
Marsilio Ficino - philosopher, theologian and scientist, an outstanding thinker of the Renaissance

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Marsilio Ficino - philosopher, theologian and scientist, an outstanding thinker of the Renaissance
Marsilio Ficino - philosopher, theologian and scientist, an outstanding thinker of the Renaissance

Video: Marsilio Ficino and the Philosophy of Plato, with Denis Robichaud 2024, June

Video: Marsilio Ficino and the Philosophy of Plato, with Denis Robichaud 2024, June

Marsilio Ficino (years of life - 1433-1499) was born near Florence, in the town of Figline. He was educated at the University of Florence. Here he studied medicine and philosophy. The philosophy of Marsilio Ficino, as well as some facts from his biography, will be presented in this article.

Marsilio wrote in the early 50s of the 15th century his first independent work, which was marked by the influence of the ideas of various philosophers of antiquity. A little later he studies the Greek language, and also begins to engage in translations. Ficino in those same years becomes secretary of Cosimo Medici, head of the Florentine Republic.

The image of Marsilio Ficino


Marsilio in general is a generalized image, a peculiar symbol of the humanist philosopher, in whose worldview various philosophical and religious traditions are mixed. As a Catholic priest (Ficino took the dignity at the age of 40), he was fond of the ideas of ancient thinkers, dedicated some of the sermons to the “divine Plato” (image below), and even put a candle in front of his bust at home. At the same time he was engaged in Ficino and magic. These seemingly contradictory qualities for the philosopher himself, on the contrary, were inseparable from each other.


Ficino - Humanist

Ficino vividly showed in his work the main feature of the humanistic movement, since, like most representatives of subsequent eras, he believed that new ideals could be developed only when the Christian faith was re-founded with the help of magical and mystical representations of antiquity, as well as on the basis of ideas Plato, whom he considered the successor of Zoroaster, Orpheus and Hermes Trismegistus. It should be noted at the same time that for Ficino, as well as for other humanists, Platonic philosophy and Neoplatonism were a single teaching. It was only in the 19th century that they first realized the difference between Neoplatonism and Platonism.

Translation Activities


Marsilio Ficino, having many hobbies, was engaged in the following three most important activities. He became famous primarily as a translator. In the years 1462-1463 it was Marsilio who translated the works attributed to Hermes Trismegistus into Latin, as well as "Comments on Zoroaster" and "Orpheus Hymns". Over the next fifteen years, he published in Latin practically all the dialogues of Plato, as well as the writings of Plotinus, later ancient philosophers and Areopagitics (80-90 years of the 15th century).

Philosophical Works

Another area of ​​activity of Ficino was related to philosophy. He created two works: "Platonic theology of the immortality of the soul" and "On the Christian religion." Ficino, relying on the works written by Hermes Trismegistus, argued that the main stages of the development of philosophy appear as an “insight”, so its purpose is to prepare the human soul for the perception of revelation.

Religious ideas

The Florentine thinker, in fact, did not share philosophy and religion, like many other philosophers of the 15th century. In his opinion, they originate in the mystical teachings of antiquity. The Divine Logos as a revelation was granted to Zoroaster, Orpheus and Hermes Trismegistus. After this, the baton of divine secret knowledge was transferred to Plato and Pythagoras. By his appearance on earth, Jesus Christ embodied the Logos-Word. He also conveyed divine revelation to all people.


Therefore, both Christian teaching and ancient philosophy have a common source - the Divine Logos. For Ficino himself, therefore, the pursuit of philosophy and priestly activity seemed to be inseparable and absolute unity. He believed, moreover, that a certain unified philosophical and religious concept should be developed, and the teachings of Plato, ancient mysticism, and scripture should be combined.

The concept of "universal religion"

In Ficino, in accordance with this logic, the so-called concept of universal religion arises. He believed that God initially gave the world a religious truth that, due to imperfection, people cannot fully understand, therefore, they create all kinds of religious cults. Various thinkers representing the main stages of the development of philosophy also try to get closer to it. But all these beliefs and ideas are just a manifestation of a single "universal religion." The divine truth in Christianity has found the most reliable and accurate expression.

Ficino, seeking to uncover the meaning and content of the "universal religion", follows a neoplatonic pattern. In his opinion, the world consists of the following five levels: matter, quality (or form), soul, angel, god (ascending). The highest metaphysical concepts are god and angel. They are infinite, immaterial, immortal, indivisible. Matter and quality are lower concepts associated with the material world, therefore, they are limited in space, mortal, temporary, divisible.


The main and only connecting link between the lower and higher levels of being is the soul. She, according to Ficino, is triune, as it has three hypostases: the soul of living creatures, the soul of heavenly spheres and the soul of the world. Derived from God, she animates the material world. Marsilio Ficino literally glorifies the soul, claiming that it is it that is the connection of everything, because when it is possessed in one, it does not leave the other. In general, the soul supports everything and penetrates everything. Ficino therefore calls it the knot and bundle of the world, the face of everything, the mediator of all things, the center of nature.

Based on this, it becomes clear why Marsilio pays so much attention to the soul of an individual. Adjacent to the divine, she, in his understanding, is the "mistress of the body, " governs it. Therefore, knowing your soul should be the main occupation of any person.

The theme of the essence of human personality

Ficino continues the theme of the essence of the personality of an individual in discussions of "Platonic love." He means by the concept of love a reunion in the god of a carnal, real person with an idea about him. Ficino, in accordance with Christian Neoplatonic ideas, writes that in the world everything comes from God and will return to him. Therefore, in all things you need to love the Creator. Then people can rise to love in the god of all things.

The true person and the idea of ​​him, therefore, are one. But there is no true person on earth, since all people are separated from each other and from themselves. Here divine love comes into force, with the help of which one can come to a genuine life. If all people reunite in it, they will be able to find a path to the Idea. Therefore, loving God, people themselves become beloved to them.


The preaching of "Platonic love" and "universal religion" became very popular in the 15th century. She retained and later for many Western European thinkers its appeal.

Treatise "On Life"

In 1489, Ficino's medical treatise "On Life" was published, in which he relied on astrological laws, like other representatives of the Renaissance. The basis of medical prescriptions at that time was the belief that parts of the human body are subject to the signs of the zodiac, and different temperaments are associated with different planets. It was shared by many thinkers of the Renaissance. The opus was intended for scientists who, due to hard work, often fall into melancholy or fall ill. He advises Ficino to avoid minerals, animals, herbs, plants related to Saturn (this planet has a melancholy temperament), to surround itself with objects related to Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. The image of Mercury, as this thinker claimed, develops memory and quick wit. He can also chase away a fever if placed on a tree.