
Worldview and its types

Worldview and its types
Worldview and its types



A person’s worldview is a set of views, evaluations, imaginative representations and principles that together reflect the person’s vision of this world and determine his place in it. Life positions are also an important component of the worldview, which is often the easiest way to determine what type it belongs to.

Formed and conscious attitude to the world gives life a purposeful and meaningful character, so the worldview is important for every person. The study of this phenomenon is carried out by philosophers and cultural scientists, who gave a classification of worldview. In this article we will consider the most common, but you need to consider that there are other classifications.

The main types of worldview

First of all, we note that the term was first voiced by Kant, however, he did not distinguish this concept from the worldview. The value that is accepted today was introduced by Schelling.

The classification of a worldview depends on several factors: firstly, the origin of the value system that a person adheres to is of great importance (for example, this is an important determining factor for highlighting a religious worldview). Secondly, the sociocultural environment of the individual plays a large role in determining. Thirdly, it is important that a person is aware of the processes surrounding him.

Based on this, different scientists distinguish two classifications:

  1. Mythological, philosophical, socio-political, science and religious worldview.

  2. The worldview of everyday experience, mythological and aesthetic.

Mythological worldview and its types

This type is the very first, it is characteristic of primitive society and is based on the figurative perception of the world. Paganism fully reflects the mythological worldview, where the attitude towards the world as a spiritualized environment is formed. For example, a lack of knowledge about natural processes has led people to try to cause rain or “calm” a thunderstorm using rituals.

In the mythological type, there are two important aspects: the search for the sacred and its admissibility (for example, the belief that there are mysteries of nature that cannot be solved by man and the answers to which only the creator has), as well as general accessibility (faith that there are phenomena, the reasons for which are known to everyone). These two opposite manners of perception are combined in a mythological worldview.

Religious worldview and its types

The religious type is based on the principles that are characteristic of any religion, where does the value system come from, the attitude towards other people, etc. Its foundation is faith in supernatural powers, worship and fear of them.

The philosophical perception of the world is based on a rationalistic approach. It spread almost simultaneously in ancient China, ancient Greece and ancient India. This type is characterized by the ability to rethink existing knowledge about something, norms and traditions.

Socio-political and natural science worldview and its types

The socio-political type of worldview is characteristic of a society with a complex structure. Here you can see a close relationship with ideology, which reflects a person’s attitude to the society in which he lives. At the same time, great importance is given to the comprehension of state power and the political regime.

The natural science worldview is based mainly on known proven facts, mainly from the field of physics. Here we see that great importance is given to the laws of nature, and the position “everything lends itself to scientific explanation” is most pronounced in people with this type of perception of the world. The desire for objectivity, openness to experimentation and mathematics are its main features.

The most striking character in history, who was one of the first to show the world such a worldview - Galileo Galilei.

Aesthetic worldview and its types

People with such a worldview perceive the world from the point of view of beauty, it is she who acts as the determining beginning. It is characteristic of creative people with artistic-imaginative thinking.

Thus, the prevalence of different types of worldview is associated with the level of development of society.