
Manson Charles, criminal and musician: biography

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Manson Charles, criminal and musician: biography
Manson Charles, criminal and musician: biography

Video: True Crime Story: Was Charles Manson Born To Kill? (Psychopath Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

Video: True Crime Story: Was Charles Manson Born To Kill? (Psychopath Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

The demonic figure of Charles Manson continues to interest the public, despite the fact that he has been in prison for more than forty years. What is the mystery of this man? Does he really have unique abilities, or is it just a talented PR action of journalists? Everyone answers the questions himself, but the fact that Charles Manson, whose story excites the minds of people, has lived an unusual life is a fact.


Charles Miles Manson was born on November 12, 1934. His mother was Kathleen Maddox, a sixteen-year-old girl of easy virtue, who had such an erratic sex life that she could not tell exactly who the father of her child was.


At birth, the boy was not even given a name, calling him "a certain Maddox." Then the young mother decided that Walker Scott was Charles's biological father, but gave the baby his last name. And only after a while she married William Manson, who gave the boy his last name. Many years later, Kathleen through the court confirmed that her child’s father was Walker Scott. But he did not recognize his paternity until the end of his life. There is another version that the boy was born from a black American, but Manson himself categorically denied it.

Scary childhood

Kathleen Maddox absolutely did not care about the child, and the boy from a very young age was doomed to lead the life of a marginal. Manson Charles did not know what a normal family and maternal care are. Kathleen continued to lead a wild life and often left the baby with her parents or even one. Charles Manson, whose biography is replete with violence, debauchery and crime, grew up in an atmosphere of lawlessness and immorality. He lived with relatives, then in shelters.

When the boy was six years old, his mother went to jail for armed robbery, and the child was raised for some time by an aunt and uncle who sought to cultivate masculinity in the boy, but used strange methods for this. For example, on the first day, he sent Charles in a girl’s dress to school so that he could cultivate courage. Manson studied very poorly, was prone to aggression, was not friends with anyone, often violated discipline and even the law.


In 1942, the mother received early release, and the son returned to her. All his life he remembered her embrace, as the most pleasant moment. But Kathleen was not going to change her lifestyle. She was engaged in prostitution, and her son interfered with her, so the woman gave him to a shelter. A series of escapes, thefts and wanderings began, the boy could not fit into the collectives, escaped from schools, stole and fell into increasingly cruel special institutions. Manson Charles faced violence from a young age - he was brutally beaten by guards and raped by high school students at a boys' correctional school in Plainfield.

In 1951, he fled from school with two classmates. They managed to spend two months at large, robbing shops and stealing cars. For this, Manson receives the first real prison term. In conclusion, he earned a reputation as an aggressive asocial type. In 1952, he increased his sentence because he was convicted of assault and rape of a cellmate.

The path of the marginal

In 1954, Manson Charles was released from prison. Of his 19 years, he spent eight behind bars. He was again sheltered by an uncle and an aunt, he got a job and even got a wife. Seventeen-year-old Rosalie Jean Willis, a young waitress, shares a wretched life with him. Poverty pushes Charles on the usual path - he begins to steal cars, and this again leads him to prison. After the trial, he learned that he would soon become a father. When Manson was in custody, Rosalie gave birth to a son, Charles Manson Jr., but she did not wait for the release of her husband. Leaving the child in the care of the state, the girl left the city and did not see her husband again.


Manson Charles served two years and went on parole, but after two months he again received a sentence for counterfeiting a check. But this time he got off with a suspended sentence. In 1958, a man tries to become a pimp, looking for girls in Hollywood who could work for him. He again marries one of his wards, Candy Stevens, who gives birth to a son from Manson - Charles Luther Manson. But in 1960 he was again arrested, and this time he received a term of 7 years. The wife is divorcing him.

Manson becomes a prison for habitual residence. There he learns to play the guitar and enjoys books on Scientology. He changes, writes a lot of letters, he makes friends, he even gives concerts where he performs his songs. When the news of early release comes in 1967, he even begs the overseers to leave him in prison. But in March 1967, Manson was released.

Role change

Coming out of prison, Charles Manson saw a new world. Sexual revolution, hippie culture, new music, new morals, fairly free circulation of drugs - all this fell upon him. He finds understanding and friendliness precisely in the hippie commune. His music changes under the influence of rock, he tries LSD and begins to feel like a rock idol. Manson gives concerts, travels around the country, meets girls. At this time, he tastes the delights of polygamous relationships and tries his hand at influencing people.


Charles Manson lives with Mary Theresa Branner and, bringing another girl into the house, convinces his cohabitant that he is realizing God's plan. He successfully inspires women with the thought of their messianic nature, and gradually the number of his fans is growing. Manson gathers a small team with which he travels through cities, sells drugs. He formulates his philosophical doctrine. Charles Manson, quotes from the statements of which differ among freedom-loving hippies, successfully uses knowledge of Scientology and puts together a group of like-minded people reveling in open freedoms.

