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International charity day - history, features and congratulations

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International charity day - history, features and congratulations
International charity day - history, features and congratulations

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Video: Meet an Award Winning Wildlife Photographer | Live talks with NHM Scientist 2024, July

Today, charity is an important part of society. To unite efforts and systematize the process of providing assistance, as well as control (funds and resources must reach the recipient), many organizations and funds specializing in this field have been created. Over the past years, a special holiday has been celebrated in many countries of the world - International Charity Day, September 5th. This is a special date. Like the holiday itself, it has a story.

Celebration purpose


International charity day has been officially celebrated since 2013. The decision on its annual holding was made in December 2012 at the 67th session of the UN General Assembly. The initiative to set a specific date came from Hungary. She was dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

The main purpose of the celebration is to attract public attention to this problem as much as possible, to tell people about the existing charitable organizations and the features of their work.

In addition, the celebration program will certainly include the celebration of philanthropists of our time, as well as people who have made the maximum contribution to the relevant programs and organized the work. Also noted are organizations that specialize in volunteering.

UN experts are sure that charity will help get rid of poverty in third world countries and helps to establish dialogue between representatives of different civilizations and cultures.

Now, as part of the celebration of Charity Day in Russia, as well as in other countries of the world, many events are held on certain topics for propaganda and enlightenment of the masses. Every year this holiday becomes more and more popular.

What is charity


Today, charity refers to actions whose main purpose is to equally and at the same time distribute available resources between those who have them in abundance and those who need them. It is not just about cash. The subject of charity may be:

  • medications;

  • footwear;

  • medical equipment;

  • clothes and stuff.

The activity itself is purely voluntary. It is supported not only by specialized organizations and funds, but also by the governments of the countries of the world. Therefore, now Charity Day has acquired special significance.


history of the holiday

The date of the Day of Charity and Mercy is dedicated to the death of Mother Teresa. It was this woman who had previously received the prestigious Nobel Prize for her help to people in need. She made a huge contribution to the formation and subsequent development of charity as a separate direction.

In addition, she fought against poverty throughout the planet, urged all its inhabitants to prosperity and peace.

In today's world, the importance of international charity day is enormous. Due to the fact that the information went to the masses, a large number of specialized organizations were formed, many individual people also started their own activities. Volunteers organized an interaction between specialized funds operating in various parts of the world to join efforts.

What is the occasion of the commemorative date

Initially, the initiative to create a kind of World Charity Day came from the Hungarian government. Later, the UN assembly selected a suitable commemorative date - the day of the death of Teresa of Calcutta.

This woman is known around the world as a Catholic nun who conducted active missionary activities. She assisted orphans and sick people. She conducted her work not only in India, but also abroad. Mother Teresa received public recognition. For her services, she became a laureate of the Peace Prize.

Mother Teresa and her story


One of the most famous Catholic nuns to date is Mother Teresa. It was she who once founded the first monastic women's association. Its participants facilitated the opening of shelters and schools, medical facilities for the poor, as well as the sick, not paying attention to their religion or culture.

In 1979, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize for helping suffering people. The Catholic Church ranked her among the blessed in 2003. After a year, she was counted among the saints, canonized.

By the decision of the UN assembly, confirmed by the relevant resolution, September 5 of each year is now the official day of charity. This decision is designed to encourage contacts between people from different social strata and religions.


Charity and its features

At the moment, poverty is present in each of the countries of the world to one degree or another, despite the active development of science and technology. Often it is a consequence of disasters of an industrial or economic plan. Through charity, it is possible to minimize this negative phenomenon, to help people take a step because of the poverty line towards a normal life. In addition, charity in the broad sense supports and complements government activities in terms of protecting the population and developing culture. Charity events do not involve any profit. They are focused on performing public tasks.

The main resources of modern charity are both material resources, including money, and people's energy. As part of the charity day events, volunteers talk about helping those in need, about their work in assisting in equipping medical and educational institutions, and in the restoration of monuments of historical and cultural value.

To date, charity has acquired exceptional importance. In the modern world, the need for help regularly arises in different parts of the world.

Charity Index


Today, many people and organizations are engaged in charitable activities. Therefore, Charity Day is their common holiday. Individual organizations create charity indexes that reflect the participation of representatives of various countries in the world. The basis of this sociological study is the indicators of the participation of citizens of a country in:

  • volunteer activities;

  • donation of funds to charitable organizations and foundations;

  • in the provision and delivery of assistance to those in need.

The largest contribution in accordance with the research to the common cause is made by Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA and some other countries. Each of them celebrates Charity Day annually.


UN Role in Charity

It is the UN that today proposes to correctly celebrate Charity Day in Russia and other countries of the world. This appeal applies to all states that participate in the system, as well as organizations of international and regional levels. It is recommended that events that have a propaganda, as well as educational character.

Charity and modernity: eminent philanthropists

Since the time of Mother Teresa, her work has been continued by many people of different levels of wealth and of different nationalities. Charity is inherent in all times and nationalities.

Among the most famous Russian philanthropists, one can name Pavel Tretyakov, Count Sheremetev, Pavel Demidov and many others who lived in tsarist times.

Few people know that the world-famous scientist Albert Einstein also previously donated to the needy the money raised during the signing of autographs.

Similar activities were carried out by sister Emmanuel. She is known as a prominent figure in the religious sphere of France, while she organized classes for the poor in various countries, including Egypt and Turkey.

In 1948, a voluntary ambulance was organized. The initiator of its creation was Abdul Sattar Edhi. The organization provided the population with free emergency care, as well as rehabilitation services for problem members of the society and medical examination of people.


Even world famous man, public figure and businessman Bill Gates has created his own fund to help those in need. Over the years, this organization has been helping the poor and low-income, as well as people with various serious illnesses. In addition, the foundation participates in the development of education and health care; it has repeatedly received congratulations in prose and in other forms on International Charity Day.

Global charity

Now charity has gained worldwide proportions and reached a new level. In order to attract the attention of society and new people to their ranks, organizations and foundations regularly hold all kinds of actions. On Charity Day, events are held under the auspices of the ideas of humanity and humanity, which we are so lacking today.

So, there is a project called Date For Charity, aimed at helping children who need support. and the organization of events for children, the development of which for one reason or another deviates from the norm. In parallel with this, through this project, efforts are being made to consolidate the company. In addition, meetings are regularly held with famous and successful people in various formats. The proceeds from such activities are spent exclusively on the implementation of projects of charitable foundations.

In recent years, more and more people have been striving to take an active part in charity projects to the best of their ability and ability. Such activities are conducted not only in large, but also in small countries. Millions of people are involved in it, therefore this holiday is important and necessary, it provides an additional opportunity to share your successes with others.
