
Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - 2 different people

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Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - 2 different people
Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - 2 different people

Football is one of the most popular sports. He is loved not only by men, but also by women, and especially the wives of football players. One of the famous and popular athletes playing football is Pavel Pogrebnyak. He is married to a very beautiful woman, Mary, who also has her fans and admirers.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastics

Many men and women are interested in this woman. Fans and fans are interested in how Maria Pogrebnyak looked before and after plastic surgery. But before you find out about this, you need to remember what kind of operation and when the woman decided.

Everyone remembers that several years ago it became very fashionable to do various plastic surgeries and radically change your appearance. Many women began to experiment with themselves: redo the shape of the nose, tighten the skin on the face, enlarge the lips, etc. Maria Pogrebnyak was no exception and also decided to change her appearance. A young girl pumped biogel on her lips more than 10 years ago.

Fans wondered what Maria used to look like. Pogrebnyak “before and after plastic surgery”, as the acquaintances of Pavel and his wife said, these are two different people. Previously, the girl was a little full, but this did not prevent her from staying pretty and attractive. After plastic surgery, Maria has changed a lot. Her lips became gigantic, and the beauty that was before was gone.

Pogrebnyak herself shared that all 11 years with enlarged lips were torment for her. The woman said that everyone who talked with her always looked only at her lips, and this, of course, caused her discomfort. Maria realized that mothers of three children do not have such voluminous lips, and decided on an operation to reduce them.


Lip reduction surgery

Recently, among celebrities, lip-reduction surgery has become quite popular. Many stars in their youth wanted to transform, change beyond recognition, but now most of them are tormented with their "new" appearance.

Maria Pogrebnyak suffered for 11 years due to the fact that in her youth she increased her lips. When the woman got married and gave birth to three children, she realized that she should get rid of her large lips as soon as possible. Pogrebnyak again fell under the surgeon’s knife.


Maria Pogrebnyak after lip reduction

“Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery is 2 different people, ” said all the fans of the woman who saw her photo on the net after lip reduction. She shared that most of her friends and acquaintances were happy for Maria and said that she had her lips reduced in vain. All around say that Pogrebnyak without big lips is a beauty!

Maria herself shared her joy after she reduced her lips. The woman claims that until she is 45, she will never again lie under the surgeon’s knife. “The beauty that nature gives must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago, ”says Pogrebnyak.

Doctors warn that the biopolymer, which is used as a lip filler, is extremely dangerous. Because of it, fibrous tissue grows, which is a kind of tightening in the lips. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to speak, as well as eat food.

Impressions of Mary, as well as her fans after the operation

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - two different women. The woman is very pleased that there is such a procedure that helped her to become the same. Recently, Pogrebnyak published his photos on social networks at the age of 18. Many noticed that before the plastic, Mary's lips were magnificent and attractive, so her fans are wondering why the woman decided on the operation.

Familiar, close and admirers of Pogrebnyak claim that a woman is very well with natural lips and now she looks much more attractive. Many even began to ask the star for the number of the doctor who performed her surgery, since almost everyone was delighted with his excellent work.

Known for not only her beauty, but also her courage, Maria Pogrebnyak. Before and after plastic surgery, she remained an attractive and fearless woman. In 2011, she became famous because she was able to protect her house from robbers. In the middle of the night, she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the intruders, saved herself, her little son and home.