
Medals "For the return of the Crimea." FSB Medal "For the Return of Crimea"

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Medals "For the return of the Crimea." FSB Medal "For the Return of Crimea"
Medals "For the return of the Crimea." FSB Medal "For the Return of Crimea"

The networks continue a heated discussion of the photo of the medal "For the Return of Crimea." Doubts of the Internet community aroused an interesting date, carved on its back: 02/20/2014. This date jeopardizes the veracity of the Kremlin’s official explanation of Russia's position with regard to the annexation of Crimea and generally to the events in Ukraine that began in 2014.


What does the Kremlin say?

The official Kremlin version is as follows. In February 2014, events took place in Crimea that seriously changed the socio-political life of the republic. Peaceful (mostly Russian-speaking) residents rose to protest against the seizure of power in Ukraine by Euro-Maidan. In late February, in Sevastopol and the Crimea, a change of executive power was carried out, which declared the new government illegitimate in Kiev and appealed for support to the President of Russia, which the Crimeans immediately and comprehensively rendered.


On a tight schedule, a referendum was held in Crimea on the attitude of citizens to joining Russia on March 16. The 17th Republic of Crimea was proclaimed sovereign. Sevastopol was also introduced into the newly formed structure. On March 18, Crimea was annexed to Russia by document. Officially, the day of the establishment of the medal “For the Return of Crimea” is considered March 21, 2014.

Why, then, is the start date for the “return” of Crimea in this historical document - 02.20.2014?

Do not understand?

Historians and lawyers, as well as diplomats, political scientists, journalists, and others who are obliged by duty or accustomed to analyzing their hearts, see in this historical document a “bomb” placed under the official facade of the Kremlin’s position in relation to Crimea and the war in Ukraine.

What conclusions do analysts draw?

The Russian Federation should explain the discrepancies between the official start date for the return of the peninsula and the President’s statement that Russia was not at all ready to engage in the annexation of Crimea, and the decision to annex it was made after cries for help from local Russian-speaking residents came to the Kremlin. The meaning of Putin’s words quoted in April by Rossiyskaya Gazeta did not camouflage the explanations of his spokesman Peskov, supposedly Putin was “misunderstood, ” and in fact there have never been any Russian soldiers on the peninsula.

February 20, which, according to the historical document - the medal "For the Return of Crimea" - is the date of the beginning of the Russian operation in the territory of Crimea, in Ukraine Yanukovych was still the acting president. There is no way to doubt this, because the next day he signed an agreement with the opposition to resolve the political crisis in the country.

On February 20, a "heavenly hundred" was shot on Maidan. The Kremlin still officially "does not believe" in the involvement of Alpha and the Golden Eagle, although the Internet is teeming with evidence.

The next night, from February 21 to 22, Yanukovych fled from Ukraine. It was a so-called “working trip” to Kharkov, in which the overthrown guarantor took paintings and furniture with him. Everything falls into place, given that the third day of the annexation of Crimea was already on the third day.

The establishment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation medal “For the Return of Crimea” unexpectedly (and, as it should be understood, without coordination with the relevant ministries) introduced a historical document into the circulation of scientists and diplomats, giving an interpretation of events that runs counter to the official interpretation of the Kremlin.

Historical chronology proves the failure of the latter: how could one begin to "return Crimea" two days before the constitutional removal of the incumbent President of Ukraine, even if they "did not plan" to intervene in this?

The new medal “For the Return of Crimea”, without a doubt, contains interesting information for the Hague Tribunal …

International scandal?

In the light of the circumstances, the position of the foreign ministries of the two countries of the former USSR: Belarus and Kazakhstan, which supported the accession of the peninsula to Russia, is becoming rather ambiguous.

Since the medal “For the Return of Crimea” to Russia indicates the day two days of the beginning of Russian military operations in Ukraine, two days before the resignation of the legitimate president, Moldova and Georgia also receive additional arguments to ask for patronage from the Alliance.

The situation is similar with the NATO members - Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland - do not the conclusions to which the medal of the defense ministry “For the Return of Crimea” pushes us give you any reason to demand “additional means of defense” from a possible Russian attack?

What happened next?

After they established the FSB medal “For the Return of Crimea”, they began to hold awards on March 24. Sergey Shoigu personally presented awards to the Russian marines, former Ukrainian Berkut soldiers and officers of the Black Sea Fleet. The head of the annexed Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, was also awarded.


Military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces were also awarded, including soldiers and officers of the Central and Southern Military District. According to the press service of the Central Military District, Y. Roshchupkin, there was no army in the Crimea, the awarded soldiers, being on the territory of Russia, helped the rebel Crimea with communications, transport, etc.


Shoigu himself appeared with a medal on Red Square at the May 9 parade.

In November 2014 and. about. Head of Kerch Sergey Pisarev presented the award to fifteen citizens and participants of self-defense of Crimea.

In December, the head of the Rostov-on-Don administration and twelve other residents received medals.


In the spring of 2015, the governor of Stavropol and another 147 distinguished Cossacks were awarded.

The medal was also awarded to a number of Russian public and political figures.

Statute of the medal "For the Return of Crimea"

The medal is not endowed with the status of a state award. It is classified as departmental, the status of the medal is approved by the Minister of Defense, the basis for awarding it is his order.

In addition, the Ministry of Defense of Russia established departmental awards: medals “For the annexation of Crimea 2014”, “For the preparation and conduct of a referendum on reunification with Russia”, “For merits in the reunification of Crimea with Russia”, as well as “For distinction in exercises”, “For Labor Valor” and named after Mikhail Kalashnikov.

The Crimean leadership introduced the medal “For the Defense of Crimea-2014”, the people's militia issued the badge “For participation in the heroic defense of Crimea in February – March 2014”.

In addition, it was also decided to issue 25 gilded or silver kilogram coins, which will depict Putin and the Crimea.