
Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna: interesting facts from life

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Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna: interesting facts from life
Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna: interesting facts from life

Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna - deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation.


In Ustyansky district, in the village of Metkursky, on July 16, 1961, Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna was born. Later, she and her family moved to the Saratov region and lived in the city of Novouzensk.


She received education in Novouzensk, here at the age of seven she went to the 1st grade of school No. 8, here she entered the Novouzensk Veterinary Technical School, having learned to be a feldsher veterinarian. After she graduated from college, she worked for three years in her specialty, from 1982 to 1985. Since 1985, she became the head of a subsidiary farm at a local enterprise.

In the 90s, she was offered to become an individual entrepreneur and engage in farming. Future deputy Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna agreed, because I realized that the company where she worked for 12 years is in poor condition and no improvement is expected. But after that, her life did not get better, she faced many problems. Money was sorely lacking, animal feed was almost impossible to find. She lived with the children in the trailer. But she also found a way out of such a situation.

Some facts from life

Svetlana actively developed and received additional education. In 2002, she joined the United Russia party and graduated from the institute. In 2006, Svetlana was able to create a union of farmers. Since 2011, Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna - Member of the State Duma of the 6th convocation. Later she became a co-author of more than 20 bills.

Maksimova Svetlana Viktorovna at the moment

Svetlana Viktorovna currently works in the State Duma. She actively and successfully solves issues that are agricultural in nature. Svetlana understands how difficult it is for farmers, so she knocks out additional financing for them, decides on the development of villages and villages.

She also resolves issues related to the economy in Tver. He is looking for ways to resolve the personnel issue. She participated in the development of a training program for workers, the implementation of which is expected to be completed by 2020.

Svetlana believes that it is necessary to make vocational education accessible to all young people, including those who live in villages. I am sure that rural youth must be supported, because she is visionary and active.

At the moment, Svetlana has about 30 bills in which she is the author or co-author. All her bills are very useful and remain relevant today. Most of them are related to agricultural and agricultural issues.