"A family"

Young people needed a guru who would justify her desire for freedom, encourage drug use, polygamous relationships, and Charles Manson finds himself in this role. “Family” - a group of young people who perceived Manson’s words about what you need to be yourself and do what you like, as a guide to action, has become a companion of the musician on his trips around the country. Various people were nailed to him, whom life had thrown to the sidelines, and girls, eager for new experiences. Free sexual relations reigned in the group, and the main source of subsistence was the sale of drugs. Charles learned to better influence people. In the "family" he found reverence, respect, idolized, his every word was caught, and he really liked it.


First, the "family" traveled around the cities in a bus, which was made in the form of a motor home. But when Mary Branner gave birth to a baby in 1968, the question arose of finding permanent refuge. The group settles on an abandoned ranch in Simmy Hill. "Family" steals and sells drugs to provide for themselves. At the same time, Manson develops his ability to influence the minds of other people, including not only young girls, but also, for example, musician Dennis Wilson from the group The Beach Boys, who also falls under the influence of Charles. Musicians create songs together, Wilson invests quite a lot of money in the life of the "family". Manson is making far-reaching plans. He expects Dennis's connections to help him break into the world of show business. But criminal inclinations take their toll, and in 1970 everything changes.

Death Path Begins

The “family” at that time totals about 35 people, and its activities begin to annoy the locals, the members of the group are pursued by the police. Manson exhorts his friends, promising them, as soon as big money comes from recordings of his songs, to build a whole city. He predicts the impending war between blacks and whites, rich and poor, and says that you need to prepare for this fight. “Family” begins to purchase weapons, selling more and more drugs, which again attracts the police.

In 1969, the group had a conflict with a black merchant. Manson decides to solve all problems at once and shoots the dealer in the stomach. On the same day, the media broadcast the news that the leader of the Black Panther group was killed, and the “family” decides that it was Charles who killed him. This exacerbates internal anxiety in the group.

In addition to this, plans to earn money on music are collapsing, as the manager refuses to cooperate with them due to constant breakdowns of recordings and meetings.


And the “family” again has problems with the drug dealer, and this time the musician Harry Hinman becomes a victim. He is tormented, and he dies a slow death from torture, and on the wall of his house the killers write in blood "Political pig." The Black Panthers and the police are now hunting the group. Things are getting worse. Police arrest Busolleil, who was involved in the killing of Hinman, and fear in the "family" is growing.

An unexpected exit comes up with Charles Manson. Victims of new killings, he said, should ward off suspicion from Busaulleil, and the "family" goes on the hunt.

Massacre as a way of life

Charles Manson convinced those around him that a war was coming between blacks and whites, he called it “Helter Skelter” in honor of the Beatles song and said that you need to take blacks by the hand and teach them how to kill. The “Family” at this time actively accepts LSD, and Manson’s ideas seem very inspiring, almost divine to them. Members of the group perceive their leader as a guru and believe his every word. They are ready to implement any of his orders. Therefore, Manson does not need to kill himself - the "family" is ready to do everything for him.

Bloody hell

On August 8, 1969, after a long narcotic orgy, the “family” goes to work. They choose a rich house in a prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles. It turned out to be the house of director Roman Polyansky. Charles Watson, accompanied by three girls: Susan Atkins, Linda Casabian and Patricia Krenwinkel - brutally cracked down on everyone who was in the house. They killed 5 people. Wife of Roman Polyansky, who was 9 months pregnant, begged the killers to spare her for the sake of a child, but received a stab. Unbridled drug addicts turned the victims into a bloody mess, 16 knife wounds were found on Sharon Tate's body.

“Family” comes to taste, they revel in their new role, permissiveness, and the next day the whole company, headed by Manson, is sent off again. This time the victims were the family of the owner of the supermarket chain Leno LaBianca. The "family" in a frenzy of drugs cruelly cracked down on the victims. Leno had 26 stab wounds on his body, and 41 of his wife’s. On the walls, blood-blooded savages wrote “Death to the Pigs” and other slogans.

The police then detained members of the “family” several times, but all the time brought only minor charges, not reaching the main thing. And only when Susan Atkins, detained on suspicion of involvement in the killing of Hinman, blabbed in the cell about the murder of Sharon Tate, Manson and members of the "family" were arrested.


The case received the widest publicity, the famous victims became the bait for the press, the public learned about Manson’s views, and his fame only increased. Portraits of this man were published on the covers of magazines. Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi made a name for himself in this matter and was able to represent Charles as a religious fanatic. After a lengthy investigation, Charles Manson, whose crimes make the souls of the townsfolk tremble, was found guilty and sentenced to death, but later the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

Followers path

Already during the process, many Manson fans went to pickets with an appeal to release their idol. They declared his innocence, elevating the fanatic to the rank of a fighter for justice.

The followers represented the “family” as “children of freedom” who defended the rights of the disadvantaged. Charles Manson, a maniac who blessed his gang of brutal murders, appeared in a romantic halo of a rebel and a fighter against the capitalist system. Such fame attracted many followers to him. So, Lynette Fromm attempted to attack US President D. Ford. Manson girls were suspected of killing lawyer Ronald Hughes.


Until now, Manson receives a large number of letters, a number of followers, following the example of their idol, have carved a swastika on their foreheads as a sign of protest against the pressure of society on the person.