
Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich - financial ombudsman

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Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich - financial ombudsman
Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich - financial ombudsman

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Video: A new view on Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812: a lecture by historian Evgeny Ponasenkov 2024, July

Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich - a person quite recognizable for those people who are interested in Russian politics and finance. This person - a deputy of the State Duma of the first five convocations, is an adviser to the chairman of the Central Bank, and until recently was a financial ombudsman. As you can see, the personality is very multifaceted, and if you add that at one time he devoted a lot of time to science, the ideas about Pavel Alekseevich are expanding even more. So what did a significant politician, scientist, financial ombudsman Pavel Medvedev do? Let's study his biography in detail.


Birth and childhood

Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich was born on the eve of World War II, in August 1940, in the city of Moscow, in a family of ethnic Russians. Soon, little Pavlik and his family moved to Mariupol. But then the war began, and the city was occupied by German troops.

A remarkable and tragic episode belongs to this period of life of Pavel Alekseevich. His aunt, although she herself was Russian, was married to a Jew. The relationship of the Nazis to the representatives of the Jewish people is well known. They shot an aunt and her husband. But their son (her nephew), mother of Pavel Medvedev passed off as his own offspring, which saved his life.


After the war ended, the family returned to the capital, including Pavel Medvedev. Moscow took him back with open arms. Then Pavlik graduated from high school, after which he entered the Moscow State University in the mathematical direction.

In 1962, he received a specialist degree at this university, three years later graduated from graduate school, and after two more - he defended his thesis. In parallel with graduate school studies, Pavel Alekseevich Medvedev taught mathematics at the Military Academy.

In science

After graduating from postgraduate studies and defending his Ph.D., Pavel Alekseevich did not break with science. On the contrary, in 1968 he transferred to work at Moscow State University, where he became a senior lecturer. Soon he received the position of assistant professor at the Department of Economics.

Medvedev Pavel Alekseevich not only skillfully taught, but also was the developer of various teaching aids. Among his students were fairly well-known personalities in the future, among which Alexander Shokhin and Peter Aven should be especially distinguished.


Having worked for many years at the most prestigious university in the country - Moscow State University, in 1987 Pavel Medvedev defended his thesis, receiving the title of Doctor of Economics. In the same year, with his participation, a work was published that substantiated the country's transition from a planned economy to a market development model without the use of the “shock therapy” method popular abroad.

In 1992, Pavel Alekseevich reached the zenith of his scientific career, becoming a professor. But soon he quit Moscow State University, believing that on the political path he would be more useful for the Fatherland.

First steps in politics

However, at the time of his dismissal from Moscow State University, Pavel Alekseevich Medvedev was already a relatively experienced politician. Back in 1990, when the Soviet Union was still breathing, he became People's Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Moreover, they chose him in a single-mandate constituency, that is, voters voted for Medvedev as an individual. Although he was nominated by the party "Democratic Russia". In a difficult struggle, Pavel Alekseevich defeated Lev Shemaev, who was supported by Boris Yeltsin himself.

Thus, Pavel Medvedev got into parliament. Contacts with other deputies and representatives of the authorities began to be acquired quite quickly. Soon he becomes a member of the expert council under Boris Yeltsin, who at that time was chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. After the collapse of the USSR and Yeltsin’s presidential election, Medvedev invites him to familiarize himself with his program for a painless transition to a market economy, drawn up with a group of co-authors back in 1987, but this attempt is repulsed by Minister of Economy Yasin.

Medvedev becomes the head of the parliamentary subcommittee on banking, budget and taxes, and is also a member of the Constitutional Commission. In 1990, the Law on Banks was adopted, the author of which was Pavel Alekseevich. In 1993, Medvedev became a member of the Concord and Progress faction. And from September to December, he holds the post of deputy of one of the economic departments under the President of Russia.


But in the same 1993, after an attempt by a large group of deputies in October to carry out a coup, the Supreme Council dissolved as an organ, and the State Duma replaced it.

Work in the Duma

But parliamentarians of the Supreme Council did not automatically become deputies of the Duma. New elections were coming. However, Pavel Alekseevich copes with the task of going to parliament perfectly. He again runs for one of the single-mandate constituencies in Moscow, this time as an independent candidate, although he has the support of Yegor Gaidar’s organization “Russia's Choice”. As a result, as one would expect, Medvedev falls into the State Duma of the first convocation.

However, a little later Pavel Alekseevich nevertheless plunges into party activity. Already in 1994, he became the head of the Moscow branch of the organization "Choice of Russia", as well as the co-chairman of the party as a whole. In the same year, he joined the party, founded, like the previous organization, Gaidar, which is called "Democratic Choice of Russia." As a member, Medvedev is a member of the political council of this structure.


1995 was marked by new elections to the Duma. Such a short period of work of the first convocation of the parliament was due to the fact that the powers of the Supreme Council in 1993 were terminated ahead of schedule, so new elections were called for two years later. The current deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Pavel Medvedev, together with his party, is included in the election block "89". However, the bloc failed miserably with the elections without gaining the necessary number of votes for parliament. But Pavel Medvedev was the only candidate from this bloc who could get into the Duma, as he was still elected in the same single-mandate constituency as in previous times.

