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Pavlov Memorial Museum, Ryazan: history, review and features

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Pavlov Memorial Museum, Ryazan: history, review and features
Pavlov Memorial Museum, Ryazan: history, review and features

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The order of the Council of People's Commissars on the creation in Ryazan of the Museum of Pavlov Ivan Petrovich, the great Russian and Soviet scientist, Nobel Prize in Medicine, academician, was signed in 1944. There was still a difficult, destructive war, there were many problems in the country, and people were already thinking about how to respectfully honor the scientist on the tenth anniversary of his death.

Residents of a large country, and especially Ryazans, have always been proud of the great fellow countryman. The Museum-Estate of Academician Pavlov in Ryazan is a vivid confirmation of this. Walking through rooms with interiors and personal belongings of family members, a visitor of any age will understand and learn more about this person than from the school curriculum.

The great scientist Pavlov Ivan Petrovich

“I was, am and remain a Russian man, the son of the Motherland, I am interested in her life, I live in her interests, I strengthen my dignity with her dignity, ” wrote Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. And these are not empty words. Throughout his long life, he proved it.


For over sixty years he has worked in the "science of jubilant life." So the scientist called physiology. Outstanding discoveries in the physiology of blood circulation, digestion and nervous activity of the body are associated with his name. The whole world knows the name of Pavlov, he was honorably admitted to 132 academies and scientific societies, was a doctor at Cambridge University, and also the first Russian Nobel laureate. A brilliant physiologist, the elder of all the physiologists of the world, he was still just a good and kind man who devotedly loved his homeland.

Opening of the I.P. Pavlov Museum in Ryazan

The name of Pavlov I.P. became a symbol of Soviet science. During his lifetime, his work was highly appreciated by the government and the scientific community. For him, the most favorable conditions were created for the continuation of labor. After his death, he was named after the streets of Russian cities, towns, space bodies, a crater on the moon, medical universities in St. Petersburg and Ryazan. He was erected monuments and instituted scientific awards. So highly praised the achievements of the scientist Soviet society.

In 1946, March 6, on the tenth anniversary of the memory of the great scientist, the Museum of Academician Pavlov was opened in his ancestral home. Ryazan is the hometown of Ivan Petrovich. His ancestors lived here, he and his brothers and sister were born here, he buried his parents here, and until the last years of his life he came to his beloved city, to his parents' house.

Gratitude and memory of people

It is embarrassing to read that the name of Pavlov was used by Soviet functionaries in the ideological struggle, that his “school” was not allowed to criticize, that the country's leading physiologists were persecuted under the banner of protecting his teachings. Ivan Petrovich himself took a completely different position during his lifetime.

But today, after many years, we can say for sure: Russia remembers and honors the merits of the great scientist, and Russian people go to the Pavlov Museum in Ryazan to learn more about him, a scientist and a man.

In 1968, a second house was moved to the museum, located next to it, in which several years later an exposition was opened dedicated to the scientific work of Ivan Petrovich. This event was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the scientist. Since 1993, the institution has been honored with the name “Memorial Museum-Estate of Academician I. P. Pavlov”.

Museum complex

Museum workers were able to make visiting the estate interesting for everyone, for people of various professions and ages. The scientific part of the exposition was presented very informatively and uncomplicatedly. Walking through the rooms in which the Pavlovs lived, you get acquainted with the history of a friendly family. Here they cared for each other, loved and raised children.


It is very valuable that the interiors of the premises were preserved, many things that belonged to the Pavlovs, the spiritual and emotional atmosphere was recreated, and it becomes clear how the poor family of the Ryazan clergyman lived.

The Pavlov Museum in Ryazan consists of two houses, a clan and “sisters, ” which are called the “House of Science”. There is also a gazebo, farm buildings and a bathhouse, not far from which there is a well. All this is united by a large yard.

Preserved and maintained in good condition apple orchard. In the fall, baskets with apples were put on the benches, the Pavlovs' house was always hospitable. There is also a place for outdoor games - goroshoshny and croquet playground. In the courtyard there is a bust of a scientist.

Parents of Ivan Petrovich

The children of the Pavlov family spent their whole life treating their parents with respect and love. Poor people, they managed to raise their children in hard work and mutual respect. Everyone got a good education.


Pyotr Dmitrievich Pavlov, a native of a peasant family, managed to graduate from a theological seminary and served at the Skopinsky Theological School, teaching Greek seminarians. By nature, he was a direct, truthful person, distinguished by good health and good-natured disposition.

His favorite pastime was working in the garden, peasant roots affected. The fruits of his labor helped a poor family live.

Varvara Ivanovna was the daughter of a Ryazan priest. He served as the rector of the oldest church in Ryazan, Nicholas-Vysokovskaya, which the people dubbed "Nikola Dolgoshey" because of the unusually high tent. It was he who built a house on Nikolskaya Street a few steps from the church. True, the street was renamed for a long time, and today the address of the Pavlov Museum: Ryazan, Pavlova street, 25.


