that after what they see they want to go on a trip to Russia. It is noted that not only adults with incredible interest examine a miniature country, but also children.

The museum's rating is 4.7 out of 5. Address: 16 Flower Street.

Russian Ethnographic Museum


In the ranking of the best museums in St. Petersburg, the Russian Ethnographic Museum deserves special mention. The museum’s collection consists of exhibits representing the cultural heritage of more than one hundred and fifty peoples living in the Russian Empire. Here you can see a rich repository of household items, photographs and drawings, telling about life in the nineteenth century. Tourists and locals who have visited the museum note the uniqueness and importance of this exhibition, which some call even the best in St. Petersburg.

The rating of the Russian Ethnographic Museum was 4.7 out of 5. Address: Engineering Street, 4/1.



Kunstkamera, or “Cabinet of rarities” - a museum of anthropology and ethnography, created with the filing of Peter the Great. Here you can see a collection of various anatomical anomalies, such as a lamb with two heads or the skeleton of Siamese twins. Separate exhibition sections of the museum tell about the culture of various parts of the world, the history of the Kunstkamera, as well as details of the scientific discoveries of the 18th century. The museum regularly hosts various programs and excursions not only for adults, but also for children of primary and school age. "Cabinet of Rarity" is very popular and is another peculiar visiting card of St. Petersburg. Reviews on the Internet are very controversial, but all visitors, as one, claim that every guest in the cultural capital should visit the Kunstkamera at least once.

Rating - 4.6 out of 5. Address: University Embankment, 3.

Erarta Museum of Modern Art


Erarta (Era Arta) - one of the best museums in St. Petersburg, representing Russian contemporary art. The permanent exhibition of the institution has 2, 300 works from all over the country. It hosts not only exhibitions, but concerts, lectures and even performances. Erarta organizes more than 30 various exhibitions annually, including representatives of applied and experimental art. Not only artists, but also ordinary lovers of the beautiful, come from all over the country to appreciate the innovative solutions of modern artists. In the reviews they write that he even buys annual subscriptions in order to go with the whole family and absorb new sensations. Rating - 4.5 out of 5. Address: 29 line of Vasilievsky island, 2.

"Pushkinskaya, 10"

Continues the rating of the best museums in St. Petersburg "Pushkinskaya 10" - an art center that hosts various exhibitions of fine art, theater and music concerts, as well as a museum of non-conformist art. The door is also open on its territory to all lovers of good music, because the legendary John Lennon Temple of Love, Music and Peace functions in it, where you can familiarize yourself with the history of the great Beatles, as well as examine objects donated or signed personally by the musicians of the Liverpool four. The reviews of those who managed to visit this place describe the unusual exciting atmosphere of this museum. They say that in order to feel Petersburg from the inside, you must definitely visit Pushkinskaya, 10. The rating is 4.5 out of 5.



"Titicaca" - the best museum in St. Petersburg to study the secret and the unknown. Here is a collection of more than 70 strange and shocking exhibits brought from all over the world: here is a real brachiosaurus egg, and the smallest car, which will compete with representatives of the neighboring Made in Russia hall, where you can try to make out, for example, a millimeter-sized paper crane. There are no negative reviews about it. Still, according to visitors, the museum’s interactive just reaches the limit, because here you can climb into the full-sized heart of a whale or take pictures in medieval masks. Rating - 4.4 from 5. Address: Kazanskaya street, 7.