
Laysan Utyasheva considers Pavel Volya an ideal husband and father

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Laysan Utyasheva considers Pavel Volya an ideal husband and father
Laysan Utyasheva considers Pavel Volya an ideal husband and father

The famous couple - TV presenter Lyaysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya - delight millions of fans. In a recent interview, the girl shared the details of married life and admitted that her husband is an ideal for her. “I am in love with Pasha and every day I fall in love more and more, ” said Laysan. The TNT channel presenter can unconditionally trust his chosen one, knowing that he will not leave her in a difficult situation without support.


Personal superman

In a recent interview, the 34-year-old celebrity spoke about her personal life. In a marriage with Pavel Volya, the TV presenter had a son, Robert, and a daughter, Sofia. Laysan calls her husband a personal superman. Resident Comedy Club is responsible for the whole family and is not afraid of difficulties.


Only next to Pavel Laysan feels like a defenseless little girl who needs care and guardianship. She is completely sure that her husband will not leave her in a difficult situation, she will do everything possible to support her husband and solve the problem. The gymnast noted that she had never heard from the chosen one a single phrase in reproach.

"I am absolutely in love with Pasha and fall in love with him every day,"

- quotes "OK" TV presenter.

Laysan appreciates the fact that Paul always thinks about the consequences of various situations. Thanks to his foresight, the spouse warns her beloved about possible mistakes, hasty conclusions and actions. In certain moments, Will acts as a good friend and mentor.

Among other advantages, Pasha always finds a way to please his wife. Romantic evenings and flowers for no reason are not uncommon in this family.