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Moscow Museum of Modern Art: history, description, reviews

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Moscow Museum of Modern Art: history, description, reviews
Moscow Museum of Modern Art: history, description, reviews

Video: Lecture by Margarita Tupitsyn at Garage. Moscow–New York. 2024, July

Video: Lecture by Margarita Tupitsyn at Garage. Moscow–New York. 2024, July

The Moscow Museum of Modern Art is the first state museum in the history of Russia to specialize in the art of the 19th and 20th centuries.


The discovery of this significant facility for the state took place 16 years ago. Since then, the museum has managed to achieve the status of one of the most significant art centers in the capital, which constantly hosts exhibitions and thematic events.

Since its foundation, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA) has repeatedly expanded the profile of its activities, thanks to which it has gained appreciation from the grateful public. Thanks to the support of the NCCA (State Center for Contemporary Art), an international youth competition of young talents was held twice a year within the scope of the institution.

Moscow Museum of Modern Art: Address and Concept

The institution was opened in 1999 with the assistance of the Moscow Department of Culture. The idea of ​​the project belongs to the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli.


With an impressive personal collection of artwork written in the 20th century, the founder began replenishing the museum’s funds from his own stocks. Subsequently, the paintings significantly increased, and today, to the pride of compatriots, we can say that the famous Moscow Museum of modern art has become one of not only the most significant exhibition centers of the country, but also widely known in foreign bohemian circles.

According to the Executive Director Vasily Tsereteli, their Museum of Modern Art in Moscow is very kind to the Biennale held in its walls (international exhibitions of paintings for the purpose of their presentation), since such events provide an opportunity for beginner and talented artists to express themselves and communicate with artists world-wide. This is very valuable, since everyone has the opportunity to apply for participation, which gives internationalism to the world of art, opens up new horizons in the artistic field.

The location of the museum, as befits such a significant object, is the center of the city. The museum uses 4 buildings for its exhibition sites. The main complex is located at Petrovka 25. In its bowels there is a permanent exhibition, and sometimes temporary exhibitions are held. For reference: this is the former mansion of Gubin. In addition, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art has additional exhibition spaces, the addresses of which are: Ermolaevsky Lane 17, Tverskaya Boulevard 9, Gogolevsky Boulevard 10.

Museum collection core

Since this is a museum of modern art, it is logical to assume that the vast majority of the main collection belongs to the avant-garde artists. Among the works that formed the basis of the central exposition of the exhibition center were the works of Picasso, Salvador Dali, as well as works by leading artists of the Russian school of painting of the 20th century.

Most of the works included in the museum’s collection were acquired at art auctions in Europe and the United States of America.


It is known that MMOMA returned to its homeland many paintings of Russian avant-garde artists previously exported abroad. The art core of the museum consists of paintings by Malevich, Marc Chagall, Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, Pavel Filonov, Vasily Kandinsky, Aristarchus Lentulov, Alexandra Exter. In addition to painting, MMOMA also has sculptures, the most valuable of which belong to the hand of Alexander Arkhipenko and Osip Zadkine. Also, the pride of the exposition is the work of primitivists, including paintings by Niko Pirosmani.

History of the main museum building

As previously written, the bulk of the MMOMA art exhibition is located on Petrovka, in the house of the richest merchant, industrialist Mikhail Gubin. The building was designed according to the sketches of the Russian architect Kazakov Matvey Fedorovich (became famous during the reign of Catherine the Great). It is to his merits that the reconstruction of the central part of the capital in the tradition of Palladium architecture belongs.

By the end of the XVIII century, the house was the main building of the city estate of Gubin, and later its assets were handed over to the gymnasium. Ironically, such artists as the poet Bryusov, as well as the creator of the private literary and theater museum, Alexey Bakhrushin and his brother, studied at the school.

The 1917 revolution did not spare the mansion, and its fate radically changed. The need for a noble education has disappeared, and the walls of the building were converted to the Institute of Physiotherapy and Orthopedics. Until 1999, until the time when the Moscow Museum of Modern Art was created, the hospital was located in the house.

Upcoming events

Exhibitions are regularly held within the museum, and sometimes management organizes field events by organizing expositions in exhibition centers in other cities of Russia.


At the moment, the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow is already holding the 9th international art biennale, with relevant topics “Fashion and Style in Photography”. Viewers will be able to watch photo projects until March 29.

The list of participants in the art competition contains young talents from Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country. The purpose of the exhibition is an attempt to show the core of Russia with the help of photography, to find something in common, uniting all generations, capable of uniting the common experience of the people.

Artists from different countries will also participate in the biennale:

  • Chen Zhagang is an outstanding architect, who received a flattering status from representatives of the United Nations “one of the outstanding young architects of our time”.

  • Lilia Li-mi-yang - winner of the prestigious 2014 Kandinsky Prize.

  • Maria Ionova-Gribina is a photographer who prepared an interesting project from photographs taken for social networks.

Charity auction under the auspices of MMOMA

The Moscow Museum of Modern Art is not limited to its typical activities, but constantly expands its horizons. This is indicated by an event with the sincere title “The Art of Being Near”, scheduled for early April 2015, in the framework of which a charity auction will be held. The funds raised will go to institutions supporting people with autistic disorders.


The project is supervised by Vitaly Partsyukov and Olga Tobleruts.

In addition to the financial purpose of the auction, its organizers are confident that holding such a large-scale event will draw public attention to people who are credited with mental disorders. As lots will be presented any works of art that will provide exhibitors.

Museum-based training events

MMOMA is a truly unique art project of the country, which for a short time of its existence has become popular among young people. Nowadays, the world of art is undergoing significant losses, because computer technology has replaced real painting, theater and even music. However, for people who are not ready to give up the beautiful in this life and who want to adjust their work to the realities of the modern world, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art is always open. Responses of visitors and exhibitors delight in its scope in many respects thanks to the Free Workshops training program opened on the basis of MMOMA. These are one-year classes for people with extraordinary thinking, as well as a desire to develop in the field of contemporary art. At the end of their studies, all participants receive diplomas.

Taking care of children

Describing MMOMA, one can not do without mentioning the activities that the leadership provides for the education of aesthetic perception among the young generation.


Lectures are held for children and adolescents on topics introducing the history of the development of art, on architecture and painting. Notable is the Fantasy studio, which already 10 exists on the basis of the museum. These are informative classes for children, where the main emphasis is not on the painting itself, but on the ability to feel color and build compositions.