In 1849, the estate, as well as the place of the clergyman in the Vysokovskaya church, was inherited by the son-in-law, the husband of Varvara Ivanovna. And she herself, being an uneducated, but smart and cheerful woman, took up housekeeping and raising children. Even when numerous births undermined her health, she remained a loving, hardworking, and caring wife and mother. Of the ten children born, only five survived.

Ivan Pavlov

The first-born, who was named Ivan, was born on September 26, 1849. In a large family there were three more brothers and sister Lydia, who was 25 years younger than Ivan. Children helped parents by doing their best. Bring water, chop wood, help mother with the housework - all this was done without urging and excuse. An example of permanent employment was shown by parents.

Father, working in the garden or fixing the house, always attracted children. Sons knew carpentry and plumbing. “My father was vaccinated against laziness in my childhood, ” joked Ivan Petrovich, working tirelessly in the laboratory.


In 1864, Ivan Pavlov graduated from a religious school in Ryazan. After that, his path lay in the seminary. Studying was easy for him, he very warmly recalled the years spent there. And Ivan Pavlov would follow in the footsteps of ancestral priests, if not for chance. The book of Professor I. M. Sechenov, “Reflexes of the brain, ” which fell into his hands, changed his life. Parents made a decision of the son.

Since the seminarians did not have the opportunity to freely choose their specialties, he was forced to enroll in law school at St. Petersburg University in 1870. But after three weeks he moved to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics with a specialization in animal physiology. The Pavlov Museum in Ryazan details the years of study of Ivan Petrovich.

Ground floor of the parental home

Each member of the family had his own room. On the ground floor, as many years ago, there are parents' rooms, as well as a living room, dining room and kitchen.

The living room is a bright, comfortable and welcoming room. Obviously, all the households felt very well here. In the evenings, the mother played the piano, read and discussed what she read or simply interesting topics. On the table lies a chessboard, it is very natural in this family. The music box purchased in the shop of S. M. Kesselman was an expensive thing, and therefore required a neat attitude. A set of 13 records is still intact and is stored in the funds of the Pavlov House-Museum in Ryazan.

The room of Varvara Ivanovna is the kingdom of needlework. She sheathed her rather big family, and next to it was a wicker cradle. Kids were always with her.


Pavel Dmitrievich’s room is more like an office. A large table and bookcases occupy a central place. There are a lot of books in the house, cabinets are here, and in the living room, and in the children's rooms.

The living room and dining room are connected by a door. A bright spacious dining room gathered at the table the whole family at once. A large table under a white tablecloth is set for tea drinking.


Homemade cakes, bagels and apples from the garden - a simple treat for family members. But sugar head is already a luxury. In the closet is a device for chopping sugar heads - the guillotine. Chipped pieces in a sugar bowl, and next to it are tongs to chop sugar into smaller pieces. This is a treat, encouraging children for good behavior, success or helping adults.

On the second floor of the main house

On the second floor of the Pavlov Museum in Ryazan - children's rooms. The brothers were gifted children, their interests are different, and therefore each room is different from the others. You can learn a lot about what the boys loved.

The elder’s room, Ivan, was a gathering place for brothers to talk and discuss books. On the wall is a collection of butterflies. Ivan Petrovich was a keen collector. At first he caught and collected insect collections. Later, he was fond of collecting stamps and books. Already in adulthood, he began to collect paintings and put together a very solid collection of paintings by famous artists.


Dmitry, the second son after Ivan, later a famous chemist, used his room as a laboratory. On the desk are chemical dishes and reagents. Dmitry Petrovich, becoming a professor, taught at the Agricultural Institute of Novoaleksandriisk. He happened to work with A. M. Butlerov and D. I. Mendeleev.

Peter, the third son in the family, was a promising zoologist. All the brothers, and especially Peter, were great hunters. In 1877 trouble came to the family: Peter died. Three brothers went hunting in the winter and took with them the younger, twelve-year-old Sergey. Returning from the forest, they fell into the pit, from which everyone but the younger brother managed to get out. Peter inadvertently handed his gun to his butt forward, and Sergei accidentally pressed the trigger. The mental wound received that day did not heal until the end of his days. Sergey devoted himself to God.

House of Science

At the Pavlov Museum-Estate in Ryazan, a separate exposition is dedicated to the scientific activities of the great scientist, exhibited in the house of the youngest sister of Ivan Petrovich - Lydia.

Ivan Pavlov spent his first scientific research as a student, for which he received the first scientific award - the university’s gold medal. He completed his studies as a candidate of natural sciences. To be able to engage in physiology, Pavlov enters the Medical and Surgical Academy for the third year.

For 65 years, IP Pavlov, engaged in scientific research, made many great discoveries in the physiology of blood circulation, digestion and nervous activity.

Sports games in the life of Pavlov

Children of the Pavlov family loved active games in their free time. In the courtyard of the house there is a playground for playing in the towns, or "ruffles". Ivan Petrovich carried his love for this game through his whole life.


In his scientific environment, he organized a city team and was its permanent chairman. Until the end of his life, he enjoyed playing games in the fresh air, riding a bicycle.