
Young handsome actor Ray Burtyak turned out to be the son of the star of the series "Two Fates"

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Young handsome actor Ray Burtyak turned out to be the son of the star of the series "Two Fates"
Young handsome actor Ray Burtyak turned out to be the son of the star of the series "Two Fates"

Angelica Volskaya has a difficult fate, as she managed to fall in love several times, got married, gave birth to a son and divorced. Then feelings woke up in her again, and she was not left alone. At the moment, their family has two adult children who have remained from third-party marriages. One is a talented lawyer and builds his own business, and the second is a child of Lika and is currently very popular, especially among the weaker sex. By the way, an interesting point is connected with it, which relates to a pseudonym. If his real name is Andrey, then he acts as Ray Buryatyak.


How's the actress doing?

At the moment, Angelica is 49 years old, she is happy in marriage and continues to delight fans with new roles. You can talk for a long time about how he spent his childhood, what problems he faced in family life and what he wanted to achieve. But it’s better to pay attention to creativity, which was not limited to the role in the series “Two Fates”. For example, she starred in such films as "Cossack robbers" and "Unknown". There are many more films where Volskaya played a secondary role. She constantly talks about her son and is proud of him, since he not only has a good appearance, but also increases the experience of filming.

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