In 1996, presidential elections were held, at which Pavel Alekseevich supported the incumbent head of state, Boris Yeltsin, who won by voting.

In 1997, without leaving parliamentary activity, Medvedev began to work on the council under the Russian government on issues related to the activities of banking structures. The following year, in parliament, he received the responsible post of chairman of the subcommittee on financial legislation, which relates primarily to the banking sector.

Although in 1999 Pavel Alekseevich became the sole leader of the organization “Choice of Russia”, but, as always, at the parliamentary elections held in the same year, he became a nominee in the single-mandate constituency from voters, but not from the party.

Having once again become a deputy of the State Duma, Pavel Medvedev is included in the pro-government faction "Fatherland-All Russia." Again, an important post awaits him in parliament. This time the deputy. Chairman of the Credit Committee.

In "United Russia"

In the new parliamentary elections of 2003, Medvedev was first nominated for deputies not on a single-mandate constituency in the Cheryomushki district of Moscow, but on party lists. He becomes a nominee from the pro-government United Russia party, supported by President Vladimir Putin. Nevertheless, despite the victory of the party in the elections and the passage of its lists to parliament, Medvedev does not join its ranks, but remains the leader of Russia's Choice.


Only in 2005 Pavel Alekseevich left the leading posts of the organization, which he devoted so many years of his life to join the United Russia party. As they say, one of the main conditions for his consent to join was the signing by Vladimir Putin of the law on deposit insurance, the adoption of which Medvedev has long sought. Then he again became deputy head of the Duma committee, now on credit organizations.

In the 2007 elections, Medvedev is once again nominated by United Russia and again goes to parliament. At the time of the abdication of parliamentary powers in 2011, he was a member of the financial market committee.

Termination of Deputy Activities

A big surprise for everyone was that in 2011 at the next parliamentary election, the United Russia party did not nominate Pavel Alekseevich to the State Duma. He announced this himself, as well as that he did not intend to advance from any other political force, that is, he was going to leave parliamentary activity in the past.


This was doubly unexpected, as Medvedev was one of the most ardent propagandists and supporters of United Russia. In addition, he belonged to the small number of deputies who took part in the work of the Duma of all five convocations. And taking into account his deputy in the Supreme Council, the parliamentary experience of Pavel Alekseevich will be even greater.

At the same time, Medvedev kept a grudge against his former colleagues, which he himself announced, since he was not notified of non-inclusion in the lists officially, but only found out from his high-ranking comrades.

The results of legislative activity

What are the results of the 21-year activity of Pavel Medvedev in parliament, what laws did he contribute to?

First of all, this is the 1990 Law on Banks, which was a regulatory act of banking in the new conditions of a market economy. The 1995 Law on the Central Bank was also developed by Medvedev. Pavel Alekseevich was the main initiator of changes in it in 2002. In 1999, even despite the presidential veto, bankruptcy of credit societies was regulated. In 2003, he pushed through a law that regulated the movement of mortgage-backed securities. In 2004, finally, the Law “On Deposit Insurance”, promoted by Medvedev as early as 2000, was passed.

Among the unaccepted bills promoted by Pavel Medvedev, the law on the bankruptcy of individuals should be mentioned. But he was adopted after Medvedev ceased to be a deputy.


In 2010, when Medvedev was still a State Duma deputy, the Association of Russian Banks offered him a job as a financial ombudsman. He agreed to this proposal. What is the essence of this activity? The financial ombudsman Pavel Medvedev had to find ways out in the event of conflicts between financial institutions and their clients, to facilitate their reconciliation. The benefit of experience in this segment of activity was enough for Pavel Alekseevich.

Credit Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev took matters for consideration only with the consent of the bank's customers. Moreover, no matter what decision he made in the dispute, the client had the right to appeal it in court, and for banks that joined the agreement on working under this scheme, it was binding. This interaction mechanism was adopted by the Association of Russian Banks.

Bank customers could not wait for the bank to offer them, as an option, a way out of the position of the Ombudsman service. Investors and borrowers themselves could write a letter to Pavel Medvedev asking for help. For individuals, his services were absolutely free, as the bank paid for everything.

However, in February 2012, the Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev left this work. His address was recorded with many customers of Russian banks, but, unfortunately, now the politician is engaged in a completely different activity.

The current stage of activity

But, despite his considerable age, Pavel Alekseevich did not even think of retiring to his well-deserved rest. He was simply offered a rather high post - adviser to the chairman of the Central Bank. Therefore, he decided to connect his future activities with this area of ​​public service close to him.


In 2015, Pavel Medvedev became the laureate of the All-Russian award “Reputation”, which marks the most famous figures in the financial sector.

A family

Pavel Medvedev has been married to Marianna Butina for many years, with whom they married in the first half of the 60s of the last century.

Two daughters were born in this union - Tatyana (born in 1964) and Natalya (born in 1968), and son Dmitry (born in 1972).