
Masurian lakes in Poland: photos, attractions

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Masurian lakes in Poland: photos, attractions
Masurian lakes in Poland: photos, attractions

Video: Idyllic Poland - From the Masuria to the beaches of the Baltic Sea 2024, June

Video: Idyllic Poland - From the Masuria to the beaches of the Baltic Sea 2024, June

There is an ethnographic and historical region in northern Poland, which includes vast lands uniting more than 4 thousand natural reservoirs. This area is perfectly characterized by the name often used for it - the Country of a Thousand Lakes. Some of them are interconnected by canals, rivers and locks. All this is the Masurian lakes in Poland, about which the story is presented in the article.

General information

Masuria is a unique and surprisingly beautiful lake region in Poland. Many, describing this region, attribute to it areas that are not actually related to it. It is located in the northeastern territory of Poland, having the following borders: east - Suwalki (Suwalschina does not belong to Masuria anymore); West - Olsztyn; North - Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast); south - Piskaya Forest. This is the real Masuria, where more than 4, 000 small and large lakes are located, many of which are connected by natural rivers and artificial canals.


The postglacial landscape of this corner of Poland is famous for its bizarre geology and diverse vegetation. There are quite favorable climatic conditions. In these places, the history of the development of settlements is very interesting.

From this paradise by water you can get to any part of the country.

Short story

The first information about shipping in the region of the Great Masurian Lakes dates back to 1379. At that time, the Master of the Teutonic Order of the Knights made a boat trip to Malbork through these lakes. In the city itself, in the Elblлонg Chronicle, there is a record that in the 15th century ships were built from the wood of the Piska Forest trees.


In the period from 1763 to 1766, on the orders of Frederick II, canals were built that connected the lakes from the city of Vegorzhevo to the Pisa river. Only in the 19th century did the region have the name Masuria. The Great Masurian Lakes are the most important part of this complex.

Description of the region

Masuria is the largest lake system in Poland. 45 reservoirs are interconnected by eight rivers and twelve canals. This region, called the Green Lungs of Poland, is one of the places in Europe with exceptional landscape value and pure nature. It has many forests and two forests (in the south - Piskaya, in the east - Boretskaya). The complex has two of the largest lakes in the country:

  • Snardwa with an area of ​​114 square meters. km and 8 islands.
  • Mamry (area 104 sq. Km, 33 islands).

The deepest lake is Hancha, and the longest is Jezerak. The most popular channels for tourists are Elblбg and Augustow.


It should be noted that many people call Lake Snyardva the Masurian Sea, since the opposite is almost indistinguishable from one shore. This natural reservoir has the largest center for sailing. There is also a livestock research station where Polish horses up to 140 cm tall, deer and beavers are raised.


What to see on the Masurian Lakes, and what can you do here? These places are a paradise for lovers of sailing, canoeing and rowing, as well as just for fans of outdoor recreation. The most famous water tourism centers in the country are located here. They are located in the cities of Vegorzhevo, Gizycko and Mikołajk. There are lakes and bays, and marinas with hotels, well-developed infrastructure, recreation centers and sports equipment stores.

In this region, excellent conditions have been created for agritourism. Picturesque forests are ideal for exciting horseback riding. Numerous churches, as well as castles built by the Teutonic knights in the Gothic style, attract attention.


The largest city in the region is Olsztyn (160 thousand inhabitants). A valuable historical monument is the Teutonic Castle - a building of the XIV century. Today it houses the Museum of Masuria and Warmia, telling about Nicolaus Copernicus, who once worked in this city. The attraction of the Masurian Lakes region is the High Gate, which is a fragment of the city fortifications of the XIV century, as well as a Gothic cathedral and the old city hall in the Baroque style.

Tourists are mainly chosen by the Big Masurian Lakes, located in the very center of the region. These are the largest bodies of water: Mamry, Snyardva and Jezerak.

Places for rest

Masurian lakes attract many tourists. Where to stay? There are many campsites on the shores, however, which are just tent sites. In this regard, Poland should further develop. Of course, there are campsites with sandy beaches and flower alleys, just like in other European countries. True, in Poland they are considered 4-star. For example, there is such an institution on the shore of Lake Taltu, not very large by Mazurian standards.

However, such living conditions do not prevent you from enjoying the indescribable beauty of the surrounding nature, tranquility and silence.
