women's issues

Is it possible to make love during menstruation? "Pros and cons"

Is it possible to make love during menstruation? "Pros and cons"
Is it possible to make love during menstruation? "Pros and cons"

Video: Can You Have Sex During Periods? | Is Sex During Periods Safe 2024, July

Video: Can You Have Sex During Periods? | Is Sex During Periods Safe 2024, July

Nature arranged so that each representative of the weaker sex has a physiological feature, which is the process of bleeding from the vagina.


Because of this, the question: “Is it possible to make love during menstruation?” - For women is incredibly relevant.

However, it must be borne in mind that the above physiological feature is regular. Moreover, it is almost always accompanied by discomfort, and sometimes painful sensations. It would seem that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to make love during menstruation is obvious. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman during menstruation not only does not want to enter into intimacy, but also to perform any duties of housekeeping. However, among the fairer sex there are those for whom the question of whether it is possible to make love during menstruation does not really matter, since they are willing to do a lot to enjoy sex. Why is there an exception to the rule? The reason for this is that sexual sensations during the menstrual cycle are much stronger and brighter than on “normal” days, since the uterus is enlarged during this period, and orgasm during intercourse is achieved much faster. Considering the question: "Is it possible to make love during menstruation?" - It must be emphasized that uterine contractions during sex somewhat dull the pain.


It must be remembered that the risk of becoming pregnant at this moment is significantly lower compared to “standard” days. For men, the fact that a woman on the eve of her periods is excited more easily and faster will be interesting.

Some doctors say that the menstrual cycle itself is not an obstacle to having sex, and in some cases it is even useful to engage in it during this period. However, there is one significant “but” - this is the mandatory use of a condom. Partners need to understand that making love during menstruation means exposing yourself to a certain risk, since the likelihood of "becoming infected" with an infection increases many times. At the same time, this postulate is equally relevant for both men and women. Female secretions can enter the male reproductive system, which threatens with diseases of the urinary organs. At the same time, a woman is also unprotected in this respect, since her uterus without a mucous membrane is a “tasty” medium for the propagation of pathogenic bacteria.


It must be emphasized once again that not every girl will agree to have sex during menstruation, since this period is characterized by poor health, pain in the lower abdomen, and dizziness. The above symptoms should disappear after about a week, otherwise you should consult a doctor. Of course, in this period to enter into intimacy is not recommended. However, the final decision on the above issue is still yours, but remember to protect yourself!