
Mexican actress Barbara Mori: films, biography, personal life

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Mexican actress Barbara Mori: films, biography, personal life
Mexican actress Barbara Mori: films, biography, personal life

Video: Barbara Mori Married To Jon-Michael Ecker 2024, June

Video: Barbara Mori Married To Jon-Michael Ecker 2024, June

Lovers of Mexican soap operas are well acquainted with an actress named Barbara Mori. She starred in numerous television series, somewhere she got the main role, somewhere - a minor. Also in Mexico, this beauty is known to everyone as a model that for more than ten years has been the face of various brands and trademarks. What is this person famous for? What are her personal lives and creative achievements?

Barbara Mori: biography

The future actress was born on February 2, 1978 in the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo. Her childhood did not at all portend a great acting career, she did not study in specialized schools and universities, did not attend courses or circles. As a child, Barbara Mori lived with her parents in her hometown, but soon dad and mom divorced. The father of the actress is half Uruguayan, half Japanese. Her mother is a Mexican. Therefore, after the family broke up, the girl was in constant trips between her native Uruguay and Mexico, where, oddly enough, her dad settled. When Barbara was 14 years old, she decided to stay with her father in Mexico. There, the future actress and model worked as a waitress in a restaurant held by her family. It was in this institution that she met the designer Marcos Toledo, who offered her a more profitable job, paying attention to the artistry and bright appearance of the girl. So Barbara Mori got to the actor training center on Azteca TV, where she studied theatrical and cinematic skills, rhetoric.


Career and major film projects

It turned out that the actress did not play at the initial stages of her career in the theater. But this did not stop her from conquering not only Mexico and all of Latin America, but even India. Her most sensational project was the film "Kites", which Bollywood filmed in the United States.

Well, now back to the beginning of the career of the actress. She first appeared on television in 1997, when she played a minor role in the series "North of the Heart." A year later, she gets the main role in the soap opera Blue Tequila - Asul (by the way, in Spanish, "Asul" means "blue", as well as this female name). In the same 1998, Barbara Mori starred in the famous Mexican series "Woman's Look." A year later, the actress appears in the next multi-part creation of Mexican directors called "I am dying for you, " but her role in this project is insignificant. Her first feature film was a painting called "Inspiration", where Barbara played a major role. Then came roles in such films as “Love and Treachery”, “Undisguised Love”, “My Brother’s Wife”, “Forever”, “Spanish Beauty” and many others.


Modern activity

Since 2005, all the projects in which Barbara Mori takes part are films. She completely leaves the series, focusing on single-series paintings and on the model path. In Mexico, Barbara was the face of many world cosmetic brands, she took part in various television shows, appeared on the covers of fashion magazines. Her most striking works in the world of cinema were the films "My Brother's Wife" and "Kites". But this is not a complete filmography of the actress over the past 12 years. She was involved in the filming almost every year, and on her account such tapes as "Forever", "Minor Things", "Cello", "One Minute", "Headwind" and her last project - "Two Moons". It was thanks to the filming in films, and not in soap operas (as almost all Mexican actors do) that Barbara Mori gained world fame. She became popular not only in the Western world and in Russia, but also won the East, and not every actress can do it.


Personal life

In the late 90s, Barbara Mori met her colleague - actor Sergio Mayer. They were one of the most beautiful couples in Mexico, and in 1998 they had a son - Sergio Mayer Mori, who is now almost twenty years old. The relationship of this couple was not legalized and, apparently, not in vain. A few years after the birth of a child, Barbara and Sergio parted, but at the same time each of them continued to expand his creative acting horizons. It is also worth noting another character from the world of cinema - the Indian actor Hrithik Roshan, the son of the famous Bollywood director Rakesh Roshan. The Mexican actress met him on the set of the film "Kites", they were partners in the frame. The press and fans immediately began to fuss about the fact that Barbara Mori and Hrithik Roshan are lovers, even despite the fact that the Indian actor is married. Moreover, Barbara, Hrithik and Sabrina (the wife of the actor) were combined into the so-called love triangle, which was one of the most discussed at various parties. But none of its participants confirmed or refuted this rumor.



As it turned out, such a terrible ailment as cancer can overtake even beautiful actors and models. Barbara Mori, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in the mid-2000s, was no exception. Fortunately, the disease was discovered at the very initial stage, so the best doctors easily and quickly dealt with it. However, the event greatly shocked the actress, and she began to look for people among the celebrities and ordinary people of Mexico who also had or have at the moment a similar medical opinion. After getting rid of the disease, Barbara starred in a documentary project that talked about cancer, the ways to get rid of it and the belief in the best.
