
Monakhova Alexandra Nikitichna, strong and strong-willed Hero of Socialist Labor. Street in honor of Alexandra Monakhova in Moscow

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Monakhova Alexandra Nikitichna, strong and strong-willed Hero of Socialist Labor. Street in honor of Alexandra Monakhova in Moscow
Monakhova Alexandra Nikitichna, strong and strong-willed Hero of Socialist Labor. Street in honor of Alexandra Monakhova in Moscow

Initially, in Russia the streets were named after church holidays or the church that was located on it, and later - in honor of wealthy citizens. Later, after the French Revolution, we came to the tradition of calling streets, neighborhoods, districts, and cities by the names of the people who accomplished the feat.


In the XVIII century, the territory of the modern village of Kommunarka was called differently. It was the Sosensky camp (in the Middle Ages the Moscow province was divided into volosts and camps), which was famous for dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, baked milk. Meadows with grass in these areas created favorable conditions for the development of dairy farming here. The products of the peasants of this camp were known in Moscow markets and outside the city.


The story of "Kommunarki"

In 1925, an economy was created on this territory, which brought together about a dozen nearby villages and specialized in the production of dairy products.

In 1961, the Kommunarka state farm received the status of a breeding factory. Monakhova Alexandra Nikitichna becomes the director of the state farm at this time. She was born in the Republic of Mordovia on March 24, 1914. She graduated from the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, becoming a certified agronomist. In 1960, she became the director of the state farm and headed it until 1986.

Monakhova Alexandra transformed Kommunarka from a backward and primitive economy to a developed modern agricultural enterprise, which used the latest technology and intensive farming.

In the 80s, the number of cattle here totaled 9 thousand heads, of which 4250 cows. In less than 20 years, milk sales have grown 3 times, amounting to about 20 thousand tons per year.


Monakhova Alexandra anxiously took care of the farm workers, a two-shift working day was introduced on the farm, which allowed milkmaids to have normalized working hours and free time. In the 70s, on her initiative, large-scale housing construction began in the village. State farm workers were able to get comfortable apartments, all conditions for work were created for them.

In 1977, a new dairy complex was built here; it was the first mechanized and automated complex in the Moscow Region, and the initiator of this construction was Alexandra Monakhova. The brewery was once again famous throughout the Soviet Union. With the development of the complex, it became possible to increase livestock to 10 thousand. The daily milk yield was 55 tons. Pedigree cattle were bought by agricultural enterprises from all over the country.


Since the 90s, almost all agricultural enterprises in the country began to decline, this fate also befell the Kommunarka breeding factory.

Hero of Socialist Labor

In the state breeding factory Kommunarka, there were three women who received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor: Alexandra Nikitichna Monakhova, Anna Petrovna Dyudyukina, Maria Sergeyevna Gromova. It was they who glorified their native state farm throughout the Soviet Union. Then they did not suspect that in their honor they would call the streets of cities and write books about them. Much later appears in Moscow. Alexandra Monakhova and an essay will be written about them. And at that time, they simply worked and did not think about feats and glory. It was a time of plans and five-year plans, a time of high achievement in a short time. Gromova Maria initiated the increase in milk yield; she independently mastered the milking mechanical combine, which sharply increased labor productivity. Her initiative was taken by all the milkmaids of the farm. So milkmaids Gromova Maria and Dyudyukina Anna, as well as their director Alexander Monakhova, become living legends, and Kommunarka - the country's foremost agricultural enterprise. Modern technology and intensive production are the key to the success of the state farm, according to Alexandra Monakhova.

In the 70s, much was written about the heroic deed of heroines in newspapers and magazines, and today, in 2012, a book-essay on the Monk Alexander, Gromova Maria and Dyudykina Anna, “The Golden Glory of Kommunarka” by Kirill Barmashev, was published. The book perpetuated the merits of these outstanding women for centuries.