
Laysan Utyasheva: biography, nationality, personal life, children

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Laysan Utyasheva: biography, nationality, personal life, children
Laysan Utyasheva: biography, nationality, personal life, children

Today, there are many celebrities whose biography does not go unnoticed. Among them, one should highlight the gymnast, who was able to win a variety of medals. This, of course, is Laysan Utyasheva. Nationality, height, weight - fans want to know absolutely everything about this girl. As the gymnast herself said, she is half a Bashkir. But Tatar, Polish and Russian blood also flows in her veins. The height of the athlete is 167 cm. Weight is 50 kg. You can learn more about Laysan by reading the review.

The birth of a future champion

Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography is interesting to many fans, was born in the village of Raevsky, in the family of a librarian and historian. It happened in 1985. A little later, the family moved to live in Ufa. And in 1989 - in Volgograd. The parents of Father Laysan lived there. At that time, the girl was only 4 years old. Her gymnast career began unexpectedly. Just during one of the trips to the store, the girl was noticed by the coach Nadezhda Alexandrovna Kasyanova. She drew attention to the girl, namely her narrow hands and flexible fingers. I went to meet you.


At first, the mother of the future gymnast was categorically against it. She did not want Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography is today quite full of various interesting facts, to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. There were no athletes in the family. And the main thing she considered education with knowledge of languages. However, Laysan persuaded her mother to attend trial classes.

First training

They came to the hall. And when the girl, dressed in a sports uniform, stood in front, not embarrassed or afraid, Zulfiya (mother Laysan) decided - let her daughter do gymnastics. And the girl fell in love with this sport from the first lessons. She even regretted that training was rare - only twice a week. If her will, Laysan would attend classes every day. Mom thought that her daughter would leave the gym over time. But the athlete was very serious. And at 4 years old she said that she could become a world champion.

I managed to combine my studies with sports

Studying in the third grade, Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography was replenished with sports achievements, received her first fee. She did not spend it on the purchase of ice cream and sweets, but bought a gift for her mother - a bathrobe. Although many years have passed since then, but Mom kept this surprise. He acted as an indicator of achievements daughter.

It should also be noted that my mother put Leisan on one condition, with which the daughter coped perfectly. It consisted in the fact that for the continuation of classes the girl had to study well. And the athlete managed to combine training with training.

First problems

Like all other beginner gymnasts, Utyasheva Laysan Albertovna suffered from leg pain. This was due to constant loads. And the legs started to hurt especially badly at night. There were no masseurs in those days, but my mother did everything she could. She smeared her feet with ointment, rubbed them. And only thanks to this the girl could get up in the morning and go to school. Zulfiya cried more than once at night, but did not try to dissuade her daughter from doing it, as she saw that she liked the workouts.


Fees in Sweden

The first sports camp Utyasheva Laysan Albertovna held in Sweden in 1995. They lasted all summer. She returned from there already matured and with gifts. She brought a cheese cutter for dad, and a wooden knife for mom. Parents were initially surprised at similar gifts. But then Laysan explained that she really missed the house. Therefore, I bought these items.

Hard life

In 1997, the girl’s mother was invited to work in the capital. She went to try her hand. The daughter was left in the care of the coach. And if at first Laysan liked the house, then later she began to miss her parents. In addition, the young athlete was put on a strict diet, as the coach began to think that the girl began to recover. In the morning, the gymnast ate kiwi, a piece of chocolate with green tea. Naturally, for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, such a diet is suitable. But the young athlete also had to train.

Because of the diet, Laysan Utyasheva, whose biography is interesting for a large number of events, fell into a severe depression. She came home after class and spent all the time in the room, not even talking to anyone. In addition, incorrect training led to the fact that the girl began to hurt her back.

One day the phone rang. It was the mother of Laysan Utyasheva. The girl spent the last forces on reaching the phone and answering. And then emotions prevailed - the athlete just burst into tears. When Zulfiya learned what was happening, she immediately took her daughter to her place in Moscow. Six months without parents turned out to be very difficult for the girl. Her mother even began to think that gymnastics was all over.

Sports achivments

However, Laysan Utyasheva did not give up. She wanted to be trained by Irina Viner. But I couldn’t immediately agree on training. Mom was against her daughter's training in a sports complex called Novogorsk. But Leysan began to train anyway, only under the guidance of Alla Yanina and Oksana Skaldina. Two years later, the gymnast received the title of master of sports. The performance of Laysan Utyasheva impressed absolutely everyone.


In 2000, the young gymnast took part in the tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina and was able to win silver. A year later, Laysan managed to win the World Cup in six disciplines. It was in Berlin. In October 2001, the girl already in the team championship received her gold. The championship was held in Milan. After these achievements, she was awarded the title of master of sports of international class.

Severe leg injury

In 2002, Laysan Utyasheva, whose weight and height is of interest to many girls, began to train under the guidance of Irina Viner. Under her guardianship, she was able to win several honorary awards. However, during the demonstrations that took place in Samara in 2002, Laysan did not quite successfully land on her left foot. After that, her performance was over.

After the examination, the doctor said that it’s okay, it’s just a bruise. However, the pain did not go away even after a few weeks. Repeated shots again showed nothing. There was even talk that the athlete did not want to speak and pretend. In December 2002, Irina Wiener helped Laysan to undergo a comprehensive examination in Germany. And the results hit everyone. It turns out that all this time the gymnast walked with a broken navicular bone. After that, it became clear why Laysan was constantly in pain. The conclusion sounded like a sentence. The bone is completely fragmented and cannot be restored. They ordered to forget about big sport. The operation was denied. In addition, doctors said that the gymnast was unlikely to be able to walk normally.


