
Metro "Narvskaya": cultural landmark of St. Petersburg

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Metro "Narvskaya": cultural landmark of St. Petersburg
Metro "Narvskaya": cultural landmark of St. Petersburg

The red line of the St. Petersburg metro is one of the most important architectural monuments of the city. The most remarkable stations of the Kirov-Vyborg line are those that were built first in the 50s of the last century. It is worth highlighting the interior of the lobby of the Narvskaya metro station - St. Petersburg has the right to be proud of its architecture, which is in perfect harmony with the terrestrial views and the atmosphere of the city. Not for nothing that in December 2011 the station was included in the state register of cultural heritage sites of regional significance - its historical significance and beauty - both outside and inside - impress visitors to the city no less than ancient streets and museums. What is the history of the Narvskaya metro station and how is its modern life going on?

History of Narvskaya Station


Like all stations of the first stage, starting with Avtovo and ending with Uprising Square, Narvskaya was opened on November 15, 1955. The design name of the station has undergone changes to the last - initially it was featured in the drawings and documents as “Stachek Square”, then a proposal came to rename it to “Stalin”. However, at the last moment, the decision was reconsidered again, and an order was issued to assign the Narvskaya metro station to its modern name in honor of the Narvskaya Zastava district.

The appearance of the station "Narvskaya"


Often, city guests and foreigners confuse the Narvskaya metro building with a cathedral or church - massive carved doors and a dome are unlikely to be a common attribute of the lobby of a transport hub. The impressive view of Stachek Square with magnificent Narva gates of bright emerald color is remembered for a long time by anyone who passes by on a sightseeing bus or leaves the city from the pavilion. Nevertheless, the appearance is not the only visual advantage that the Narvskaya metro station can boast of - Petersburg impresses with its architectural delights not only on the ground, but also at a depth of several tens of meters.

Underground facilities of the Narvskaya station


The depth of the Narvskaya metro station is 50 meters. The pylon station was designed by architects D. S. Goldgor, A. V. Vasiliev and S. B. Speransky. The main theme of the design of the station was chosen labor and the road of Soviet citizens on the way to a brighter future. Until 1961, at the end of the station there was a panel depicting Stalin on the podium, but later it was covered by a wall. Subway employees claim that the image has been preserved, but ordinary citizens are unlikely to see it. Now in the fenced space, which previously served as a conference room, there is the Avtovo driver’s station. High reliefs depicting various professions worthy of the shock builder of communism are of particular value to the interior of the Narvskaya metro station: Breeders, Soviet Warriors, Doctors, Metrostroyevtsi and many others.

Design features of the Narvskaya station

The line between the Narvskaya and Kirovsky Zavod metro stations is the longest between the stops between the stops on the first section of the red line that was built. Its length is 2.5 kilometers. Also, “Narva”, having a track development, has never been either a terminal station or a transfer station. It was repeatedly included in the plans for a complete reconstruction in the 2000s, however, each time perestroika was postponed - from 2010 to this day, Narvskaya has never been closed for repairs.