
Marina Sechina: biography and photos

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Marina Sechina: biography and photos
Marina Sechina: biography and photos

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Marina Sechina is an infrequent guest on television, this woman prefers to do business in the shade, refusing the attention of the press and leaving only rumors and speculations to the public.


The first wife of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, does not rest on the laurels of a housewife, but leads an active business life, as many are sure, related to the state apparatus as well. However, running ahead is not worth it.

Biography and early years

Oddly enough, the exact year and place of birth of Marina Sechina is unknown. In the 90s, Igor Sechin's wife was engaged in real estate, when she met the second most influential person in the Russian Federation - it is unknown. However, the marriage with the head of Rosneft lasted until 2011. As a result of the divorce, Marina Sechina received a clan nest in Serebryany Bor, as well as a number of other preferences. But more on that later.


Marina Sechina, whose biography is hardly represented in the press in a couple of lines, takes an active position both in the political and economic life of the Russian Federation.

Who is she?


It is worth noting that the Russian media, including Kommersant, show considerable interest in Marina Sechina, Sechin’s wife, not so much because of her eminent ex-spouse, but because of business activity. In addition, the press believes that the divorce from her husband in no way affected the business relationship of Sustainable Development Holding, owned by Marina Sechina, and Rosneft, headed by Igor Sechin. Spouses continue to do business, despite the breakdown in relationships. However, the ex-couple of the Sechins themselves does not comment on this fact in any way.

“Exact partners groups”: recruiting and staff development


In addition to Sustainable Development Holding and a stake in RK-Telecom, Marina Vladimirovna Sechina also owns a recruiting, training and business development company. According to Sechina Marina herself, the “Exact Partners Group” is a consulting training complex for staff, which, however, was also involved in the preparation of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, which provoked another scandal around her name.

The Sechins got their "piece of cake"?

Around the winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi there are a lot of rumors, most of which concern grandiose expenses for preparing competitions. The press believes that the planned budget "passed by" the project itself and "settled" in the pockets of contractors, including the "Exact Partners Group" and "Rosneft". Sechin’s conglomerate was among the clients of his ex-wife’s holding, which naturally aroused suspicions of backstage conspiracies around tenders for the implementation of parts of the Games preparation project.

Equestrian sport - and again rumors of corruption

According to the press service of the Equestrian Federation of Russia, Marina Sechina has been holding the post of chairman of this organization since December 10, 2016. When nominating her candidacy, Marina Sechina promised "to bring equestrian sport to a new level in the Russian Federation." What exactly the head of the Federation is doing at the moment is unknown, since Marina Sechina, whose photo can be seen only in rare cases, practically avoids communicating with the press.


The press did not fail to recall the "nepotism" among Russian officials. According to rumors, Marina Sechina took the post only thanks to the influence of the ex-spouse, just “pushing” all the other competitors. Nevertheless, the elections took place, and there were no precedents for considering their reliability.

Will the businesswoman finish the “Triumphal”?

Perhaps the scandal surrounding the “Triumphal” - “Kutuzovskaya Mile” - is known to every Russian, since it was this long-term construction that at one time became the reason for a lengthy trial regarding the reliability of cost items for the project, as well as the honesty of contracting companies. Since January 2016, according to sources available to RIA Novosti, Marina Sechina has been acting as the head of the company FTSSR CJSC. She is the general contractor of the Triumphal project and the main developer of the residential complex.


On paper, Marina Sechina acquired a controlling stake in JSC UK Management, but in fact is directly involved in the affairs of the FCSR. Recall that the project “Kutuzov Mile”, or rather, her older brother “Triumphal”, was signed back in 2005, at the same time the main work began, in which Polonsky “Avanta” company took part. In 2008, the project was frozen, the proceedings are still ongoing. The preliminary estimated cost of the project is $ 1.6 billion.

Interests in agriculture

In addition to her interest in real estate and professional training, Marina Sechina is also extremely interested in the industrial segment of the Russian economy. In particular, in agriculture.

Marina Sechina, wife of Igor Sechin, owns the Vologda Agricultural Holding, as well as Parity Vyatka LLC. The first company is a complex of several poultry farms and dairy farms. The second specializes in the production of prepared meat and canned food. Both counterparties have been successfully operating over the past years, however, the details of their activities, as usual, were not disclosed. The agro-segment remains one of Marina Sechina’s largest packages, second only to real estate.

Relations with the state apparatus

In 2017, Marina Sechina led Stankoflot, becoming the owner of 51% of the counterparty. Stankoflot has access to state secrets, and its main area of ​​activity is the import of foreign machine tools for the needs of Rostec, a state corporation specializing in orders, including for the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In this regard, the Russian press reasonably believes that the businesswoman will enter the state apparatus as a deputy or will head one of the Duma committees. Sechina herself, however, does not comment on her interests in politics.

Heats up the interest of the press and the fact that virtually nothing is known about the education of a businesswoman. What exactly Marina Sechina graduated from and whether the first wife of the head of Rosneft has a higher education is carefully kept secret.

"Clan" of the Sechins

In a marriage with Igor Sechin, Marina Sechina gave birth to two children - Ingu and Ivan. The spouse's daughter chose energy as the target business area. After graduating from a mining university in St. Petersburg, the girl took up a post at Surgutneftegazbank, was twice married. The press claims that despite home care, Inga Sechina continues to delve into the energy business and maintains a good relationship with her father.


Ivan Sechin graduated from the Higher School of Business of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, after which he took a senior position in Rosneft in the direction of geological exploration for minerals. The son also did not give up his father, Igor Sechin, he takes an active position in the company’s policy and is interested in promoting the business.

The fact that the children of the Sechins' spouses occupied such high positions, which were later strengthened by marriages with the children of other high-ranking officials, provided new food for accusations in favor of nepotism. So, for example, Inga Sechina was married to the son of the former Prosecutor General, graduate of the FSB Academy Dmitry Ustinov.