
Marat Safin, brother of Alsou: biography, career, interesting facts

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Marat Safin, brother of Alsou: biography, career, interesting facts
Marat Safin, brother of Alsou: biography, career, interesting facts

Is Marat Safin the brother of Alsou? The biography of a businessman, achievements, interesting facts from life, information about marital status are given in this material.

Tennis player Marat Safin - Alsou's brother? This may interest anyone who has ever heard such a thing. Yes, the famous singer has an older brother Marat, but he has nothing to do with tennis player Safin, just a namesake and namesake. Marat Safin is the brother of Alsou and the son of oil tycoon Safin Ralif. In Tatarstan, everyone knows his name; he is known as a businessman and a deeply religious person. We will talk about everything in detail in this article, but there really is a lot of interesting things.

Marat Safin (brother of Alsou): biography


The namesake of the famous hockey player and brother of a terrific singer was born in Bashkiria on December 27, 1977 in the family of businessman Ralif Safin (known as the oil tycoon, manager of Russia's largest LUKOIL company) and architect Razia Iskhakovna. When the son was born, the family already had one child. Ruslan - this is the name of the elder brother of Marat. But Marat did not remain the youngest, soon the beloved Alsou was born, and then the youngest brother - Renard.

Marat Safin (brother of Alsou) always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, from childhood he listened to his advice, because he knew that such a person would not tell me bad things. When he dreamed of helping his father in business as a child, he could not imagine what heights he could reach.

Brother and sister relationship


Alsou and Marat Safin - brother and sister, which still need to be looked for! They are friendly and close. Little Alsou has been holding on to her older brother since childhood, and he is always ready to help her. This continues now, they are not just brother and sister, but very good friends.

When Alsou left to study in London, she was not afraid that she would be left alone, her brother Marat and his wife were waiting for her there. Throughout her studies, the girl lived with her brother's family, and with Julia - the wife of Marat, they became excellent friends.

Education Marat Safina

Nothing is known about the school and student years of the businessman, he does not like to remember the long gone time, but looks only ahead. As one wise man put it - do not look back and do not remember the past, it is already gone!

It is only known that in 1997 Marat Safin (brother of Alsou) went to study in London with a specialization in economics and political science. In 2000, he successfully completed his studies and began to “merge” with his father’s business.

Labor activity


Since 2000, Marat Safin, whose biography and career is covered in this review, began to actively develop in the field of business. Few people know, but the man did not stop at the fact that he became one of the three steering companies of LUKOIL and its subsidiaries, which included his father Ralif and Uncle Rishat.


Marat Ralifovich was actively introduced into foreign business. He controls almost the entire sugar market in Moldova, where he bought several manufacturing plants. Family interests extend to the Baltic countries. We offer you to consider in more detail the work and career achievements of the heir to the oil industry "LUKOIL":

  1. From 2000 to 2002 Marat was the Executive Director of MV Capital Group.

  2. In 2001, Marat Safin (brother of Alsou) acquired almost all the sugar factories in Moldova, became the owner of a controlling stake in the Moldovan-German production Sützüder-Moldova. Marat Ralifovich owned such plants as Dondushensky, Drokievsky, Falesti. At the conclusion of the transaction for the acquisition of sugar factories, Marata's sister, Alsu, performed a concert.

  3. MARR invested in the construction of luxury housing in Moldova.

  4. Investing in the production of rapid HIV tests in America.

  5. Since 2002, Marat Safin became the head of the investment company, which is a family business in Mauritius - MARR.

  6. Scandinavians built the modern Valdemara centrs in Riga. There is information that in 2006 the Marat family began to own a controlling stake, and management was entrusted to the young man. In addition, Marat Ralifovich and his uncle Rinat Safin acquired part of the shares of Saliena Real, which owns huge earthen plots along the Riga-Jurmala highway.

  7. In September 2007, a young businessman, as president of the MARR Group, joined the board of directors of Zenit Bank. This happened quickly, because only in June of the same year, Marat acquired only 7.8% of the shares of this credit and financial enterprise.

  8. From April 2008 to March 2011, Marat Safin headed the Zenit Bank.

  9. From 2001 to the present day, Marat Ralifovich heads the MARR Group, and from 2008 to this day, he leads the MARR Tek.

Today, Marat Ralifovich Safin is almost 40 years old, but by his age he was able to achieve a lot. Of course, some would think that without the help of an influential father, nothing would have happened. But still, it is worth paying tribute to the young businessman, because he very quickly, actively and in a businesslike manner took up the family business. It is difficult to achieve such heights, business must be conducted with wisdom and special diligence, which is not given to everyone.

Beyond Business


Alsu’s brother, Marat Ralifovich Safin, is not only a business man, he, in addition, has a lot of hobbies.

Behind the mask of a strict businessman with iron logic and an unbending character hides a deeply religious person. Marat Ralifovich is a follower of Sufism - one of the most mystical and mysterious religions.

This is one of the trends of Islam, widespread in the territory of Tatarstan. Sufism preaches asceticism, it is an esoteric movement. Adherents of this teaching are not subject to worldly fuss, they are spiritual, balanced, enlightened. Sufism played an important role in the development of art, literature, ethics and aesthetics. The path to spiritual perfection is comprehended by the students of Sufism only with the full obedience of the teacher, the fulfillment of all his instructions.

Of course, you can remain a believer for a "tick", only externally and in words, but this is not about Marat Safin. Being a true adherent of the doctrine, he agreed to sell his Zenit bank (the amount of $ 267 million is announced). The businessman made such a decision when his teacher and mentor said that usury is a great sin, you can’t deal with it.

Marat Safin has been fond of Sufism for a long time, and there he was able to hold steady, to occupy an important "post". Today, a businessman is known not only by his name, in Sufi circles he is called only Sheikh Murad. They say that a large and important religious mission is assigned to him (which one is unknown).

In Tatarstan, Marat is no less famous than his popular sister Alsu. This applies not only to business and origin, but also to a religious worldview.

The state of Marat


The Safins family repeatedly appeared on the lists of the richest in Russia. In the rating of the largest family business in Russia, Safins in 2013 were in 34th place with a total capital of $ 0.58 billion.

The personal fortune of Marat Safin for the same year amounted to 0.12 billion dollars.

Awards of Marat Safin

Marat Ralifovich Safin is not the most public person. He does not like to talk about his life and personal achievements. The business is quiet and measured, it does not create hype around itself, like many children of oligarchs.

In 2011, it became known that Safin Marat was put on the second place in the list of the most successful children of developers in the publication RealEstate.

Marital status of Marat Ralifovich


Marat Safin (brother of Alsou) and his wife Julia met while studying together in London. Young people quickly found a common language and soon formed a beautiful couple.

We met for eight months, after which Marat offered to go on holiday to Malta, where he made Julia an offer of marriage. The girl agreed, and now, for almost eighteen years, the couple have been happily married.

According to media reports, Safin’s wedding was celebrated for four days. Initially, in Moscow, and then in Bashkiria, in the homeland of Marat, where he lives with his grandmother and grandfather (father's parents) and many other relatives.

Alsu and Julia immediately became friends. According to the singer, they are best friends, although there is a difference in age.

Julia is the owner of the popular Icon fashion house and is also successfully conducting her personal business. the young woman is not used to staying at home; she seeks to improve, and not waste her life on eternal hikes with friends in beauty salons and fashion stores.

Marat and Julia have four children. Three are relatives, one couple was taken from the orphanage and adopted.