
Model and designer Emilia Vishnevskaya

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Model and designer Emilia Vishnevskaya
Model and designer Emilia Vishnevskaya

Video: Models TRIP & FALL on petal covered catwalk during the Emilia Vishnevskaya "Couture Lingerie" Show 2024, June

Video: Models TRIP & FALL on petal covered catwalk during the Emilia Vishnevskaya "Couture Lingerie" Show 2024, June

A well-known Russian model and designer owns the international company EMIVI, which produces women's underwear. A photo of Emilia Vishnevskaya can be seen in all the leading glossy magazines of the country. The owner of exquisite beauty is now one of the brightest representatives of the show business of the capital.


Angel-Emilia Vishnevskaya was born on December 23, 1986 in Moscow. A beautiful name was invented by my mother, Irina Albertovna, because her beloved daughter was born on the day of the patron angel named Emilia. A girl from an early age was engaged in drawing, choreography, was fond of music. She studied and sang at the Moscow art school.

She was sent to study at one of the most elite and expensive educational institutions - Karamzinsky Lyceum No. 1106 with a humanitarian bias. When the girl was 16 years old, she went to work. The first place of work of Emilia Vishnevskaya was the position of promoter in a furniture store. In a light bologna jacket and jeans, she handed out flyers near the VDNKh metro station. All the money earned went to pay for preparatory courses at the institute. The future famous model considered the profession of an economist to be the most necessary for a beautiful girl.



After graduating from high school, she entered the Moscow State Institute of National and Regional Relations, where she studied international relations. Studied Emilia Vishnevskaya in full-time, and in the evenings earned a living. She worked as a waitress in night bars, then she was promoted to bartender. The girl, and now with her eyes closed, can make any cocktail in seconds. Here she comprehended the science of communication with people. Later she worked as a tourist guide, sometimes she taught English for young children.

Emilia graduated from the Institute in 2007, just one grade “excellent” was not enough to graduate with honors. The girl is fluent in three languages: English, Spanish and quite exotic for our time - Latin. Thanks to a good humanitarian and economic education, she can calmly maintain a conversation about politics, weather, and especially about fashion. She continued her education at the Russian State University for the Humanities. She studied at the one-year courses of the European Institute of Design in Milan.

Modeling career


Thanks to the excellent external data, the young girl quickly made a modeling career in Europe. Emilia Vishnevskaya collaborated with the most famous fashion designers. She concluded one of the last contracts with the Spanish BOBA, a manufacturer of exquisite underwear. The model has become the face of the brand in the Russian market. The girl gained good experience with designers, makeup artists and photographers, which later came in handy when organizing her own brand. A photo of Milia Vishnevskaya from fashion shows constantly appears on the pages of glossy magazines.

The famous model starred in the popular series "Happy Together" and "Club". The girl took part in a reality show dedicated to the life of Russian emigrants in America. During her life in the USA, she co-hosted the Russian Tenors program, which was shown on the STS channel. Music producer Gennady Wernick, who also worked on the show, invited her to sing, saying that she had an unusual timbre. The aspiring singer has recorded several songs and is currently preparing a solo album.

Foundation of the company


Returning to Moscow in 2014, Vishnevskaya set about organizing her underwear business. Having received a loan from the bank, she herself organized the entire technological process - from supplies of materials, development of models to tailoring and brand promotion. In the biography of Emilia Vishnevskaya, this was the most difficult time, she had to communicate most with builders and suppliers.

Now the brand EMIVI already has a voluminous portfolio of technological developments of patterns for sewing linen on a variety of shapes. The products are popular with stylists and glossy magazines around the world.

personal information


The first civil husband of Emilia Vishnevskaya was actor Vladimir Tishko, who became famous thanks to the advertising of washing powder. Officially, the star couple was in no hurry to formalize their relationship, devoting more time to a career. They held a formal celebration in Thailand.

However, relations gradually became more difficult, Tishko's career was falling apart. Vladimir, as a result of creative downtime, began to drink a lot and allowed himself to raise his hand to his common-law spouse. Meanwhile, Vishnevskaya’s career was rapidly developing. After two years of relationship, they broke up with the scandal, after a long public skirmish. The girl herself regrets that everything ended so badly and ugly.