
Beloved wife of film genius Alexei Balabanov: Nadezhda Vasilyeva

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Beloved wife of film genius Alexei Balabanov: Nadezhda Vasilyeva
Beloved wife of film genius Alexei Balabanov: Nadezhda Vasilyeva

The widow of the brilliant Russian director Alexei Balabanov Nadezhda Vasilieva fell in love with many admirers of his creative work because of the incredible devotion to her husband. The right hand, a faithful friend and a woman loving a master, was close to his last days and supported any, even his most delusional ideas. Today you will learn about the same muse and beloved wife of Alexei Balabanov, who shared twenty years of life with him.

Childhood Nadia Vasilyeva

Nadezhda was born on January 29, 1962 in St. Petersburg. Not much is known about the biography of Nadezhda Vasilyeva. However, it is known that the girl’s family was exemplary. At school, Nadia was considered a positive student, as she was making progress. Parents spoiled the girl and allowed her to do absolutely everything that she wanted. As Nadezhda Vasilyeva herself admits, she always grew up as a very free person internally, and thanks to this she never had any framework in judgments and stereotypes in her mind.

Going beyond the school, Nadezhda decided to study as a costume designer. Such a choice was made by her out of love for art, painting and fashion. It was the right choice of specialization that allowed Vasilyeva to find the work of her life and stay in it for many years.

Acquaintance with Balabanov

According to Vasilyeva’s stories, the first meeting with Alexei took place at Lenfilm. In one of the corridors of the film studio they were introduced to a common friend working with Balabanov. Alexei liked Nadezhda, and he, not yet knowing what this meeting might threaten, offered her to work together. And a little later, when a conversation had already begun, he informed her that he really liked the fact that she was wearing a skirt, not trousers. Apparently, in such an intricate way, Balabanov singled out Vasiliev from the total mass of women.


By the way, at the time of the meeting between Nadezhda and Alexei, the latter was married and already had a son, Fedor. But, as the widow of Balabanov admits, his marriage with his ex-wife was already breaking apart and the spouses did not love each other with the love that a man loves a woman and vice versa. Therefore, to talk about the fact that it was Nadezhda that became a fatal lovebird, she only shrugs her shoulders in dismay.

After some time, Balabanov left his family and began to live with Vasilyeva. In 1996, their son Peter was born.

The creative life of the wife of a genius

After the release of the cult picture "Brother", Alexei instantly became a symbol of the generation of the 90s. Balabanova’s wife, Nadezhda Vasilyeva, not only helped him in the work on the film, but also how she could keep his peace and family hearth. In a few interviews, she admitted that Alex was so passionate about the movie, its creation, that it was literally obsessed with it, noticing anything around. Vasilyeva said that all the household chores were also completely on her. Balabanov was very far from worldly domestic problems and monetary issues in particular. Only art!


However, with regard to the education of the sons of Fedor and Peter, he was directly involved in this. Both boys grew up on set and spent a lot of time with dad.

Hope, in turn, not only did not interfere with the husband’s communication with his son from his first marriage, but on the contrary, considered Fedya almost a natural child. Alexey's first wife was treated with great sympathy and respect.


It should be noted that Balabanova’s wife, Nadezhda Vasilyeva, demolished free views on life and family stoically. They appeared in a rather patriarchal form. For example, according to her personal stories, in marriage, husband’s infidelity is quite acceptable for her. But at the same time, his wife’s absolute fidelity. And also one hundred percent care of a woman about her man and his needs. Vasilyeva has repeatedly said that for her husband she was more likely a mom than a wife in the modern sense of the word. But the spouses were more than satisfied with this format of relations. They felt harmonious and happy in the company of each other.