
Interethnic conflict in Russia - massive and merciless!

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Interethnic conflict in Russia - massive and merciless!
Interethnic conflict in Russia - massive and merciless!

Video: Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24) 2024, June

Video: Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24) 2024, June

In recent years, the interethnic conflict in Russia is a commonplace phenomenon. In criminal reports, clashes on a national basis, as well as a manifestation of nationalism, can be increasingly observed. This policy area in our country is more relevant than ever, but let's look at the causes of ethnic conflicts in Russia.


Who's guilty?

Adherents of nationalism and a gang of skinheads should not be blamed for this. On the contrary, migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia are usually to blame for this. They come here with their own rules and mentality, and at the same time they feel free from laws and rules, because much that they cannot do according to Sharia, say, in the Caucasus, is considered permissible in Russia. Often, visitors behave impudently and arrogantly, and a large percentage of crimes are committed by them. In all countries where a large number of immigrants are present, crime begins to grow, and ethnic conflicts often occur. From this we can make a logical conclusion - nationalism arose as a defensive reaction to the lawlessness of migrants. The interethnic conflict in Russia does not arise at all “synthetically”. In the Caucasians themselves, national self-consciousness is also very pronounced, they are united in diasporas and gangs, united by religious affiliation. And often, any illegal action of migrants in relation to the indigenous population grows in ethnic conflict. In Russia, the dominance of the Asian workforce does not create conditions for Russian labor, which also cannot but affect the relations between representatives of nationalities.
