
Many have noticed that Keanu Reeves is photographed with women with outstretched arms.

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Many have noticed that Keanu Reeves is photographed with women with outstretched arms.
Many have noticed that Keanu Reeves is photographed with women with outstretched arms.



Taking pictures with celebrities is a long tradition, everyone wants to capture a meeting with a famous person as a keepsake. And if you look closely, you can see that each actor or singer has his own way of taking pictures with fans. The so-called personal "chip." Someone in a special way smiles, someone winks, someone has his own interesting poses. But most of all distinguished American actor Keanu Reeves. Fans of the famous 54-year-old performer of many roles noticed that he never touches fans during photography.

Observant fan

As soon as one of the fans of the Hollywood star noticed this seemingly insignificant at first glance nuance and shared this knowledge on his Facebook page, the question of why Keanu, when taking a photo, does not touch the fans, interested the whole world.

Social network post

For the first time, a post with a series of shots, where it is clearly visible that the famous actor does not touch his fans, was published on Sunday June 9th. He appeared on the Facebook page. The author of the post is a user under the nickname "Unprofessional Madman". The photo depicts different women, and the actor’s hand just hovered above them, as if he was hugging them, but in reality this is not so. The hand just hangs in the air.


He never touches either the shoulders or the back of his fans. The record quickly gained popularity. About 2 thousand people left their comments, suggesting what actually forces the actor to behave in this way. Almost 8 thousand fans of the actor noted a post telling about this strange habit of Reeves, like.

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Society reaction

Most people praise Reeves for such a creative approach to photographing with fans. The fact that he does not touch women has led many to assume that Keanu is just a real gentleman. Some even began to love him more, having discovered this unusual strangeness in his behavior.

Others are sure that this is just an interesting move that protects the actor from accusations. After all, without touching women, he protects himself from the persecution of sexists and feminists. No one can blame him for anything unless his hands touch women. One thing is for sure - it’s unlikely to catch Reeves on improper behavior, even if he behaves so courteously even in the photo with his fans.

Photo with colleagues


Although, if you study the issue a little closer, you can find photographs where he touches people. So the comments of those who suggested that he simply does not like to touch others and suffers from a nervous breakdown are refuted. In the photo with colleagues Sookie Waterhouse and Winona Ryder, it can be seen that he takes them slightly.


If you look at the photo where Keanu’s hand is at a distance from the fan, you would think that the image was made through a graphic editor. And the famous actor is simply inserted into the general plan on purpose, but in fact he was never near these girls.

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Perhaps Reeves specifically does so in order to later deny his presence in the photo. Although during the examination, most likely, it turns out that the photos are genuine. At the same time, maybe the actor has such a special sense of humor. Let them then prove that in fact they met him on the street, and did not learn all the subtleties and nuances of working in Photoshop.


Many men will agree that if your girlfriend is very jealous and finds any reason for a quarrel, and you’ll think of such a “highlight” for a photo with fans. And then how to prove the jealous woman that these hot girls just came up on the street and took one photo, and did not spend a couple of nights with him. A hand hanging in the air is proof that Keanu did not touch the body of the fan.


There are many crazy fans who want to share such success on social networks with friends. In the end, Keanu is one of the most famous American actors and won the love of fans from around the world. Are there many among these women crazy and insane, ready for anything?