
Mop room - what is it? Storage room for cleaning equipment

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Mop room - what is it? Storage room for cleaning equipment
Mop room - what is it? Storage room for cleaning equipment

Video: Cleaning Carts Equipment and Storage Rooms 2024, July

Video: Cleaning Carts Equipment and Storage Rooms 2024, July

Faced with something unusual and unfamiliar at first glance, do not rush to get upset in your ignorance and ignorance, perhaps you do not have an educational gap that you have already attributed to yourself. Recently, more and more often it is necessary to come across the fact that the usual names of the most common objects and places are renamed, but ordinary people then have to rack their brains over the new designations and wonder why everything is turned upside down. Today we will talk about what a mop room is. In fact, everyone knows what it is, but just few people realize it!


Old song in a new way

It is easiest to get to know this concept in places of public catering or in offices. It is in such institutions in rooms far from the eyes that inconspicuous doors lurk, on which a sign with the inscription "Mop room" hangs. What kind of room this is is so strange, many visitors are probably interested, although in fact there is nothing interesting there. This is a typical service store.

However, too many concepts can fall under the traditional designation of an office space, because a server room, a toilet, and a warehouse can be called rooms designed to solve office needs. Well, specifically in the mop room it is customary to store a variety of cleaning equipment. In our country, on the doors of such a place a sign with the inscription “Household. inventory ”, but now for many it is associated with remnants of the Soviet past, so they found an alternative to it, borrowing the new name of the closet from the British. In English, "mop" - mop (mop), and it was from this word that the new name of the utility room originated.


About the primary sources

However, do not confuse the awkward design of two sticks knocked down in the shape of the letter "T" and a rag made of an old T-shirt with special equipment for mopping. A mop-mop is a device consisting of a long grip on the lower end of which a brush is attached. This is either a bundle of soft tows made of cotton and joined together on a threaded washer, or a flat overlay with short thickened loops worn on the squeegee with pockets.

Such equipment is convenient and practical to use. Its body is a device made of plastic and a metal rod. In mops designed for flat mops, the head is floating, due to this feature, access to problem places, such as corners, niches and turns, is improved. The linings themselves come in three sizes in width:

  • 40 cm;

  • 50 cm;

  • 80 cm.

They are made of cotton or microfiber. There are also models with inserts made of hard material, they are designed to wash surfaces with recesses or bulges.


Why do you need such a room

Equipment storage room is a special purpose room. And if in various institutions it should be provided in accordance with the standards and requirements of the sanitary service, then in residential premises it is a way of organizing order.

Keeping the organization clean is actually hard work, which is greatly facilitated by the use of special cleaning products. Professional “cleaners” in the arsenal have not only rags, brooms, buckets and cleaning products. In their work, they use different devices, the storage of which can be difficult, because very often these are bulky items. Putting a trolley for a cleaner in the corner will not work - this is unhygienic, and the sight is unaesthetic. Therefore, almost all large office and shopping centers have special utility rooms.


Closet with a secret

Many readers may have doubts about the need for a room such as a home mop room. Is this a necessity or a whim? And is it necessary to allocate scarce square meters for its organization? Each will decide for himself this question on his own, and we note that it is not at all necessary to “clean up” the cleaning equipment in a separate room.

You can organize a small space for compact placement of tools and tools for cleaning. This is useful from the point of view of safety, and also significantly saves space, because the mops and buckets collected in one place will not get confused underfoot in the bathroom, on the balcony and in the kitchen.


Where is it found?

There is a mop room everywhere, it’s just not in every place that it bears such a name. The first back rooms were given the name of fast-food restaurants that operate under a franchise (McDonald's, KFS, and others).

Now it has spread to enterprises with a different field of activity and is found everywhere, perhaps due to the fact that it gives a very clear (though rather unusual) definition of the economic dormitory, where everything is stored for cleaning rooms. In fact, this is a good practice, because enterprises stinting on the organization of a special place for a variety of household chemicals and cleaning, washing equipment, put all this stuff wherever necessary. Often these are toilets, storage rooms for goods, including food, a dressing room or office kitchen.


Do not confuse with the restroom

It happens that visitors to cafes, restaurants and shops are looking for a toilet for guests, and there is a mop room on their way. That this is not a restroom, they learn not from the plate with the corresponding name, but by the appearance of the utility room, because they stumble upon a bunch of mops and buckets, but not at all on the washstand and toilet bowl.

How is the room designed for storing equipment needed for cleaning? First of all, it does not have large dimensions, windows are rarely provided for there, the room is more often lit with the help of artificial light sources. Usually, special racks for cleaning and disinfecting agents, necessary tools (sponges, rags, brushes, scrapers, gloves) are installed in such a place. Dimensional equipment is placed on special pallets, and hanging mops, brooms or brooms are placed on wall holders.

In the mop room there can also be a special bathtub-tray, which we will talk about a little more further.