The coach could not find a place. Laysan Utyasheva, for whom gymnastics was in danger of completion, was very worried. Tormented by the fact that if such a procedure had been done earlier, such consequences could have been prevented. However, the doctors who were responsible for the health of the athletes did nothing. There were many emotions at all.

Laysan trained even on crutches

Irina Wiener began to look for doctors who could cure the gymnast. Only two experts responded: Sergey Arkhipov and Sergey Makarov. The fractures were very severe, the bones fused poorly. On January 31, 2003, an operation was performed. It lasted six hours. After that, several more operations were done.

Laysan Utyasheva herself, height, weight and in general the whole biography as a whole which were interesting to numerous fans, was not going to give up. She tried to train even on crutches. Irina Wiener supported her in everything. She even suggested moving to a sports complex to train there.

Leaving Sports

There were a lot of difficulties, but the athlete was able to overcome them. Laysan came out on the carpet again in 2004. Then she spoke for the national team. After that, the girl won major victories in tournaments that took place in Latvia and France. In 2006, Laysan decided to leave the sport. She was able to win almost all medals except the Olympic. But the athlete decided that she was able to achieve everything she dreamed about.


TV career

When the career was completed, Laysan Utyasheva (the nationality, height, weight and biography of this athlete, however, did not become less interesting to fans from this), began to broadcast “Main Road” on NTV. She also led the morning broadcast on this channel. At the moment, she is conducting a television program called "Fitness with the Stars."

In 2007, the former athlete made her debut with a solo part in a ballet called “Bolero”. It happened at the New Opera Theater. In 2008, Laysan wrote the book “Unbroken”. In 2009, she performed in the dance show "Sign of Infinity." In 2010, Laysan appeared in the NTV in the morning program. She got a heading on gymnastics. On the Sport Plus channel, the athlete led the Personal Trainer program.

In 2011, Laysan began to lead her own program, the Academy of Beauty. In 2012, the girl buried her closest person. At 47 years old, mother Zulfiya died of a heart attack.

In 2012, the girl played a role in the series "Champions", and in 2014 she began to lead the program "Dancing".

Personal life

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are people who are known to all. They are iconic figures on television. At first glance, it might seem that they did not intersect. And no one was able to think that the couple was dating. But in fact, they have already formalized their relationship. They are already husband and wife. Many are surprised at this fact. After all, Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva tried not to talk about their relationships. The wedding, or rather the news about it, impressed absolutely everyone. No one even thought about it, since the paparazzi never even met them together.

Acquaintance, friendship, love

A simple story of their love cannot be called. But she is not magical either. They met at a party. We met rarely and mainly at work. As a result, friendship appeared, over time it grew into love. According to the athlete, she was always interested in communicating with Pavel. And in her busy schedule, she found time to meet with him.


They had fun. Friendly communication has always charged Laysan with positive. If you believe the athlete, then their meetings were rare, only once every six months. The work schedule simply had a high density. Perhaps such meetings would go on. But in 2012, a tragic event happened - the mother of the athlete died.

The death of a loved one rallied a star couple

This man was for her the closest in life. She trusted her, always looking for her support. But mom was gone. Laysan is still worried. No one expected such an event, since Zulfiya’s health was always in order. And in the family, athletes were all considered long-livers. Undoubtedly, the tragedy crippled the girl.

Of course, she did not break. She found the strength to live on. At first, Laysan did everything on autopilot. Then she flew to Moscow to try to find a new meaning in life. And at that moment Paul was nearby. He tried to support the girl in a difficult situation, which the former athlete was very happy about. Paul was able to gain her trust by becoming a family person. Passion, of course, did not immediately flare up. Love was born out of friendship.

Modest wedding

Today, Laysan warmly recalls how Paul took care of her when she was hard. She admits that when mom died, breathing became very difficult. But Paul was there. He was able to surround her with care, love. And the girl is grateful to him for finding an approach to her, rescuing her from the depression in which she was. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva formalized their relationship in 2012.

No magnificent ceremony took place. They just signed. And there were no suits as such, the couple was dressed in simple clothes. They did not invite anyone. And the marriage itself was noted in a narrow circle, among the closest people. However, the girl does not regret anything. A limousine, a white dress, a gorgeous bouquet - all this for her does not matter much.

Birth of a child

What other personality traits does Laysan Utyasheva have? For her, children are everything. She loves them very much. The couple has a son, named him Robert. Parents do everything to make him grow healthy. Laysan is a wonderful mother. Pavel helps her a lot in caring for her child. Naturally, the parents hired a nanny. However, close relatives will come soon, who will help the star couple in everything.

Despite the fact that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are very busy, the second child is already in the plans. The presenter and showman understand each other well. They are happy together. Laysan appreciates the support of Paul. However, she tries to show wisdom, not bothering her husband with unnecessary suspicions and speculation. Their relationship is formed on trust. Maybe that's why their union is successful. Not everyone is capable of boasting such achievements.


Naturally, all the attention paid to her child by Lyaysan Utyasheva. Children, family are very important to her. But she does not forget about work. The former gymnast has signed contracts with several brands and channels. She does not stop broadcasting. The schedule continues to be tight, as with Paul. But they manage. This helps them that the work does not imply lengthy business trips, travels and trips around cities. Accordingly, the child is not left without their parental attention.