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Moscow Youth Palace. MDM - one of the largest entertainment complexes in Moscow

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Moscow Youth Palace. MDM - one of the largest entertainment complexes in Moscow
Moscow Youth Palace. MDM - one of the largest entertainment complexes in Moscow

The real center of cultural life of the capital of Russia is the Moscow Youth Palace, popularly known as MDM. Decades after the opening, it still hosts a youth audience within its walls, satisfying its comprehensive needs.


The beginning of MDM

Work on the project of a new educational and entertainment complex in Moscow began in 1972 and lasted 10 years. That is how much time it took architects J. Belopolsky, M. Posokhin, M. Belen and V. Havin to calculate the future large-scale construction in the smallest details. The complexity of the future construction was that the building is located immediately above the metro station. Incorrect calculations could cause a terrible accident.

Since 1982, active construction work has been carried out. And already in 1988, the Moscow Youth Palace received the first guests who immediately appreciated its role in the development of youth.

Since the center was planned as educational and entertaining, large and small concert halls, rooms for various interest groups were designed in it. For a long time MDM coped with this function. And today, young people do not mind spending a few hours in this center.

Grand Concert Hall

The main attraction of MDM is a large concert hall. It is made in the form of an amphitheater, which helped to avoid blind spots and poor hearing. Until 2014, its capacity was almost 1, 600 people, which is already impressive. In the summer of 2014, there was a global preparation for the first Russian-language production of the musical The Phantom of the Opera. Within its framework, a global reconstruction of the hall and stage was carried out. From that moment he began to accommodate 1850 people. We also improved two VIP-lodges for 20 and 39 visitors.


The equipment was not left without attention. During the reconstruction, it was also replaced by the most modern and powerful, as far as the hall itself allows. Since then, the Moscow Youth Palace has become one of the most modern concert venues in the city. He can accept any productions of famous artists and show programs.

Other lounges and places of rest

In addition to the large concert hall, there are many more places that attract the Moscow Youth Palace. Moscow and guests of the capital come here to relax in the cinema at the 4 halls of Kronverk Cinema, bowling, the billiard room, sit in one of the cafes or go to trendy shops. Numerous rooms, originally intended for holding various circles, were adapted for these objects.

It is also known throughout the capital and the parquet hall. It can accommodate up to 2000 guests. It is convenient for dancing events, balls, receptions and other holidays. To rent this room, you must queue in advance.


MDM also has several small halls and rooms for negotiations. Therefore, it is also often rented premises for business of various sizes, which is advantageous, given the proximity of the palace to the center of the capital.

Entertainment programs

One of the main shows of the country, with which the Moscow Palace of Youth is associated, is considered to be the "Club of the Fun and the Inventive." After the revival of television broadcasts in 1986, she needed a permanent venue for games. Already in 1988, this appeared in the capital. Well, where else can youth competitions be held if not in MDM? Until 2002, all Moscow programs were filmed on this stage. Here, artists such as Valdis Pelsh, Sergey Sivokho, Tatyana Lazareva, stars of the Comedy Club and many other famous personalities saw the light of day.

The big stage of MDM was seen by many artists. She hosted youth theater and musicals.

In small halls, cafes and bars, even today you can find entertainment to your liking. It is noteworthy that often the organizers of such events are MDM visitors themselves.

Club "Vobla MDM" as an example of active youth

The socio-psychological game "Mafia" is in great demand among young people. The more people she collects, the more interesting it goes. On the basis of MDM, the Vobla MDM club operates in one of its bars, which unites lovers of this exciting game.

According to the rules of the club, anyone who loves the Mafia can become a member. Participation in the games is completely free. The hall is divided into 2 tables designed for beginners and professionals. The level of his skill is determined only by the participant himself, choosing the people with whom he wants to play today.

This is an example of how the Moscow Youth Palace unites people of interest today. And for this it is not necessary to pay a lot of money. The main thing is that young people have a reason to get together and have fun.


The beginning of the musical era

In history, 2002 was a landmark year that slightly changed the direction of the activities conducted by the Moscow Youth Palace. Musicals took one of the main places in it. This year, MDM becomes the rental site for two well-known stationary productions: first “42nd Street”, and then “12 Chairs”.

The international theater company “Stage Entertainment” in 2005 entered into an agreement to display their productions on the main stage of MDM.

Since then, Muscovites could visit such musicals as “Cats”, “Sounds of Music”, “Mama mia!”, “ZORRO”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Chicago”. This is a significant event for the cultural life of the capital, as now there is a permanent place where you can watch a truly high-quality and exciting musical, and even in Russian.

In 2013, preparations for the highest grossing musical in Broadway’s history, The Phantom of the Opera, were announced, a full translation of which had not yet been up to that time.

The famous "Phantom of the Opera"

As you know, musicals L.M. Webber are considered the highest-grossing in the world. Over the years of rental on the stages of the world, they have collected billions in profits. There are admirers of his work in Russia, but for a long time they could enjoy the works of the maestro only in the original language. There are not many translations into Russian.


In 2013, it became known that the Phantom of the Opera will move to the Moscow Youth Palace. Tickets for this musical began to be sold back in March 2014, although the premiere was scheduled for November 4 of the same year.

In honor of such a landmark performance, Stage Entertainment conducted a large-scale reconstruction of MDM, especially the lobby and the large hall. The process of preparing for the performances lasted more than a year. Over 200 million rubles were spent on it.

Despite the fact that in the season 2014/2015 the musical goes 8 times a week, there is a full house in the hall every day. It is noteworthy that the translation and the production itself are made really at a high level. At the premiere of the play was attended by the granddaughter of the author of this masterpiece, which indicates the significance of this event on a global scale.