
Martin Donovan: biography, filmography, personal life

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Martin Donovan: biography, filmography, personal life
Martin Donovan: biography, filmography, personal life

Video: Best Martin Donovan movies 2024, June

Video: Best Martin Donovan movies 2024, June

Martin Donovan began his career in New York. Since then he is known for his work in numerous theatrical productions, as well as in more than eighty feature films and television shows. In 2011, he became known as a screenwriter and film director. Martin Donovan is the winner of several awards and prizes.


On August 19, 1957, an American actor, director and screenwriter Martin Donovan was born. A brief biography of him further. The real name is Smith. He was born in Rezed, California. His parents are middle class, and Martin Donovan is one of their four children. Parents gave their son a Catholic upbringing.


The first stage work of the young actor was participation in the school musical play “Farewell, birdie”.

As an adult, Martin Donovan studied at Pierce College, Los Angeles for a couple of years. After that, he simultaneously studied at the theater conservatory and performed in a theater company. He played in two productions: "The Private Life of the Lord's Race" by Brecht and Richard's Cork Leg based on the play of the Irish writer Bian Brandon.

In 1983, Martin Donovan moved with his wife to New York. He wants to start a career as a film actor. At first, in anticipation of invitations to auditions, Martin had to interrupt by random part-time jobs. It is known that he worked as a drapery installer to provide for his young family.

He later becomes a member of the acting troupe of the Theater Cacaracha.

Selected Filmography

To start a creative career, Martin Smith changed his surname to a rarer one and became known as Martin Donovan. Films with his participation were released regularly, although he is more known as a supporting actor.


“Portrait of a Lady” (1996) - a film adaptation of the book of the same name by the American writer Henry James. The film tells about the difficult fate of a young girl Isabelle Archer. She finds herself in the center of manipulations and intrigues developed by influential people. In this drama, Martin Donovan played the role of Ralph Tachit - a fan of the main character. For his work, the actor received the award of the National Society of Film Critics in the nomination "Best Actor in a Supporting Role", and the film itself became the best picture of the 1996 Venice Film Festival.

Pasadena (2001) is an underrated series in the genre of a dramatic detective story. In the center of the story is the richest Pasadena family - the MacAlisters. The main character, Lily, the heiress of the clan, lived a beautiful and serene life, until a brutal murder occurred in their house. Wanting to get to the bottom of the truth, the girl learns many of the dark secrets of her family. Martin Donovan played the role of the father of the main character, Will McAlister.


Shoals (2005) is a series about the everyday life of a simple American housewife. She is busy raising two difficult teenage children. Being a widow and finding herself unable to provide for her family, the main character decides to take up an unusual business for herself - the drug trade. Things are going unexpectedly well, and friends and neighbors are becoming customers of the new dealer. Black humor and intense dramatic plot made the series one of the most commercially successful among Showtime channel projects. Martin Donovan played the role of Peter Scottson, an agent for the drug control department. As a member of the cast, Donovan was nominated for the SAG Award in the Outstanding Play of the Comedy Series Actors Ensemble section.

Ghosts in Connecticut (2009) is a horror film directed by Peter Cornwell, which is based in part on real events. Martin Donovan plays one of the family members who are forced to move closer to the hospital where their son Matt is. The family spends a lot of money on hopeless treatment, and in the meantime, something mysterious and even sinister begins to happen in the new house. The family is forced to seek help from a priest.

"Onegin" (1999) - the famous English-language adaptation of the novel in verse. The film is a free retelling of the plot of the novel. The main characters speak prose, and the poetic form is used only in letters. Martin Donovan played the role of Prince Nikitin, husband of Tatiana and cousin Eugene Onegin.

Directing and screenwriting

In 2011, Martin Donovan made his debut as a director and screenwriter. His first work was the film "Employee". The work tells of the difficult days of the playwright Robert Langfellow. In his family life there is discord, a creative crisis prevents writing. The latest work was crushed by critics. He cannot write anything worthy. The protagonist plunges deeper into despair, and at this moment a new person breaks into his life. A neighbor named Gus.


Personal life

In 1984, Martin Donovan married Vivian Lanko, a young actress. The couple has two sons. At the moment, the family lives in Canadian Vancouver.