
Cape Stone - "RP5". Schedule for five, weather - so-so

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Cape Stone - "RP5". Schedule for five, weather - so-so
Cape Stone - "RP5". Schedule for five, weather - so-so

Which settlement began to be marked on maps not so long ago, but was previously a secret? Where do the children get to school in the booth of a cross-country truck? Why are they skiing on the roof of a two-story house, and this does not bother their parents at all? And how does it happen that at the request “rp5 Cape Kamenny” the weather forecast is issued most often severe? The answer to all these questions can be found in Cape Kamenny, a small village on the Yamal Peninsula.


From a secret military base to an outpost of the era of development

This village in the Soviet Union was not marked at all on the maps. And all because the Council of Ministers in 1947 decided to urgently build a secret port of the Northern Navy here.

But the local water area is very shallow, and the sandy bottom is mobile. How, in this connection, were you going to exploit this facility? The secret remains to this day. It is known that they began to build it in 1947, and in 1949 it was stopped for obvious reasons.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs was to build a railroad here by the free forces of its wards-prisoners. But 499 km of the canvases from the Chum station were never extended here, because the construction site No. 502 was turned off. But since that time, an airport has appeared in Cape Kamenny, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

At first he was a military man, and then the pilots guarding the northern borders were replaced by civilian passengers, mail, cargo. The sixties brought here romantics-masters of local mineral resources. The great trip to the famous Yamal deposits began with Cape Kamenny.

From the roof - skiing!

The history of this village will not appear even and calm, if you follow it as closely as the RP5 website monitors the weather. Cape Kamenny knew bright ups along with years of desolation. But the weather here always remains unchanged … changeable!

Black clouds cover the just-clear sky in the blink of an eye. The high wave of the Gulf of Ob, on the very shore of which Cape Kamenny is located, floods the village, and the water immediately becomes an ice mirror.

Children get to school, and parents do not work on comfortable buses, but in hard and not too warm booths of huge Urals. This is if the day is not activated, that is, unfavorable due to weather conditions. There really is no “rp5" to Cape Kamenny and his children not a decree - they bring the information to the population by local means, and their five students earn at home, studying remotely.

Such snowstorms happen that in one night they sweep snow under the very roofs (the buildings here are mostly two-story). In the morning, the lower residents dig tunnels from the porches, and the upper ones get out onto the street through the loggias. But the young Myskamenites are happy: you can ski right from the roof of the house!
